lolterizt! Part 2

Some housekeeping first.
It’s been brought to my attention that there are “lolterrorists” pictures on the web that pre-date my first “lolterizt” post. I was not previously aware of these. If I had been, I would’ve given them links to credit them with being an inspiration. Nevertheless, I think the creators deserve a little applause for discovering a great idea on their own.
As for the ones I post, it’d be nice if you gave IMAO a little hat tip, but I’m not going to go all Disney-copyright-lawyer on your ass if you don’t.
I like ego-stroking as much as the next blogger, but it’s FAR more important to me to see murdering bastard terrorists being mocked, demeaned, and belittled as often as possible than it is to get credit for a particular picture.
So pass ’em around, spread the love, and if you make your own, don’t be shy about dropping a link to your pics in the comments. The more, the merrier.
Anyway, my current plan is to just post a small cluster every few days until I run out of pictures and get sick of Googling for new images. Not sure how long that’ll be.
Meanwhile, here’s the next round:
Oh, and that first one is a real pic of Crazy Rosie’s kid. I only added the words [hat tip to Laura of Conservative, Dreadlocked, Bitch].

Crazy Rosies daughter.jpg
iz rkt lanchr.jpg
in ur forezt.jpg
ski msk.jpg
fly iz open.jpg
which is shooty end.jpg

NOTE: If you have enough tech savvy to make lolterizt pics, but not enough to post them at your own site, you can send them to and – if they aren’t obscene (this is a PG-13 site) and don’t suck too terribly bad – I’ll post them for you. Remember to include your name so I know who to thank.


  1. It seems “Ro” has taken the picture down from her site.
    The bullets angered her IQ-deficient minions. The posts about the picture there are actually quite humorous. The sad part is I don’t think they were meant to be.

  2. That poor little girl in the top picture! If I didn’t know any better I’d say she had gay parents that hated America, and one of them had been quited for being an obnoxious bore way too often in public!

  3. I’m getting Permission Denied on the pics again — it seems to happen about 3 out of 4 times I visit the site. Is it a bandwidth issue?
    I’ve posted before, but I never (EVER!) get a response. Is this addressed in a FAQ I should have read, but have not found?
    Maybe somebody could put up a copy of these on e.g. Photobucket? I really loved the first batch…
    “Terizt no can haz bakn? I sad.”

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