Maybe They Should Shift Their Paradigm

This seems like the millionth story about crazy and violent protesters getting worked up about a G8 summit, and I just realized that the only thing I know about G8 summits is that they’re like flypaper for incoherent protesters. I have no idea what they don’t like about G8 summits. I don’t even know what a G8 summit is. What’s the ‘G’ stand for? Why are there eight of them?
Here’s what the protesters need to do. Next G8 summit, don’t protest. If no protesters turned out for a G8 summit, that would be huge news. Everyone would be like, “The only thing I know about G8 summits is that protesters protest them, but now there are no protesters! My world is turned upside down! I don’t know what to think!” Reporters would then seek out the usual protesters wondering what happened, and then they could finally get their story out… as long as a few of them learned how to string words together in coherent sentences.
Maybe one of them could explain what a G8 summit is. Is it anything like E3? Those are cool.


  1. They’re protesting the usual buffet of treats: Darfur, ACCOW, Iraq, and the scandal that some people have money and others don’t. Oddly, the protesters might have a little more if they protested a little less.
    But of course, they’re really just protesting to show each other how committed they are to The Cause. In the case of the smelly latent-lesbian hippy chicks, it’s the only way they can look like they have a brain. In the case of the male protesters, it’s to impress some smelly latent-lesbian hippy chick … or at least, it started that way, and now they’re so ashamed of not succeeding that they’re repressing and acting out.
    Just a guess.

  2. Why I’d kill you if I yargghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh1harfnargglebog, you stinking flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanamtamnationalistampnoggle!!! CAn’t you HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGLAJGLAJLGGGGGGGLNAGGGGGGG!

  3. I liked it better when it was the G7 … back then the reports were on the economics talks and not about what was happening outside.
    I mean … this is the twenty-FIRST century, isn;t it? Aren’t hippies, especially smelly & greasy ones, over already?

  4. Dirty Hippies are dirty Hippies…doesn’t matter where they are from…they need a good monkey face punchin’ and I think Fred Thompson is up to the job. How’s that Fred Thompson Blob Master thingy going for you Frank? Let us know where to write in and Mr Fred Thompson will be swarmed with messages like he has never imaged that will be so totally awesome that he will have to like say wow!!! Hey…I’m 54 years old and did every fricking drug they put in front of me in college so if you don’t like my prose…blow me man, it was 1972!!!

  5. I once threw a protest outside E3, but they took away my lightsaber…
    Posted by: HKpistole on June 7, 2007 04:07 PM
    LOL! And put it up in the closet where you can’t reach? That’s what happens when you burn your leg.
    If hundreds(?) of protesters were killed at a suicide attacked aimed at the G8 summit, would they celebrate that they got their point across?

  6. Unfortunately, none of them ever realize that there is an existing format for uniting the world under a single government:STATEHOOD.
    Of course, then they would still have the problem of no Socialism.

  7. Seriously – I thought the G8 protesters were protesting globalization. I think protesting globalism should be a good thing, and therefore hippies would avoid it like the plague. What’s wrong with this picture? Does anybody know (looking for a serious answer here folks!)

  8. It stands for Group of 8 (prominent industrialized nations). Before, it was G7 because nobody thought Russia could be prominent for anything besides vodka and old ladies with brooms. But when ex-Soviet nukes started turning up for sale, well, then it was the G8.
    When the protestors came to see us in Savannah for the 2004 G8 Summit, they were outnumbered about 20 to one by cops, and about 50 to one by t-shirt vendors. They were SO embarrassed, but having forgotten to pack a lunch, they also did appreciate the food we sent over, mostly leftover from Japanese journalists who didn’t like po’k sausage and cheese grits.

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