No, I *Didn’t* Write This Headline for the Boston Globe

Elizabeth Edwards: ‘Comfortable’ with gay marriage
Think she’s referring to her marriage with John?


  1. C’mon guys. Do you really think this is fair to say? I mean – fair to real gays?
    “…she said in an address to the Alice B. Toklas Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Democratic Club.”
    Would her marriage be considered “gay” or “transgender?”
    We all know John is a girl, but… perhaps someone who knows this stuff better can clarify for us knuckle-dragging neanderthal conservatives.

  2. If a gay male and a lesbian are married, what is that? Double-reverse gay marriage?
    I ask because that’s what’s happened here.
    E. Edwards hasn’t directly come out and said it, but she must like girls to be married to John.

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