
Since so many Senators don’t seem to understand we don’t want any talk of amnesty until the border is secure when told that in plain English — and they don’t seem to know Spanish either — how do we communicate that to them?
My main thought is to grab them by their collars and vigorously shake them.


  1. I’m partial to Bricks through their front windoows. And large lower-case “T”‘s burning on the lawn. T, for time to forget pushing for amnesty. Or time to enforce the freaking law. Or time to build the DAMNED FENCE!
    Choose your own adventure.

  2. You have to sneak the message inside the Beltway, because Senators don’t answer their phones or read their mail. You have to get the message somewhere the Senators will see it, like into the Washington Post.
    Now, it may seem hard to get a conservative message into the MSM, but it isn’t impossible. Three things sure to be covered are conspiracies, Republicans being bribed, and things that indicate that the GOP is divided. So you start a conspiracy to bribe GOP junior senators to go after the GOP senior senators with baseball bats.

  3. My US Senators are Brain-Dead Boxer and Dianne Feinstein. Neither of them understands anything. People who should know better are forever telling me that Dianne isn’t so bad. Then I ask them to name a single bill on which she voted differently from Brain-Dead. There are none, unless you count the times that Brain-Dead didn’t show up for a vote. Dick Clark or Bob Barker as Senator would be an improvement. Actually, Arnold Ziffel would be an improvement.

  4. I’ll bet they’d understand “total political abortion” in which the public throws them and their lobby(ist) buddies out into the cold, cruel Washington humidy.
    The only thing these political hoe’s understand is “goodbye” “don’t come back” ” get out” and “adios”(for the bi-lingual amongst them)
    We can replace them with buttons that don’t work. That’s how useful they are.

  5. I think all of you need to think about what you’re saying. Communication and an open sharing of ideas is a long and complex process. They need some time together, alone to discuss this issue.
    I vote for shoving them onto an ice floe!

  6. I kind of lucked out on this one. In my current home state of Colorado, Sen Allard, from Fort Collins voted no to cloture consistently. Salazar is a lost cause, so I didn’t bother. But better yet, both GOP Senators from my adopted home state of Wyoming voted no across the board. And best of all, both DEMOCRAT Senators from my birth state of Montana voted no every time. Proves that party does not always mean everything. A Montana Democrat is usually to the right of a Northeastern Republican.

  7. Yes BrendaK, they can be any kind of buttons you’d like. As a matter of fact blinky ones would be great especially if they don’t work. That would be as frustrating as having people representing you who don’t listen to you or better yet think they are so much smarter than you that they don’t need to listen to you.

  8. No No No. You have to persuade them. You start by taking Ted Kennedy and a rope (on the Capital grounds) and a tree and you assemble. Then you ask the next Senator ‘Are you in favor of Amnesty?. Rope, tree, Senator and assemble. Repeat as needed. It’s not like these are real people and it’s not as if they are irreplaceable.

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