Sexual Harrassment Must Run in the Family

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Would someone please nudge Hillary & tell her that Spielberg’s eyes are about three feet higher than where she’s looking?


  1. to be fair, she’s obviously rubbing her hands together, looking at the wallet in his breast pocket, thinking ‘you’re mine….aalllll mine!!! bwah ha ha ha….'(cue: lightning crash)

  2. Far be it from me to feel sorry for the Clintons, but gee, don’t you think there is enough with out the cheapshots?
    She might be looking at the medal hanging from his neck.

  3. Wait a minute! I thought they met in college. The girl they were dating introduced them to each other.
    So, its GOT to be the wallet thing, cause I know Stevies been a bit castrati lately, but still not quite what she’s looking for.

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