The Future of Cindy Sheehan

Recently, gold-star mother and moonbat extraordinaire Cindy Sheehan announced at Daily Kos that she was “resigning as the face of American anti-war movement” in order to spend more time with her remaining children, for whom I feel great pity.
But I imagine that knocking on the doors of relatives who refuse to answer will only take up part of her time. What else will Cindy Sheehan be doing now that her activist days are over? I have my guesses:

  • Sell “I bit the hand that fed me… Democrats really DO taste like chicken” T-shirts.
  • Tour the country promoting her “Vanilla Ice Cream Hunger Strike Diet“.
  • Get implants, marry an oil billionaire, inherit a fortune, have a baby of uncertain paternity, and die under suspicious circumstances.
No longer the poster child for the anti-war left.

 * Search for a way to further disgrace Casey’s memory that doesn’t include suicide-bombing a shopping mall while yelling “Allah Akbar!”.
* Give up attention whoring for crack whoring, replace Cartman’s mom on the cover of Crack Whore Magazine, and enjoy the best of both worlds.
* Thwart thought-controlling, corporate, fascist, war-machine by replacing tinfoil hat with light-weight, space-age graphite/titanium composite model.
* Make Home Depot a ton of money from sales of new door locks to her kids.
* Move to France, get a job in a white flag factory, and learn how to say “primates capitulards et toujours en quete de fromages”.
* Star in new Michael Moore documentary, “Wacko”.
* Buy black shirt, sweat pants, and Nikes; await Comet Hale-Bopp’s return.
* Accept Apple’s offer to play “Loony Linux Lady” in their Mac vs. PC commercials.
* Photoshop Hitler moustache onto picture of chimpanzee. Label it Bush. Giggle. Repeat.
* FINALLY have a morning free to just sit around waiting for the cable guy.
* Start ordering her martinis shaken instead of stirred.
* Marry a fat, philandering Arkansas politician and bide her time until she can take her shot at the White House.
* Save a fortune on dry-cleaning expenses, since she doesn’t have to lie on Casey’s grave for the cameras any more.
* Contact Robin Williams about her idea for a new sitcom, “Mork & Cindy”.
* Franchise-destroying appearance in latest “Girls Gone Wild” video.
* Write definitive Moonbat-English dictionary, if she can remember how to speak English.

Personally, I don’t care what she does. I just want her to fade so far from memory that eventually – when people hear the name Sheehan – they’ll only think of how Casey won his Bronze Star for Valor.


  1. Okay, originally I came to comment that this was another hilarious article by Harvey, holding up his end while Frank’s busy with moving, but I gotta ask what the F-k does “acroso”‘s post have to do with the freaking article??? Don’t you know how to stay on topic monkeyboy or are you to distracted by your latest re-run of Will&Grace to type coherently???? Dumbass.
    Great Article Harv, I look forward to picks of Sheehan with a cardboard sign on some obscure intersection that says “will Protest for food”

  2. So she’s quitting. Nice legacy to leave for Casey. If you are going to fight for something you believe in, at least finish the fight.
    Obviously she wasn’t getting enough air-time lately and decided to bag the whole thing. I can’t blame her for turning tail on this. Who does she have to look up to? The Dems lost their stomach for war years ago. I’m surprised she stuck it out as long as she did, actually.
    I’m sure those of us who fought and are still fighting would have liked to quit and go home to our families, too. But we couldn’t and we didn’t.
    (except for the “conscientious objectors” who are a bunch of cowards with s**t-stained panties).
    We didn’t quit because we believe in something bigger than ourselves and our immediate needs.
    Goodbye, Cindy. May your son finally rest in peace.

  3. You are all horribly wrong about Cindy. She is a great force for good in this world. It isn’t her fault if the RightWingNut BushCoHaliburton Smear Machine ™ succeeded in smearing her good name.
    I believe that she’s going to continue with the good fight but more in the background. Perhaps with a bloog thingy or just spreading the word as an “anonymous” commenter so that people will hear the message and not be distracted by the messenger.

  4. She’s not quiting! How can you quit a job no one gave you? You really mean that she might stop running around the globe “yanking-the-crank” of various America-loathing creeps. I folks would stop paying attention to, and start mocking these bozos (The Sheehan-esque Shrills), they might go away.
    It’s a shame she dishonors her own son. Oh well, as an American Hero he has enough in the Karma-Bank to cover for his silly Mom. She probably just got a statement for above mentioned bank, and saw she was “concientiously-objecting” to squat, and spending her kids Karma like a drunk sailor!

  5. Ok Harvey, I call “Sheehanigans!”
    You and I and the whole world knows that someone with this big of a mouth is not going to fade away quietly.
    I predict that she’ll be terrorizing PTAs and ice cream shops in the near future, and for a very long time to come to pass…

  6. I gotta agree with joe. I bet she’ll come out of “retirement” & start doing the talk show circuit as soon as she gets settled in & convinces her children -and maybe some other relatives…maybe- to allow her to attend a holiday get together now & then.
    Lets face it, she & her ilk are like a scorching case of herpes; just when you think it’s over, BAM! There they are again.

  7. I just had a scary thought, what if The View replaces Rosie w/Cindy? I for one, would pay good money to watch Elizabeth tear her a new a$$hole. Or would that be redundant??

  8. “Franchise-destroying appearance in latest “Girls Gone Wild” video.”
    Oh, God, my eyes!! AHHH!!! Oh why?!?!? Why would anyone do that to us?!?!
    “I thought she said she was posing as a centerfold for Daily Kos.”
    They really are sick there!!!
    She’s going to be Rosie’s body double in the remake of “Basic Instinct” because O’Donut’s thighs are too thick to do the leg uncrossing scene.
    I actually shuddered while reading that.

  9. Yeah, I know I broke the “leave ’em laughing” rule, but I thought it was only right to make mention of the grave Cindy pissed on to get her weepy, bloodhound-looking face in front of the cameras in the first place.

  10. Her whole jihad was underwritten by George Soros, who now realizes the best way to ensure America’s defeat is to get more Democrats elected.
    Sorry, Cindy – they’ve decided to MoveOn without you.

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