There’s No Crying in Prison

And, if you do cry, then prison doesn’t want you. No one wants a prison full of sissies.
Scooter Libby better heed that warning.


  1. You obviously don’t know much about prison, Frank. Sissies occupy a very important (albeit low) niche in the prison population, and indeed, are as welcome as a carton of smokes. It’s too bad Paris didn’t have some real time with the general population to find her true niche (located somewhere between Shaneequa’s thighs)…

  2. Think about it – If you were the warden and had to put up with her, do you think you could stand more than a couple of days? She’d have to go or I’d probably have pistol whipped her by then (using someone else gun so as not to taint my XD) and sold the video on the net.

  3. Why am I the first to point out what a PUSS GWB is for not issuing a presidential pardon for Libby 10 seconds after he was sentenced. To say nothing of NOW, 10 minutes from NOW! etc.

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