There’s Nothing Cynical at All to Her Actions

I just got this campaign e-mail from the Elizabeth Edwards, and I thought I’d share it:

Conservative such as Ann Coulter have been using many personal attacks and homophobic slurs against my husband (if that offends you, please click here to donate money). When I heard Ann Coulter was on “Hardball” I called in to confront her hate speech against my husband (to reward this courage, please click here to donate money). She then had the audacity to accuse us of trying to drum up controversy so we can use it to raise money (to reject this as a false, right-wing smear, please click here to donate money). She even accused my husband of being a sissy for sending his wife against his critics; he’s still crying from that extreme slander (to help dry his tears, click here to donate money).
Finally, Ann Coulter even said that my husband and I exploit the death of our son for political purposes. That is perhaps the worst of her personal attacks, as our sons death is a tragedy we hate to recount. I can still remember his last words: “Please click here to donate money.”
Help us fight back against these right-wing smear merchants by clicking here to donate money.
Elizabeth Edwards
P.S. Please click here to donate money.

Do you think if I’m good and pray real hard, John Edwards could be the Democratic nominee for President? That’s the sort of thing that could really help a political comedy site hit it big.


  1. I’m waiting for the video where she calls Osama Bin Laden or that little puke from Iran and tells them to stop picking on her little Johnny as well. This guy wants to be a world leader, runs his wimpy little mouth, then sends his wife out to fight his battles. This guy really does define the word “fag.”

  2. Personally, and I could be crazy here (wouldn’t be the first time), I think Ann Coulter is working for the Edwards campaign.
    I believe she is for sale to attack liberal candidates who need more attention in the media. I believe the same back room kind of deals go on with other lightning rod figures like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. If they attack a conservative, more conservatives pay attention to the one being attacked. I think the Edwards Campaign has paid a pretty penny to get Ann to attack them so viciously. It makes headlines and puts the Edwards name above Clinton and Obama on the pundit shows.
    Anyhoo, just my theory.

  3. //This guy wants to be a world leader, runs his wimpy little mouth, then sends his wife out to fight his battles. This guy really does define the word “fag.”
    Posted by: Son of Bob on June 27, 2007 01:18 PM //
    I was gonna say puy, but fag works fine too I guess. I was watching the show, and I mostly just kept wondering why he didn’t stop crying and get on the phone his own self…firking puy democrap.

  4. Isn’t this the same as having your mommy come out and yell at the mean kids picking on her little boy. That usually results in the pansy getting his @$$ kicked later.
    Hmm, I think I would donate to Edward’s if I could get video of Ann beating him up. I always like it when chicks fight each other.

  5. Anyone catch the two of them on Leno the other night? I think they cut it from the later West Coast broadcast, but there was this great footage of John Edwards making out with Ross The Intern backstage…

  6. Shame on you, Frank J! With evil doers all over trying to blow our asses up and cut our heads off you want some sissy who hides behind his wife’s skirt and cries like a school girl every time Ann Coulter says boo as POTUS just to improve your site–come to think of it–what the hell is the difference? Yea–wait–sorry–I’m voting for Fred Thompson but if he starts falling in the polls I’m going with Edwards for the “fun factor”–

  7. As someone raising a child with cancer I’m embarrased that anyone would make her condition a political asset. And, I’d like to apologize to anyone other victims for the use of this affliction to gain sympathy votes. But then again what would one expect out of this kind of Lawyer? His whole life is defined by his cheap courtroom theatrics. This is what parasites do! He has gotten notoriety, and affluence by human suffering, OTHER humans suffering. ‘Nuff said!
    Having said this, while I may also have a hard time agreeing with Ann’s Coulter’s stance sometimes, I find it rather sickening that having his wife defend him against her was cowardly in the least! What kind of creep hides behind the skirts of a cancer patient, let alone his wife? What an abject pussy! But then again, we’re dealing with Mr. “I’m a normal Joe” that feels the pain/identifies with normal Americans. This coming out of the mouth of a lawyer? Gimme a f***ing break! The shame being, that there are plenty of idiots just sucking-his-swill faster than he can shovel it! WTF is America coming to when a POS as he, has ANY credibilty? A parasite, is a parasite, is a PARASITE!!

  8. I was just at Ann’s site to see if this week’s column is posted yet, and it appears she may be getting hit with another dos attack. Typical liberal m.o. — if you can’t win the argument, resort to cheating or violence.

  9. I don’t want to make fun a woman with such a horrible form of cancer, but she tempts me SO!
    My dad had surgery yesterday for dealing with his lung cancer, so I hope people understand my wishing her no ill will.
    In fact, I want her to recover so I she can be a free target to make fun of! Mwahahaha . . .
    It’s so hilarious that the Edwards’ and other liberals’ think their opinions are worth hearing but when a someone to the right has something to say, their sooooo ebil. :-p

  10. As a North Carolina resident…please don’t remind everyone that the Breck girl is from my home state. He’s an embarrASSment and a swindler of the worst degree. Just keep telling yourself he’s from SF.

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