
Looks like an amnesty bill may be passed in the Senate soon. Hopefully no one will translate that news report into Spanish.


  1. What will you switch to? Will you go from Republican to Dumb Bastard? Being Republican is more than just a party affiliation. It’s a thought process. It’s a thought process that America is good and true freedom is found through personal, economic and religious freedom. Don’t let a few boneheads in congress drive you to insanity.

  2. I’ve been emailing my two prick Senators here in Minnesota…that worked out pretty well for me and the rest of us rubes here in the midwest! Now we will hear from little Norman during the next election that electing Al Franken will be the end of the world and my reaction is going to be…and I give a damn because? Little Norman has become uncle Teddy’s buttboy and it’s time for a brand new baby Senator from our fine state in 09 and I will be working to accomplish this! And I’m a die hard conservative who has had it with the Republican party and the RNC!

  3. Looks like our very own Republican Alzheimer case has flip/flopped and voted w/ our democratic senator in favor of amnesty…
    Now we have to find a way to replace him w/something besides a democrat…
    VA voter

  4. Will someone explain to me how granting amnesty secures our borders?
    I just don’t get it.
    Posted by: Dodsfall on June 26, 2007 05:15 PM

    Simple: without borders, there’s nothing that needs securing, kind of like eliminating crime by removing laws.

  5. We have the same problem up here in Canada our “Conservative” party supports same sex marriage,abortion,increased spending despite being elected for opposing those things.
    I have no idea why largest conservative parties in our countries abandon their base.Gays and socialists will never vote for them no matter how much the Republicans/Tories pander to them.

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