Using Their Crazy Against Them

When we are fighting an enemy who only wants to kill us because of their crazy beliefs, shouldn’t we use those crazy beliefs against them?

He wants to help us fight terrorism.

Yeah, I can see you already rolling your eyes and saying, “This isn’t going to be about grinding up Muslim terrorists and feeding them to pigs again, is it?”
Well, yes, that is what this is about, and I’m going to keep repeating it until people listen!
Yes, I know, I get called a “heartless conservative” every time I bring this up since I don’t respect other cultures and I laugh when poor people get hurt (it’s funny because they don’t have health insurance), but it’s completely ludicrous we should have respect for the beliefs of those trying to kill us. If the same beliefs they use to justify trying to kill us also have something about pigs and damnation, shouldn’t we go for it? That’s why we should make it public knowledge that any terrorists we kill will get fed to pigs.
Some are going to worry that will offend the good Muslims, but shouldn’t the good Muslims have disowned the terrorists and be demanding we feed them to pigs for dragging the good name of their faith through the mud?
Others are going to worry about the health risks of grinding up people and feeding them to pigs. The simple solution to that is to have Mexicans do it. That’s what they’re here for: to do the jobs we don’t want to do.
That last concern I can think of is that how can we be sure everyone killed on the battlefield deserves the eternal damnation or whatever they’ll get from being fed to pigs. I have a little secret about that: God doesn’t actually care if your dead body gets ate by pigs or whatever; that’s just a silly belief they made up.
If we’re serious about a war on terror, than let’s use what’s available — including their own idiotic beliefs. One of these days someone needs to read the Qu’ran and see if there’s anything else useful in there.


  1. We could turn Gitmo into a pig farm and make muslims we capture work there in the pig shit and slop, feeding their former comrades to the pigs. We don’t even need to grind them up, pigs will crush bones to eat something.

  2. Used to send my Nephew the Marine little bags of bacon bits during his two tours in Iraq. Told him to rub their bullets in the pig meat in front of the locals so that word would get out that being killed by bacon bullets would mean damnation. They mostly ate them though, I just hope its was not after rolling lead around in it first.

  3. We need to use their commie beliefs against them by taking away all their money and having them live on communes making hemp sandals and weaving blankets. Then nuke the golden gate bridge. It’s the only way they’ll know we’re serious. Oh wait, you mean the OTHER enemies. Right. Um… why can’t we just ship some hogzillas over there? If your belief is that pigs are unclean, wouldn’t a half ton boar scare the bemohammed out of you?

  4. One of these days someone needs to read the Qu’ran and see if there’s anything else useful in there.
    I don’t know that it’s really “useful”, but the Qu’ran expands the Democrats’ dating pool to 9-year-old girls. This gives them a lock on the widely-coveted paedophile vote, to go along with their lock on the illegal alien vote, dead vote, felon vote, etc.

  5. I keep telling everyone: We need a “Pet the Pig” security checkpoint at the airport. If you don’t pet the pig, you don’t get on the plane. The only ones that DON’T have to “Pet the Pig” are those flying El Al. The 4 guys with Uzis on the plane will have no problem with the terrorists.

  6. People scoff at this idea (seriously!) but those who know a thing or two about “war” in the Hobbesian sense understand a simple fact: as the crone in The 13th Warrior said, “Wars are won in the will!” A principle of warfare is to attack “centers of gravity”. But what is the center of gravity for a loosely-organized bunch of psychopathic islamic radicals? We have to look closely at their belief system. They believe that martyrdom brings them paradise, which is their key motivation. Ensuring they know that we will do something that will short-circuit the trip to 72 virgins, and deliver them to something like 72 fat homosexual maniacs, it may produce something like a positive result. It’s psywar it its most elemental.
    Of course, I’ve heard Hugh Hewitt hang up instantly on calls like this, but the concept has great merit.

  7. Too bad one of those idiots hasnt had an NDE.. then he would come back and announce that the 72 virgins is a lie and they all have tables reserved in the “smoking section.”
    But its hard to come back from the dead with all your pieces and parts in seperate ziplocs.

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