Where Did We Find These Idiots?

Apparently, a number of Republicans were trying to ram through the amnesty bill because they think that it will cause Hispanics to vote for them… because Hispanics are all criminals who hate the rule of law and thus approve of illegal immigration.
If in the future those Republicans want to pander to Hispanics in an insulting way, why don’t they instead walk through Hispanic neighborhoods handing out free tortillas and sombreros. It will be cheaper and probably less disastrous for the country.
BTW, Allahpundit has put up the celebratory video of a humping robot since cloture failed so spectacularly.


  1. Ok homos! It’s time to put up or shut up! Here is the hit list! These Senators MUST be replaced whenever they stand for re-election! Do we have the stones and fortitude to do it? Specter, Snowe, McCain, Lugar, Lott, Gregg, Grahm, Craig, Kyl, Hagel — all voted to keep the Amnesty bill alive–

  2. Well it seems that Norm Coleman answered my “WTF you a$$hole??” email satisfactorily. Now I’m off to Amy Klobaucher’s site to email “HA HA!! LOSER, YOU LOST, YOU SUCK!” UssJimmyCarter, wanna come to Canterbury on July 4 with the other 100.3 Ktlkers? We can laugh at Klobaucher together.

  3. Here’s why Republicans are wasting their time: The vast majority of these illegal aliens grew up eating chicken shit off a dirt floor, and as long as Democrats offer them amnesty and FREE RANGE chicken shit to eat off their dirt floor they’re going to vote Democrat…

  4. I sent Lugar a nice little note letting him know that if he doesn’t stop voting pro-amnesty, I’d vote for a communist before I’d vote for him again, and that I’d do anything I could to make sure he is never reelected. I somehow don’t think he cares.

  5. I’ll be by the overhang where they bring the horses our on the track wearing my CHOMPS shirt. Even smallfolk like me that “don’t know better about amnesty” get to hang out at the sport of kings now days 😉
    If you listen to the sound bites on 100.3 today, dude those senators who voted for the amnesty are PISSED. I say we stay on guard for the bloody coup that the libtards and rinos might be gearing their uneducated up for…if they can stop smoking that hemp for a while anyway.

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