Why Liberal Talk Radio Doesn’t Work and Where the Fairness Doctrine Will Take Us

Liberals control the news, movies, TV, and even have a majority of the blogosphere traffic, and yet all of that is offset by a few loudmouths on the radio? Shouldn’t that tell them exactly how crappy their ideas are?

A liberal Rush Limbaugh? Isn’t that like an armless Michael Jordan?

Still the liberals persist, thinking that if they can just get into talk radio, then Americans will finally accept their ideas instead of laughing in their dumb monkey faces. So they’re trying to reintroduce the Fairness Doctrine to force liberal radio onto the public (other than just NPR).
Even if they pass the bill, though, it’s not going to work. It’s not some magic conspiracy that keep liberals from being successful in talk radio; it’s that liberal ideas just don’t work in that format. Where liberals usually dominate in the media they never put out their ideas in a frank manner; they subtly put them into how they cover the news or into a movie plot — the only way such idiocy is even slightly palatable to the general populace. They way liberals talk about politics is all about concealing what they actually think: “I support the troops by wanting to bring them home,” “everyone should pay their fair share in taxes,” “I’m not saying there is a conspiracy; I’m just asking questions,” etc. They’re whole method to debating abortion is to yell “choose” and “choice” over and over until you’d think they were arguing against people who wanted to limit Baskin-Robbin’s 31 flavors to just vanilla.
That won’t work for talk radio. There, you have people very clearly saying what they believe: kill terrorists, cut taxes, build a fence, etc. Ever heard liberal ideas stated so starkly? It rarely happens outside of a university because here is what it would sound like: “I hate America! It is the greatest danger for the world! Conservative should not be allowed freedom of speech because their ideas damage democracy! The government and particularly me should be able to control all of everyone’s money! Everyone in the military is a brainwashed killer idiot and they should not be allowed to vote! They should not even exist! People who disagree with any of this should be given special reeducation until they are enlightened!”
Even liberals are scared by their own ideas when stated in a clear manner. So, liberal talk radio will either be people saying the usual useless blather concealing their ideas which will be boring or it will actually have people speaking like complete lunatics and scaring everyone away.
Then liberals will finally realize that the American people hate their ideas. And what will be next for the Fairness Doctrine?

They’re going to put LSD in the water.
Don’t fool yourselves; it will happen. Liberals will say it will be to help open American minds to their enlightened way of thinking, and their ideas will finally make sense to us while we think spiders are crawling under our skin.
If the Fairness Doctrine is passed, there will eventually be hallucinogens in the water, because liberals won’t stop until everyone accepts their idiocy or are dead. Mark my words.


  1. Apparently, like a dock eating its own vomit, the Libtards refuse to learn the lessons of Air America. And, of course, the Rebulicons who talk radio has embarrassed by exposing their hypocrisy and double-speak.
    Perhaps the LSD will help us to tone down the desire to disembowel these retards, and just take them out fast and clean. Like the Honorable Ronin we are.

  2. Let them pass it again-with one new addition:
    Include Print Media and Movies
    Can’t you see the Lefties gagging over having to make a movie celebrating Conservative Values, or watch the editors of the New York Slimes turn purple when opposing viewpoints are required?
    We could watch The New Republic get apoplectic and give DemoCRAPs the heartburn they have deserved for too long.

  3. Black power, white power
    That’s old hat now (FOURTEEN – OR FIGHT!)
    Youth power, youth power’s
    Where it’s at now (FOURTEEN – OR FIGHT!)
    Yeah baby, we’re gonna put everyone over 30 outta business, Max Frost style!
    You think John Edwards is the new Hal Holbrook? His wife DOES look a little like Shelley Winters…

  4. They’re going to put LSD in the water.

    Don’t fool yourselves; it will happen. Liberals will say it will be to help open American minds to their enlightened way of thinking, and their ideas will finally make sense to us while we think spiders are crawling under our skin.
    //Perhaps the LSD will help us to tone down the desire to disembowel these retards, //
    Unless we turn into REAVERS!!!!!
    I think underground talk radio will become our way to misbehave, ’cause you can’t stop the signal.

  5. I never realized that the conservative talk radio programs were forcibly censoring the progressive talking heads of America! (must be the ‘Limbaugh Cartel’)
    As useful, enjoyable, and entertaining as talk radio is, let them have their “fairness” legislation, and “alternative radio” programming.
    The free market will determine the outcome of their little “psy-ops” experiment regardless of their legislation.
    And, as long as they remain distracted by radio, (heh, which century is this?), they’ll focus their poo-flinging skills there, and stay away from “The Real Enemy of libtardedness,” the internets.

  6. Did someone say Reavers?
    Woke my muse…
    To the tune of the Firefly Theme:
    Fairness ain’t what it seems
    Doctrine’s just a lib’rals dream.
    Let them rant, I’m still free
    You can’t take my Rush from me.
    Shove Feinstein out the lock.
    Even Jayne knows Hill’s a crock.
    Right-wing talkers rule you see.
    You can’t my Rush from me.
    Franken’s lost all his sway
    He won’t see another day.
    Spike our drinks with LSD
    You can’t take my Rush from me.

  7. Talk radio is the “fairness” doctrine.
    Libs have the Main Steam Media, complete with talking heads, reporterets and lobbyists.
    We conservatives have talk radio and bloggers. I think that’s more than fair.
    Libs only favor things they can control. We let the market and consumers decide what happens. Liberty vs Censorship, it was always thus.

  8. I was referencing the 1968 cult classic “Wild In The Streets”, starring Christopher Jones, Shelley Winters, Hal Holbrook and a young Richard Pryor. In the film, a rock star manages to become president after dropping acid on Congress and having the voting age lowered to 14. He then puts everyone over 30 in LSD concentration camps.
    Years later The Ramones released a collection of groovydelic ’60s cover tunes, including the film’s “The Shape of Things To Come”.
    Having to explain all this to you rubes really takes the “fun” out of funny…

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