Will the Bill Die So the Republicans Can Live?

A cloture vote on the immigration bill wasn’t even close to passing, and John Hawkins says he’s heard from inside sources that that was the beginning of the end for the bill. If so, then maybe the Republican Party is trying to listen to Republican voters for a change.
So, the question is: What will rise from the ashes of the dead bill?
With a combination of them now trying to listening to what we say and how they seem to misinterpret our motives for opposing the bill, the Republican Party will probably propose a new bill that calls for a death squad to search out and kill anyone suspected of being Mexican. That bill will also be a disaster. I suggest that you call your Senators and tell them in clear language — as one would explain something to a two year old — that we want some sort of border security. Our preference is, strangely enough, a border that anyone can’t just run over willy nilly. Tell them that we actually love hard working immigrants of all kind and that we also like the rule of law — and that those two things actually aren’t mutually exclusive if you think long and hard about it.
It could be a long phone call. Maybe some sort of YouTube video with puppets might explain things better.
Ding dong. It’s dead.
John Hawkins has an exclusive, behind the scenes look at how the bill was killed including what in the world was going through the heads of the Republicans who supported it.


  1. It took me five minutes, a year ago, to figure out that a secure border had to be the first priority. You have to have control of a thing before you can manage it.
    Since I don’t govern the country for a living, but just as sort of a hobby, I wonder why professional people with degrees from Yale and Harvard can’t figure it out in, say, a year?

  2. I tried typing this message to my two prick senators but my fingers kept typing Dirty Mexicans and all kinds of racial stuff…I’m a bad bad person for not supporting our President on this one…and you know what? I’m ok with that because our President has been taken over by Nancy Pelosi and we just don’t know it and I’m not mad as hell and I’m not going to take…ahhhhhhhhhh…ahhhhhhhhh…..
    Ok…sorry for my outburst but I supported this prick and his “administration” during the last two elections… Thank God…Big G… That Mr. Fred Thompson is running for President of The United States! He will be able to turn things around and send the dirty Mexi…sorry…I’m a conservative and can’t help myself sometimes…

  3. I don’t think anything will happen. The current politicians & our cowboy President (aren’t cowboys supposed to hate ‘dem greasers) seem to want to create a permanent under class of workers, ala Brave New World’s Epsilons, to work for peanuts doing low level jobs like landscaping, dishwashing, etc. – forever. What happens when work for them gets scarce- recession, etc? Is Georgie Boy going to clothe & feed them when they’re out of work? Are they going to want to take what they want from those that have? Will they go home then? I doubt it. Hurry up Fred! We need you bad right now man! One word from Fred & they’ll all go home in a heart beat.

  4. I’m eating a chimichanga, rice & beans right now. How ironic.
    “Yes I’m a bill…yes I’m only a bill…that just got whacked on Capitol Hill…”
    I wonder what the 30 illegals next door are thinking about the bill. Talk about Six Degrees of Border Insecurity…

  5. God…Big G…help those A**holes if they try this again. There is absolutely NO mystery about how to solve the problem: 1.)SECURE the border; 2.)Issue a non-counterfietable ID; 3.)Send ’em all home and let the good ones back in with the card; 4.)require employers to take “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” with “GOALS AND TIMETABLES” to employ only those with the card; 5.)Kill any employer who doesn’t comply.
    Wow!..we could even make the EEOC enforce the whole system!

  6. God…Big G…help those A**holes if they try this again. There is absolutely NO mystery about how to solve the problem: 1.)SECURE the border; 2.)Issue a non-counterfietable ID; 3.)Send ’em all home and let the good ones back in with the card; 4.)require employers to take “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” with “GOALS AND TIMETABLES” to employ only those with the card; 5.)Kill any employer who doesn’t comply.
    Wow!..we could even make the EEOC enforce the whole system!

  7. God…Big G…help those A**holes if they try this again. There is absolutely NO mystery about how to solve the problem: 1.)SECURE the border; 2.)Issue a non-counterfietable ID; 3.)Send ’em all home and let the good ones back in with the card; 4.)require employers to take “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION” with “GOALS AND TIMETABLES” to employ only those with the card; 5.)Kill any employer who doesn’t comply.
    Wow!..we could even make the EEOC enforce the whole system!

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