Links of the Day

K-Lo has lifted the ban! It’s Star Trek Weekend at NRO!
Mary Katharine Ham comes out as an omnivore.


  1. Star Trek is gay. Alicia Silverstone is hot.
    THIS is what happens when you let politics cloud your judgement.
    “Oh, I won’t buy McDonalds, cause they support teh gays.”
    Screw that. I want McNuggets.
    Yes… I do see the obvious innuendo coming. You’re not clever. =P

  2. If only deer tasted like ham or beef… that would be so much better… Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got 100+ lbs of it in my freezer, but it would be on my waste if it tasted like ham or beef.
    Even better would be if it tasted like candy corns or those little candy pumpkins.

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