$10 at 10:00

Fred Thompson is really close to his $1 million for South Carolina. One of his bloggers came up with the idea that everyone give $10 at 10:00 tonight. Fred Thompson is already moving in the polls in SC (and Huck is dropping) so that he’s statistically tied for second, the media is finally talking about him, and he’s having to turn people away at events because of overcrowding, so if we keep up the momentum he can pass McCain and get a clear win. I’ll be putting $10 in (it’s an investment for my future) in about an hour (ten on the East Coast), so think of doing the same.
Click here to donate.


  1. As of 9:15 PM EST, they had $999,946. I think they’ll make a million well before 10:00 PM EST, much less 10:00 PM PST. But, that won’t stop me from chipping in my ten bucks at 10:00 PM CST. This is an investment in my daughters’ futures.

  2. I am giving $10 to a campaign for the first time in my life. My son is in air force pararescue in Afghanistan now and I cannot bear to think of any president other than Fred as commander in cheif.

  3. This is killing me. I am a Thatcherite Conservative Brit and I hate not being able to donate to the Fred ’08 campaign. He is clearly the only one to take forward a proper Conservative agenda and make lefties on both sides of the Atlantic shake their little fists in impotent rage.
    If all of you could chip in an extra buck for little old me I will stand you a beer if any of you come over to Glasgow. If not, well the thought was there.
    I may buy some Fred branded stuff from his campaign shop. That has to put a little cash into his pocket right?
    After SC I am thinking of starting a Foreigners for Fred blog simply because I am distraught to find some of my fellow right-bloggers in the UK are endorsing the fruitcake Ron Paul because of the word “Libertarian”. Tools.

  4. #5 G-d bless you and your son, Mr. Frink. I missed the 10PM target last night, but will make a(nother) donation this AM…
    #12 …also keeping our Glaswegian friend in mind. As far as foreign citizens buying campaign merchandise goes, that’s a really interesting legal question- the campaign certainly gets a cut. I suppose if anyone asks you questions, just tell them that your either a buddhist monk or a officer in the PRC’s armed forces. That seems to work.
    But for now, I’ll throw in an extra $10 on your behalf.

  5. I’m With Fred! The next 8 years of the Thompson Administration shall be awesome as Fred destroys the evil doers at home and abroad! On his first day in office he will order each member of congress to line up outside the oval office…then each will be summarily punched just to set the tone for the next 8 years…

  6. I missed last night as well. I see his tank is already full. Hopefully my $10 can buy Fred some boiled peanuts at his next gas stop! My wife and I mailed our absentee ballots yesterday! 2 more votes for Fred on the west coast of Florida!

  7. Voted for Fred! yesterday in FL as well, and proudly wore my little sticker all day until my doctor of all people tried to start a political debate with me. That sort of thing just wants to make me donate more money, though I’m getting kinda close to the limit.

  8. #18 Dr tried to start a political debate.
    GET A NEW DOCTOR, your current one is obviously not smart enough to reach logical conclusions. Are you willing to risk that when it comes to diagnosing any ailments ou may have?

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