Ronin Profile: Sean G

Sean G

Let’s meet some more IMAO readers. Today, it’s Sean G.

What’s the story behind your name? Well, once upon a time I went by the amazingly cool moniker of nuclearboy. This was nod to my profession, and was, apparently, before I discovered women. As an older, more socially functional adult, it hardly seemed appropriate to be called that if I ever wanted to be taken seriously. (Mr. Interviewer–“let me see, your email is… we’ll be in touch.”)
Where do you live? I’ve just moved to New Brighton, Pennsylvania. I didn’t really know what a commonwealth was, until I came here to the Keystone State–er, Commonwealth. I learned it meant that if you had any wealth, they took it away, and taxes are what we all have in common.
My best observations place the final resting place of my money in either the 6 guys standing around watching one guy fix a pot hole or in the back pockets of the socialist academia that are always hurting my kids’ education by being on strike. You know, maybe its better if he doesn’t learn curricula taught by pinko-commies.
How old are you? I was born the day that Pioneer 10 sent back the first close-up views of Jupiter.
Tell us briefly about yourself. Starting life in the frozen tundra of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I managed to grow up not sounding particularly Canadian, unless I get particularly excited, or spend too much time at home. Tired of shoveling snow, I decided the best way out of the global-warming-needing northland was to join the navy. That, and I didn’t want to work at a gas station the rest of my life.
Not content with the secret of fire, I spent 12 years 8 months and 16 days in the Silent Service of the world’s finest navy, creating heat by splitting atoms. A feat just now being achieved by the savages in Iran, despite the fact that the how-to has been in your local library since at least the 40’s. Perhaps they should consider that Allah just wants them to stay in the stone age.
Anyhow, having seen enough of the world to decide that there is no place better than the US of A, and for that matter, most places could be improved by several weeks of intense carpet bombing (hear that Frenchies?), I had not determined what I wanted to be when I grew up. However, I had eliminated submarine sailor from the list, and moved into civilian life.
A fortune 500 company now pays me to split their atoms here in Pennsylvania. My spare time is spent fixing up a 150 year old house, blogging, hunting, fishing, and making sure my son grows up to be a good American.
I still ended up shoveling snow.
How long have you been reading IMAO? Since shortly after Nuke The Moon. My Dad sent a link to it, and I’ve been reading since.
What’s your favorite IMAO post? Definitely a tie between the post that got me reading IMAO: Nuke The Moon, and the more recent, but hilarious lolterizt!
If you were to describe IMAO in three words, what would those be? Ineluctable Perspicacious Persiflage
What’s your favorite political issue? Federalism, and the return to Constitutional governance. Our Founding Fathers, if they were around today, would be trying to lead a revolt.
Do you have a website? If so, please tell us briefly about it. If you kindly direct your browsers to you will find a right of center oasis in the desert that is the internet. We (My Dad, a friend from work and I) started the blog last September and have been having a blast with it. We are pro-Thompson, pro-America (but I repeat myself), pro-Hippie Punchin’, and we like guns. Oh, and did I mention that we are against Monkeys? Particularly human-ape hybrids. No Humanzees!
Say something nice about Democrats. They almost always blink when hit in the head by a hammer.

If you commented in the last post asking for entrants, you’re still in the running. Thanks to everyone who has participated thus far; just because you may not think you’re interesting doesn’t mean we won’t enjoy your story.

Liberal Fascism Is Huge!

Jonah Goldberg’s new book, Liberal Fascism, is now number one on (which says it only has one copy left!). Maybe it was worth the excessive wait. He still needs to send me a copy, though, so I can pretend to read it and give it a favorable review.
Anyway, John Hawkins has an interview with him. I should do one of those again someday…

Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards always brings a supply of fresh, transfusable blood on the campaign trail, because he knows that no one ever plans on getting a paper cut.

Huckabee Is After IMAO!

Seen this quote from Huckabee?

I personally wish that all of this was outlawed. I think that every candidates should speak for themselves, and that every thing that involves the candidate’s name or another candidate’s name should be authorized and approved by that candidate, otherwise it shouldn’t be spoken….

Basically, he wants to make Fred Thompson Facts illegal. Usually IMAO stays away from controversial issues, but we’d like to state clearly now that we are against being made illegal.

Hillary Needs Help Naming Things

Responding to Tyra Banks’s query regarding what Clinton’s husband would be called if she won, Hillary made the following asinine comment:

“OW!… Thinking is HARD!”

“[W]e need to do a nationwide contest for a name[…] Like a reality show[…] This is good, because think about it; here are some of the things that have been suggested like First Mate. His Scottish friends say ‘First Laddie,’ but we need ideas.”

Oh yeah… I’ve got some names…

  • First Rapist
  • First Philanderer
  • First Perjurer
  • First Flab-ass
  • First Fellatiatee
  • Second Impeached

In addition to solving that little moniker mystery, it also seems that she could’ve done better naming her airplane. Joking around with the fawning, brown-nosed members of the MSM press corps, she referred to her new ride as “Hill Force One”.
How drab.
Surely there are more appropriate sobriquets for her superflously luxurious transportational accomodations:

Or… and this is just wishful thinking on my part… “American Pie“.

Parody of an Over-Zealous Supporter Was Eighty Miles Back; They’re Well Beyond That

I’ve noticed we’ve had a bit more Ronulans lately in the comments, and they’ve inexplicably seemed to have gotten even dumber to the point of basically shouting, “Ron Paul rulezzz!!! All others suxxors!!!” over and over no matter what is the post’s subject. I’m tempted to think these are just people pretending to be Ron Paul supporters so as to (further) defame them, but how exactly can you tell someone pretending to be a social leper with the IQ of 60 from an actual sub-moronic, neo-Nazi Ron Paul supporter?

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

New Fred Thompson slogan: “Come with me if you want to live.”