Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards doesn’t understand why people complain about getting wonderful, wonderful wedgies.

Thought For The Day

“Loophole”- a tiny slice of freedom that the government accidentally missed taking away on the first try.

Daily Fred Thompson Fact

The NEA refuses to endorse Fred Thompson in part because he keeps bragging about his gun that’s so powerful “it shoots through schools.”

Huckabee – The (De)Motivational Poster Contest

GOP and College wants you to caption this picture of Mike Huckabee in the Despair.com de-motivational poster style.
His example:
“RHINO – Not just a big gray animal.”
Doesn’t that just suck?
You can do better. Go visit the contest post and leave a better one in his comments.
Contest ends Wednesday, January 23rd, so get a move on.