Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Fred Thompson thought amnesty for illegal immigrants meant that if they leave now, he’ll forget it ever happened. He’s against amnesty.


  1. When Fred Thompson is POTUS, this is what Amnesty shall mean…except he will not forget politicians that want to grant Amnesty…he shall impose Waterboarding on each of these pricks!

  2. “Which state is Thompson going to win first to kick off this amazing comeback dream of yours?”
    Posted by #2
    Substitute “Thompson” with “Paul”, and your comment will make much more sense.

  3. Dont feed the Troll
    Awwwww. I happen to like picking on Ronulans.
    And I’m sure they are. Somehow Fred! “has no chance”, but Paul will suddenly be taken seriously by everyone who’s not a racist anti-Semite isolationist nuttywaffle? I thought I left out the correct exit when I went to Disneyworld with my baby cousin back in ’98…

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