Daily Fred Thompson Fact

Not voting for Fred Thompson can cause your penis to fall off.

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  1. Reality will probably hit hard for Fred fans today. He is likely to finish third or fourth in a much needed southern state. The sad reality about this is that it means Fred won’t beat the freakish lying preacher from Arkansas -> the dreaded Huckaloon.

  2. Frank, time for a “Ron Paul” filter.
    #22 – Posted by: Jimmy on January 19, 2008 04:03 PM
    and I agree, filter the “bots” out, they are tiresome, not humorous.
    to the Ron Paulites:
    it’s a good idea not to sign your posts, I wouldn’t want anyone to know who I was,either, if I was a paulbot.

  3. and I agree, filter the “bots” out, they are tiresome, not humorous.
    not as tiresome as stoopid fred blogs. fred is the biggest joke eva in American politics. nexx Reagan? rite… have u eva seen such bad campaigning or such a lamo candidate. no nodobody neva eva has till fred show up.

  4. #16 Jimmy-
    It depends on how you look at it:
    For one, that might not be much of an issue considering that there can’t possibly be that many women within the RP sausage party to begin with. And two, even if there are, they’ve gotta be some serious Broadzillas who don’t have much else to lose; if they’ve aligned themselves with RP’s band of Li’l Smokies, they’ve already lost it.

  5. I am very pleased to announce that I voted today for Fred, and as of 2032 hours on 19 January, 2008, my penis is still attached.
    Also, I am not even sure Ron Paul’s name was even on my ballot. There was an apparent mechanical problem with the machines and we had to use paper ballots.
    Mine was hand written in a pretty, lime green marker and I just don’t recall seeing Paul’s name on there.

  6. I am pleased to announce that Fred Thompson sucks and that Fred has sucked from the day he entered the race. We all hope Fred stays in the raise so he can continue his string of sucky and extremely laughable performances. Please keep the Fred clown in the race. He’s hilarious!

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