Daily Fred Thompson Fact

The NEA refuses to endorse Fred Thompson in part because he keeps bragging about his gun that’s so powerful “it shoots through schools.”


  1. I have just one thing to say regarding yesterday’s primary in South Carolina:
    Thanks a lot you pack of inbred mouth breathing morons! Why don’t you stick to mainlining tobacco and barbecue sauce and leave politics to the grownups??

  2. I will drag myself through twelve feet of snow, uphills, both ways, and vote
    for Mickey F***ing mouse before I vote for Huckleberry, Romney, McCain,
    or Guliani. When Fred drops out, I will drop out of the GOP. I will NOT vote
    for a democrat, no matter how much lipstick you put on this pig.
    While I will likely not have to drag myself through any snow, I will write in,
    “Mickey F***ing Mouse”.

  3. I already have my solution. I’m writing in Fred’s name in November if he isn’t on the ballot.
    Now here’s a thought…
    McAmnesty is the nominee. He needs someone with real conservative credentials. Fred is a friend of McCain so he asks him to be his VP.
    They crush the Iceberg in the general. 10 minutes after McCain and Thompson are sworn in, McCain has a stroke and dies. Fred is now the president of the U.S. He appoint Duncan Hunter for the VP slot.
    We win!! 🙂

  4. Fred Thompson and IMAO readers are huge losers! You lost you freaking idiots. You all suck! I am so laughing so hard that your stupid candidate lost. HA HA HA! Jokes on you. You suck. HA HA HA. Suck on George Bush you losers. Suck hard!

  5. Love ya, Frank, and thanks for being part of the reason I became such a FredHead, but I think the jig is up. I’m thinking of supporting McCain now. It’s going to take a day or two to work up the strength to take down the Fred stuff at my blog, but it sure looks like it’s time to do it.
    As for McCain, the dude has guts and integrity. His disagreements with the conservative establishment actually make me more likely to vote for him, not less.
    If you want to see my reasons, they’re over at my blog.

  6. #8 – Posted by: WAL on January 20, 2008 11:02 AM
    How about working with Russ Feingold to create the bill that would destroy first ammendment rights and working with Ted Kennedy to create a bill that would give amnesty to illegals and then trying to shove said bill down the American people’s throats. I’m not about to forget the past.

  7. My previous wav from Andy at SondraK
    “Fred Thompson and IMAO readers are huge losers!
    You lost you freaking idiots. You all suck!
    I am so laughing so hard that your stupid candidate
    lost. HA HA HA! Jokes on you. You suck. HA HA HA.
    Suck on George Bush you losers. Suck hard!”
    Yes, his Filth Olberman sez Fred is boring.
    What the KKK(demon-rats) sewer rats will
    find exiting is when their Hussein Obamarama
    will legislate the death penalty for
    bad mouthing their beloved Islam.

  8. Said by MarkoMancuso –
    “I cannot support John McCain. It would go against everything my father taught me.”
    Yeah, but isn’t it time to stop doing what your inbred, toothless redneck of a daddy says?

  9. #9 – Posted by: MarkoMancuso on January 20, 2008 11:17 AM
    McCain is not the guy I want to win it. I also have no interest in bailing on Thompson as long as he’s in the race. (fair warning, though, they’ve been friends since their time in the Senate and there’s a decent chance he could endorse him)
    The issue that I have is that with all the other people in the race, I can’t work up any particular hatred towards McCain. Is there really a reason to think Giuliani is more conservative than McCain? Romney? Huckabee? (And no I will never vote for Ron Paul under any circumstances whatsoever.)
    The difference is instead of keeping his mouth shut, McCain will say stuff and do stuff to piss you off, but when it comes time to vote . . . okay, he’ll do stuff to piss you off there too, but he actually does make efforts to attack pork, he’s been a reliable vote on abortion, outside of the torture issue he’s been reliable on the war and foreign policy, he has a decent record on stuff like affirmative action, a decent record on trying to reform education — I just never understood why with guys like Hagel and Chafee in the Senate (people who are the spitting image of Republicans-in-Name-Only) everybody always reserved their hatred for McCain.
    Beyond that, though, he’s the one guy on our roster that beats Hillary Clinton and Obama in head-to-head polling. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/president/national.html

  10. This is the funniest election eva!!! Everyone I know is in complete hysterics because Fred Thompson lost. He was the “only conservative” F**king hilarious!!!! HA HA HA. The rite wingaz are so unhappy it is just the greatest thing eva!!!!!!
    The GOP freaking rulez! Politics rool!! USA rools!! This election is riot!!! Can’t get enough. Pass the popcorn!! I luv America! Go vote go! Laugh vote go. Vote laugh fun! Fred laugh vote! HA HA!

  11. The rite wingaz are so unhappy it is just the greatest thing eva!!!!!!
    Damnit, I want to make fun of them, but it’s just so pathetic. It’s like a yapping Chihuahua nipping at your heels. Or some French guy standing on top of a castle telling you he’ll “fart in your general direction.”
    He’s doing the best he can to work you up, but you just can’t help staring at them, dumbfounded, wondering what Professor Science has done to their brain.

  12. Fred is running interferance for McCain to splt the conservative vote. He has no money and yet does not seen concerned about debt. I believe he will drop after causing enough damage to the GOP to get one of the quasi-Dems, McCain or Rudy, nominated and they will then help pay off his debts.
    I will not vote for McCain but not supporting the GOP is simply giving the Republic overe to pure evil.
    Time to load more magazines and stock pile food & water. Also, get ready for filling sand bags.
    Oh, make list of leading Liberals in area for future action.
    Hell is coming.

  13. #11 – Posted by: Sanjayrupta Pravati on January 20, 2008 11:42 AM
    So people who respect honesty in their representatives and don’t like it when their representatives lie to them are “inbred, toothless rednecks”? Well I guess its fine time to go git my sister pregnant! I’m definitely going to vote for McCain now!

  14. #12 – Posted by: WAL on January 20, 2008 11:45 AM
    I don’t hate McCain. I don’t respect him outside of his service in Vietnam. I’d vote for him before I’d vote for a dem but I’d be holding my nose. I can’t support McCain after last summer.

  15. im so happy that rite wingaz r sad
    the most conservative peep lose
    and im so glad
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done
    im so happy no peeps voting for fred
    it such a joyous thing
    so much joy in my head
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done
    u rite wingaz totally suck
    fred run the race
    fbut no one gave a phuck
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done

  16. Inner city education + AOL + Rosie Perez =
    “This is the funniest election eva!!! Everyone I know is in complete hysterics because Fred Thompson lost. He was the “only conservative” F**king hilarious!!!! HA HA HA. The rite wingaz are so unhappy it is just the greatest thing eva!!!!!!
    … words …”

  17. Fascinating article here. Gotta love politics. Huckabee destroyed Fred’s chances in ’08. Freaking hilarious. So interesting. Damn. Politics are so cool. Huckabee just totally took Fred out. WOW.
    “Mike Huckabee didn’t just crash that party, he destroyed (it),” Jennings said. “He has absolutely devastated that strategy. And it’s hard to recover so late in a contest when your strategy has been upended in the way that Fred Thompson’s has. … Huckabee has absolutely destroyed Thompson’s only real path to the nomination.”

  18. #12, I agree with some of what you say.
    However, I think that HTH polling on RCP only really reflects name recognition. People who aren’t partisans (and will ultimately decide this election) don’t know much about Huckabee or Romney, and they do know a lot about McCain and Hillary. I think if Romney or Huck became better known, they would poll just as well.
    Also, McCain isn’t a better candidate than he was in 2000. He has gotten far less votes in NH, MI and SC than he received in 2000. The only difference is that instead of facing a very strong candidate, the opposition to him is split four ways.
    Now, watch this week, as you see Rush, Hannity, and a lot of the GOP establishment suddenly rally around Romney, their last chance to derail the Double Talk Express.

  19. Joe: overall, I think your comments are correct. However, regarding Romney, I disagree. I think, for the most part, conservative commentators have basically been rallying around Romney and/or Fred since the beginning. Except Hannity.
    To be honest, I like Hannity, but he doesn’t seem to have the stones to say what needs to be said regarding the candidates. Rush, though he won’t support a single candidate yet (for reasons I agree with) has basically gone for Mitt and Fred, suggesting that both are good for the conservative base and either would be acceptable, versus pretty much any of the others. Same with Levin and some of the others. I expect the rhetoric will be kicked up a bit now, but I wouldn’t consider it a “sudden rally.”

  20. The NEA refuses to endorse Fred Thompson in part because he keeps bragging about his gun that’s so powerful “it shoots through schools.”

    What a bunch of fargin bastages!
    Miserable cork-sucking iceholes!

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