Daily Fred Thompson Fact

If you’re dumb enough to not vote for Fred Thompson, Fred Thompson doesn’t want your moronic vote.


  1. The inevitable commentary from the Paul and Huck supporters will serve to prove one thing (as their commentary on previous posts has already done so very well): Thompson’s campaign “mistake” is in treating the voters like adults. Clearly, many of them can’t handle it.

  2. Actually, it would have been nice if Fred actually worked for my vote, which I was pretty willing to give him early on.
    Now the guy’s not even going to Florida. The plug’s going to get pulled pretty soon.

  3. Joe — as far as I’ve seen, you’ve been against Fred from pretty much the beginning — so let’s not be so disingenuous as to pretent Thompson could have had your vote “if only.”
    Or were you actually dumb enough to let the news networks tell you Fred was lazy, just because he never came out and shook your hand personally?
    I don’t think you were. You have enjoyed the distinction of having been one of the few supporters of non-Fred candidates to grace this site who actually speaks like a grown-up. Let’s not ruin that by playing “make-believe” about your voting preferences.

  4. #7- I only started posting about a month ago, but I’ve been following this site since Jonah Goldberg made me aware of it with the FredFacts file. Up to this point, I’ve only been “lurking”.
    What got me to speak up is a lot of the vitorol against Gov. Huckabee, who I think is a good man, and Sen. McCain, whom I disagree with on many issues but doesn’t deserve some of the abuse he takes here.
    Fred’s campaign has been a comedy of errors. He was supposed to announce in June, but didn’t until September. He went through staff very quickly, and let’s not forget the fiasco with the drug dealer he had as an advisor. (I spent a lot of time on other boards sticking up for him on that one.)
    Both Thompson and Huckabee are finding out you really can’t do this on the fly. You have to carefully plan and build an organization, which is why the only viable candidates at this point are Romney and McCain, who despite a lot of misgivings I think a lot of people have about them, have the support to continue until Super Tuesday and beyond.
    #8- Gee, maybe because on Security and Social Issues, I agree with him. Economically, I’m not to much in disagreement with him, other than our party’s bizarre devotion to wealthy who are flocking to Democrats right now.

  5. Fred is lazy. Probably the worst campaign ever run in the history of our great country. Fred was so stupid he actually waited for the momentum over him to die down before he entered the race.
    Fred liked to talk about how he has never lost an election. Well he sure has now. He has became a massive joke after this campaign. What a loser. Fred sucks. Anyone who still supports such a loserish candidate also sucks. The people not voting for a dumb lazy loser like Fred are the smart ones. Americans deserve a president who actually tries and doesn’t think people should just give him their votes like Fred seems to think. Fred actually believed all the hype surrounding him and didn’t think there would be any hard work. He thought he would just enter the race and win – shows what a gullible person he is. We should all be grateful this loser didn’t win.
    Could Fred get a round of applause please?

  6. And, with the exception of Joe — with whom I disagree sharply on Thompson getting into the race late, by the way (“supposed to,” hell. The others got in early) — the rest of you idiots just keep right on making my earlier point for me.

  7. 15# – You know, the problem is that the whole process got escalated. Everyone moved their primaries up, because they realize that it isn’t the size of your delegation, it’s how much of a splash you can make.
    But my point is that Fred delayed his entry until September, by which time, a lot of key people just got tired of waiting and committed to other candidates.
    Fortunately, because Guiliani screwed the pooch even bigger than Fred did, his demise will be the story of this campaign.

  8. Sorry, but I see the GOP in total having little chance this year. Likely they wan’t even have enough to filibuster. As a 60s era conservative, I can wander the wilderness again for awhile; I’ve done it before and know the libs this time will get us out of the wilderness much quicker this time.

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