Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact

john edwards fabulous.jpgJohn Edwards is jealous of Jane Fonda’s career for many reasons, but mostly because it included John Edwards’s lifelong dream of kissing Ted Turner’s tickly little moustache.


  1. Sen. Edwards will leave the race eventually, but he wants to wants to be a king/queen (stop with the obvious jokes)-maker at the convention.
    The criteria- Who does the tongue kiss better ? Obama, or Bill ?

  2. Except it isn’t “Queen For A Day,” JB. It’s Queen for four years. And it’s likely to be the worst four years in our history – all with the full blessing of a socialist Congress, media and populous.

  3. John Edwards has been all worked up, just wishing he could turn to Ron Paul, grab him up in his arms, and…ummm, forget it, the visual is already too gross to even continue with this post.

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