Daily John Edwards Fabulous Fact – Challenge Edition

Regular contributor Chris sent me a picture, and he and I are both convinced there’s a John Edwards joke in there somewhere, but neither one of us can find it:
If you think you’ve found it, leave it in the comments.
If you haven’t found it, visit the comments and leave High Praise! for the people who you think have.

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  1. I think it describes the political culture at a whole.
    My line on my Instant Messenger is a actually “I’m tired of the the whores of the political Sodom and Gomorrah.”
    The line describes the Dems by default, but it also includes the RINOs.
    This political season is very ghey. >_>;

  2. John Edwards and his male Whorse make the decision to get married. Everything is planned and the couple intend to honeymoon in New England for a week.
    The marriage goes without a hitch and the couple set off on their honeymoon. While checking in at the B & B, the lady behind the desk asks ‘We have two suites available for you, would you like the bridal?’ Misunderstanding what the lady meant, the horse says “No thanks; I’ll just hold his ears till he gets the hang of it!”

    • My Little Porny
      #15 – Posted by: AlanABQ
      Awww…. AlanABQ wishes the little whorsey was his very own…. Isn’t that sweet.
      #22 – Posted by: 2forPaul! on January 21, 2008 06:26 PM
      AlanABQ wishes the little whorsey was his very own…
      Please. You know I could never replace you!
      #23 – Posted by: AlanABQ on January 21, 2008 06:37 PM
      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice AlanABQ, but I imagine fighting with someone as mentally handicapped as 2forPaul! so obviously is can’t be very fun or rewarding. Or maybe it can…

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