Death Wish

I just realized that my Florida concealed carry permit is signed by Commissioner Charles Bronson. Is that really the message they want to give people who are carrying lawfully?


  1. Rubeus, that’s why (at least, I imagine) Frank J. has a Florida liscense: multi-state concealed carry. I have a Utah permit myself, heckuva lot cheaper and easier to get than one from dear old Mississippi.

  2. I have the coveted Virginia concealed carry permit which, (inclding FL and one other state) has a very high rate of reciprocity. I am also a NRA Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor (certified). Unfortunatly I spend quite a bit of time in Illinois, where one has to have a “Firearms Owner Indentification Card” just to by ammo. Forget about the CCW it does not exist for non-LE personnel. There is no carry of loaded or unloaded “unsecured” firearms open or otherwise in IL.
    In regards to the signature on your FL CCW .. I think thats a damn fine message to be sent

  3. Charles (H) Bronson also personally inspects every gas pump in Florida to make sure it is not ripping you off. He then puts his personal sticker on it, just to let you know he is watching out for you.
    Mess with a gas pump, that’s a real death wish.

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