Frank Ideas for a John McCain Slogan

“I have a bill ready to make this blog illegal political speech! Now you kids be quiet and I’ll let you play with the dead terrorist skulls!”

What is it with the nitwits in the first primary states? Iowa drooled all over their shiny, evangelical prize and New Hampshire refused to vote for Fred Thompson because didn’t kiss their butts (plus, there’s no way New Hampshire could vote for a candidate the average Republican would like). Still, New Hampshire was a big win for McCain. If he is the nominee, what could be some slogans we could get behind? Here are my ideas:
“He’ll treat terrorists the same way he treats the kids who won’t stay off his lawn!”
“You hate him; he hates you; now lets kick some foreigner ass.”
“He’ll screw over terrorists even more than he screws over Republicans.”
“We could do worse. Not much worse, but worse.”
“Today’s challenges require the leadership of a cranky old bastard.”
“You think he cares what you blog? He didn’t care when the Vietnamese were torturing him.”
“If there’s one issue you need your candidate to be right about, it’s Iraq (which luckily is the only issue McCain is right about).”
“Better than waterboarding!”
Put your own ideas in the comments. Keep in mind, though, that he’s a war hero.


  1. John McCain: Manchuria’s candidate of choice.
    McCain ’08: He’s the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being you’ve ever known in your life.
    John McCain: He knows how to pass the time by playing a little solitare.

  2. I love that picture … it’s all ragey. I think Lileks said it best … something to the effect of McCain looks like a guy you could go out and have a drink with, and you’ll be having a great time, right up until the time he smashes a beer bottle and shoves it up in your face over something you said 6 years ago.

  3. If you want to live in pain, vote for crazy John McCain!
    Like a free trip to Aztlan? Then McCain is your Juan!
    Global Warming? Keating Five? Keep the comeback dream alive!
    He’s Steve Martin’s long lost twin…help this nut, he wants to win!

  4. “Victor Charlie taught me how to handle lobbyist corruption and earmarks in Warshington; every politician and lobbyist will be entitled to two earmarks, and we’ll start by nailing all of the LEFT ones to Punji stakes in the Warshington Circle.”
    Maverick2008: Leadership you can trust to tag & bag more terrorists than you can shake a stick at.

  5. McCain ’08: Because the Path to Citizenship Runs Right Through Your Backyard
    McCain ’08: Borderz!? We Don’ Need No Steenkeen’ Borderz!
    I wonder ho many different names that same troll is going to post with. I mean, if they’re not going to remain cowardly anonymous, at least they should stick to one dumb name.
    This whole Ron Roolz and Fred Droolz or McCainIsReagansLuvChild middle school stuff is kinda amusing, but c’mon now trollery… surely you can do better than that… can’t you?
    Maybe I’m expecting too much…

  6. I stand by my running joke to all & sundry that I secretly crave a Lieberman vs. McCain general election — that way, all the Democrats will be like “dude, why do you want the election to be between two Republicans?!” and all the Republicans will be like “Sir, I despise the notion of a general election between two Democrats.” Priceless. Then maybe we’ll get a run-off instead of these wacky primaries.

  7. “McCain – The Democrats Choice”
    “McCain/Kennedy 08”
    “McCain – the new Dirty Old Bastard”
    “McCain – Spanish for “Come across the border”
    “John McCain – Two Faces for One Vote”
    “John McCain/John McCain 08 – cause I can talk out both sides of my face.
    I could go on and on for this loser. He wins, Democrats win. We lose.

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