Good (?) Cop, Bad Cop



  1. Uh… well… hmm…
    I… I don’t really know what to make of this. The girl looks kinda like Shannon Doherty. Those cottage cheese logs she’s standing on aren’t exactly floatin’ my boat. And I see Willy in his PJ’s behind her.
    But the dude in the chair- is that..? Wait, it is!
    It’s Howdy-Doody, and he’s in blackface!! To think, doing that in this day & age…
    Tsk tsk. For shame!

  2. It’s times like this I pray that my roommate doesn’t suddenly decide to turn around and thereby start wondering just what kind of websites I go to.
    Thanks for sticking that at the top of the page, BTW. Now I’ll be too afraid to visit IMAO until tomorrow afternoon. I hope you’re happy, Cadet.

  3. How, utrejch4? By letting in so many Mexicans that the Clintons are smothered by the sheer volume of them? Is Mexican law more strict on the Clintons’ shenanigans, and that’s why McAmnesty wants to turn this country into the United States of Mexico?

  4. The immigrants are not as important as all the wars we are going to have to fight. McCain really knows how to laser focus on the most important issues. There is still more war and bloodshed on the horizon. We have many other wars to fight in addition to Iraq. Iran could be one plus several more. McCain is the only president who can lead us during these tough times. Vote John McCain.
    Below is an excerpt from an article where Senator John McCain tells about these upcoming wars.
    Sen. John McCain told a crowd of supporters on Sunday, “It’s a tough war we’re in. It’s not going to be over right away. There’s going to be other wars.” Offering more of his increasingly bleak “straight talk,” he repeated the claim: “I’m sorry to tell you, there’s going to be other wars. We will never surrender but there will be other wars.”
    McCain did not elaborate who the United States would be fighting. But he did warn the crowd to be ready for the ramifications of current and future battles.
    “And right now – we’re gonna have a lot of PTSD [post traumatic stress disorder] to treat, my friends,” he said. “We’re gonna have a lot of combat wounds that have to do with these terrible explosive IEDs that inflict such severe wounds. And my friends, it’s gonna be tough, we’re gonna have a lot to do.”

  5. El presidente de los medios, Juan McCain, dice: “Bienvenidos a los Estados Unidos muchachos.”
    Memo to McCain supporters: ALL the Republican candidates (except Paul) will work to win the war. This election isn’t about Iraq, it’s going to be determined on domestic policy.

  6. Aaaaarrrggggggggghhhh!!!!! My eyes!!!
    I knew I shouldn’t have checked IMAO before bed. Now I’m going to have horrible nightmares.
    I might have to go get attacked by conservatives just to get to sleep.

  7. #10 – Posted by: utrejch4 on January 27, 2008 11:38 PM
    Your first statements contradicts itself. We are at war with Mexico. Just because no one wants to face that doesn’t mean its not true. The Mexican government wants these people poring over our border, because American dollars being sent to Mexico (usually earned illegally) is their second largest industry. Thats right, Mexico has made a fortune from stolen money.
    I hope someone has half a brain to run against him in the Arizona senate primary so we don’t to hear from him again. He’s up and out 2010 or 2012… I’d have to look it up

  8. The part of the picture you can’t see is John McCain down on all fours with pants firmly at ankle height being “dominated” by Hillary. Anything to keep himself in the running for a seat at the table in her new administration…the thought of Press Secretary makes him squeal like a school girl when she smacks him on accross the ass with her fine leather “bad bad boy stick”…

  9. I’m pretty sure that John McCain’s real goal is to rip apart the Bill of Rights and invite the Dems over to gang rape each and every amendment one by one with him. He’s already started on the 1st with McCain-Feingold, and I suspect he’ll add on the ill-named “Fairness Doctrine” before he’s done with it.

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