Hillary Suggests Strengthening Civil Rights Legacy in MLK Day Remarks

Columbia, SC (AP) – At an event commemorating MLK Day, held on the steps of a statehouse in front of which the Confederate Flag still flies, Clinton spoke about King’s legacy and the need to continue the struggle to fulfill his dream.

“Now… who would like to help Obama strengthen the civil rights movement?… Yes! You, with the Glock…”

“Dr. King was a great man,” said Clinton, “and was only made greater by his death. So the obvious conclusion is African-Americans need more martyrs and white people need to do their part by shooting as many civil rights workers as possible.”
“You can tell what’s meaningful to a people by what they’re willing to die for,” observed Clinton. “And for today’s African-American community, it’s apparently obscenely-lyriced rap music. While I can appreciate that legacy, too – being the OG beeyotch ho’ that I am – these murders are usually black-on-black. This fails to leverage the white guilt that is what Dr. King’s legacy is all about. Jesse Jackson needs to step up and take a bullet if Dr. King’s work is to have any meaning.”
“And if Obama wants to prove his civil rights street cred, I think he knows what he needs to do, too.”
Her husband Bill agreed. “Listening to today’s Civil Rights leaders drone on and on about Dr. King today, I nodded off half a dozen times. If used dishwater could talk, it would sound a lot like these guys. They just suck. And everybody knows it. If they were any good, some white guy would’ve gunned ’em down YEARS ago.”
When Hillary was asked by reporters what she would die for, her answer was both evasive and enlightening:
“Whoa! Hey! Let’s not talk crazy, now! Fact is, women make crappy martyrs. Heck, it’s barely been a month, and no one even remembers that Benzidrene Bluto from Pakistan any more. No, a woman’s proper role is the grieving widow of the martyr. Really cranks up the guilt quotient. Coretta rode that one-trick pony for almost 40 years. Personally, I plan to ride it to the White House.”
After one reporter observed that she wasn’t a widow, Mrs. Clinton merely responded with a wink and the cryptic comment “It’s called SUPER Tuesday for a reason.”


  1. “Benzidrene Bluto”… Niiice.
    “Jesse Jackson needs to step up and take a bullet if Dr. King’s work is to have any meaning.”
    As a loyal vessel of white guilt, I’d like to volunteer my services in this particular scenario. Is it OK if I use a 10 gauge with sabot slugs?

  2. The peeps on dis blawg r suxxor peeps. i returnz onlee cuzz i needz to tell u 2 suk it. ok? u hearz me losaz? u posts r poopy postz. awful cosas. what wrong wiff u peeps? at least fred goez aweh foreva. he he he he he he he
    if i waz u teacha i wuld make each of u write “i will suk it and suk it hard” in u notebokz 5000 timez. he he he he he he. Alanabc wuld has 2 fill up he entirz notebokz writin “i will suk it” ova and ova. :—————D

  3. :—————D
    #2 – Posted by: Wrrrr on January 23, 2008 02:08 PM
    Is that a depiction of actual size?
    Glad I’m a white woman – no martyrdom for me. But I’m sure the cop I date would love to put his Glock to good use.

  4. #2 – Posted by: Wrrrr on January 23, 2008 02:08 PM
    if i waz u teacha i wuld make each of u write “i will suk it and suk it hard” in u notebokz 5000 timez.
    You can’t even spell! How the hell could you ever be a teacher? Now leave like you promised you would.

  5. wow. hope number two can read that cause I sure can’t. looks like that oddly prophetic situation where you give a thousand monkeys a thousand typewriters and eventually they’ll write Ron Paul policy plans.
    But I digress.
    That make me chuckle heartily, and I would gladly off my services as sniper cover for AlanABQ. Actually, I’ve been looking forward to it for years now.

  6. “At an event commemorating MLK Day, held on the steps of a statehouse in front of which the Confederate Flag still flies”
    Isn’t it nice the MSM continually tries to raise the specter of slavery while insulting The South? As far as I’m concerned, the Confederate flag should continue to fly as part of our heritage. Forget MLK. Happy Birthday General Jackson.

  7. As far as I’m concerned, The Stars and Bars should never be flown anywhere, for the mere fact that The Confederacy was an enemy of The United States – and responsible for the deaths of 600,000 Americans.
    Belief that their cause may have been noble and just, and their leaders right is irrelevant. I mean, come on, you don’t see me flying a swastika outside my home, do you?

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