
You go, girl! You’re an inspiration for every nine-year-old girl who has an undying lust for power!
I declare today “Happy Hillary Day!”


  1. I agree! I think “Obama The Magic Negro” would be a much harder opponent to defeat than “Herself”! How does a 60 year old hag who has been running for POTUS since a college hag just now “find her voice”?

  2. As much as anyone I want to see a stake driven through the political heart of the Clintons once and for all.
    But realistically we should all breathe a sigh of relief that she has made a comeback and will likely be the dimmo’s candidate.
    Obamessiah would be considerably more formidable in November. We’ll beat Hillary like she’s an Iraqi prisoner……..

  3. ussjimmycarter and Alamo: I disagree. I think Obama’s built-in base (some minorities and very young voters) are people who would never vote for a Republican anyway and are less likely to turn out on election day. Hellary would attract the same voters (though less enthusiastically) but also women of all ages and ethnic groups as well as unionists. These additional supporters would be much more likely to turn out and vote and are people that might vote Republican.
    As much as I dislike her, the thought of an Obama presidency makes me just as queasy.

    We’ll beat Hillary like she’s an Iraqi prisoner……..

    That WOULD be fun!

  4. Hillary will crush the GOP candidate. It is going to be very Awesome. She will be a great president. She will be tough like Margaret Thatcher. She won’t leave Iraq unless it is the right thing to do and she will leave Iraq carefully not just rush out of there like some of the other Democrats want. She’s not nearly as liberal as Edwards and Obama and that should make her more tolerable to at least some GOP voters. There is hatred of her out there on the right but at least those haters know she is super tough!

  5. Some song lyrics, with apologies to Jerry Jeff Walker, who wrote the tune to which they can be set:
    I like my women just a little on the hostile side:
    The ones who read the New York Times and don’t believe Anita Hill lied.
    I’m awfully tired of being free.
    I want a woman who knows what is best for me.
    I like my women just a little on the hostile side.

  6. Delighted-
    Iron Maggie would rip out Hillary’s uterus and show it to her (and Bill). Even at her age.
    Hillary is a screeching, tormented,twisted, Vince Foster- killing, control freak, Marxist lesbian. And that’s just the stuiff I got off her website.

  7. Hillary is a screeching, tormented,twisted, Vince Foster- killing, control freak, Marxist lesbian. And that’s just the stuiff I got off her website.
    Awww. You poor thing. You sure are going to be unhappy when Hillary wins. Not only that but we are going to the Senate up to 50% women by 2020. It is going to be great for our country.

  8. Your vision is quite terrifying- A Midol dependent congress full of sexually unfulfilled man-hating harpies. I am quivering.
    Of course the conservative strategy will be to simply tell them they like their hair, ask them if they’ve lost a few pounds, pat them on the ass on their way out the door to the mall, then conduct the real affairs of state.
    Childs play.

  9. Of course the conservative strategy will be to simply tell them they like their hair, ask them if they’ve lost a few pounds, pat them on the ass on their way out the door to the mall, then conduct the real affairs of state.
    Dream on loser… those days are ancient history

  10. Not only that but we are going to the Senate up to 50% women by 2020.

    Ha! That made my day. I was laughing so hard my roommate asked me what my problem was.
    On a semi-related note, this is the first femi-nazi troll I’ve seen around here. I hope we get more, cause I’ve got a bunch of feminist jokes they’d really appreciate.

  11. Hellary would attract the same voters (though less enthusiastically) but also women of all ages and ethnic groups as well as unionists.
    Actually, it looks as if she’s lost some of her base, i.e., women. Maybe it’s because Osama and Edwards are prettier, or maybe they just don’t want a megalomaniac harpy in the Oval Office. Either way you slice it, she’s slipping even among voter blocs that were, once upon a time, guaranteed. Not so much anymore.

  12. Not only that but we are going to the Senate up to 50% women by 2020.
    Note that Delighted isn’t going to be all that delighted when said 50% will be ladies just to the right of Ann Coulter. ^_^

  13. The best thing we conservatives could ask for is a ball busting, titty twisting slam fest between Obama and “Herself” leaving the country breathless and Fred Thompson ready to take office at the end of it all…

  14. Alright! More femi-nazis. And how come I didn’t make the list of male chauvinist pigs? I must not have tried hard enough. In that case…
    Q: You know what’s worse than a male chauvinist pig?
    A: A feminist who won’t shut her mouth and do what she’s told.

  15. I know you’re a froll, ISeeGayPeople, but really, your pseudo-gay-dar is busted. It’s kind of tough being a male chauvinist if you’re not male in the first place. blows kisses :-*

  16. “Hilmentum”. Isn’t that the same thing as an avalanche? A whole frigid mass gaining speed as it moves downhill…
    Personally, I’d rather be overcome by the snow than the PIAPS. On the basis of thermodynamics AND personality, snow is so much warmer.

  17. Iseegaypeople…stop watching Hillary’s campaign and you will stop seeing gay people…at least you will stop seeing large masculine lesbians as a back-drop when she is speaking…

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