House Approves Stimulus Package

The House today overwhelmingly approved the President’s economic stimulus plan. The plan calls for NASA to launch the space shuttle Atlantis, maneuver it into geostationary orbit over the Midwest, and dump $149 billion of taxpayer money into the upper atmosphere. If the plan does not result in a boost to the United States economy, the President has a reserve plan at the ready involving magic beans and fairy dust. The President has also requested, if there is enough spare room on the shuttle to allow it, that the last remaining copies of the Contract with America–particularly those portions dealing with a balanced budget–be tossed into space along with the stimulus cash.


    (From Walter of “The Big Lebowski,” one of the most brilliant pundits to ever grace the annals of history)

  2. As I have stated before if McCain is the new face of the GOP, maybe being a RINOs isn’t a bad thing. Also I cannot restate enough times Ron Paul’s admittance that he only put an R behind his name so hec ould get better exposure.

  3. McCain couldn’t find a balance budget with both hands, a sherpa, a herd of St. Bernards, mapquest, GPS, Super Dippy Dopler Radar or Google.
    Let’s get real here, the problems are (not in any specific order)
    Illegal aliens
    The Morass of Congress (dealing with everything from the war to above)
    Envormental wackos who won’t let us drill off the shores of our own country, build power plants or fund research and developement into new sources of energy.
    Price gouging and record profits by companines who outsource jobs, therefore money overseas.
    A country full to the brim with people who can’t wait to cheat each other, the government and even themselves … cause they’s so much smarter than everysbodies.
    There’s more, so much more than should be tackled here. The question you need to ask is what exactly has McCain done in the past 20+years. He has been supported by our tax dollars and what have we got for that. McCain Fiengold, McCain Kennedy, McCain Lieberman which doesn’t mean he can work with these people, it means he’s willing throw away his principles to get his name in the paper.
    In the end isn’t that what we want from our Chief Executive, our Commander in Chief, Head Honcho or for our welcome invaders from the south-El Jefe.

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