I Just Realized Something

I’m the last hope for America.
I’m going to start preparing for a campaign — I don’t know for what office exactly, but we can figure that out later — and you can all be my supporters. First thing I’ll do is put together my principled beliefs on issues (which may not be appropriate for children of all ages).
This is a great idea.
Frank J. ‘XX for Some Office
“Slogan coming soon!”

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  1. LOL!
    Scene: Frankj and and Sarahk in the middle of dinner.
    [FRANK looks off into space for second or two.]
    FORK drops to his plate.
    Frank: I just realized something . . .
    I’m the last hope for America!
    [FRANK leaves the TABLE, letting the DINNER to get cold. {It was peas, anyways.}]
    [Yeah, that’s pretty much how it happened. -Ed.]

  2. You should run for Supreme Mugwump of the Moon. Then you can unilaterally piss off China or some other country of equal douchi-ness who just so happens to have lots of firepower to respond with…of the nuclear variety…d’ya get where I’m going with this yet? :o)
    Also, you don’t actually have to live on the moon to run for the Supreme Mugwump of it—kind of like Ron Paul isn’t actually from this planet yet alone this country, but we still allow him to run for president.

  3. You no need support FrankJ for made-up office. You already able to support Cave Troll for President in 2008!
    Cave Troll not use donations to buy monkeys or “favors” from Aquaman like FrankJ! Give Cave Troll money, not give money to sea-monkey-lover FrankJ!
    Hi, me Cave Troll, and Cave Troll approves this message from Cave Troll.

  4. FrankJ:
    How about this for a slogan?
    “A vote for FrankJ means less FrankJ writing!”
    Follow this up by communicating the idea that, if elected, you will be too busy to write poor political satire or crappy science fiction.
    What do you think?
    Monkey Faced Liberal
    P.S. So it looks like you are going to support Romney after Thompson drops out this week. Now, I know your ability to delude yourself knows no bounds, but even you can see that Mitt is an empty suit who will say and promise anything to get the Republican nomination. Can’t you?
    Or all the other Republican candidates so bad that you are willing to support for President someone who has flip-flopped on practically every issue? A man who once talked about how much he supported the tough gun laws of Massachusetts? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzYTdM9b5F4&feature=related

  5. Why won’t you doody-heads vote for RON PAUL!!!!1!11!1!?
    He is the only TRUE CONSERVATIVE!
    And my conservative credentials are impeccable, so I should know!
    When RON PAUL!!!!1!11!1! gets us back on the GOLD STANDARD, I tell you the TRUTH(ER) when I say that his NEO-NAZI followers will shove GOLD BRICKS up your RINO asses!
    Hail Satan!
    (and His Earthly Servant, RON PAUL!!!1!11!1!)
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  6. Monkey Faced Liberal:

    P.S. So it looks like you are going to support Romney after Thompson drops out this week. Now, I know your ability to delude yourself knows no bounds, but even you can see that Mitt is an empty suit who will say and promise anything to get the Republican nomination. Can’t you?

    You have a point. Mitt does seem to have a little more flexibility in his positions then most of us would prefer. However, as far as I can tell, he kept the deal he made with the citizens of Massachusetts: he took various positions during his campaign, they bought into that, and he then governed the way he ran.

    Or all the other Republican candidates so bad that you are willing to support for President someone who has flip-flopped on practically every issue? A man who once talked about how much he supported the tough gun laws of Massachusetts?

    With Thompson dropping out, there are no true-blue conservatives left. McCain would be just horrible. If you think McCain-Feingold, shamnesty, gang of 14, etc. was bad, just imagine how much reaching across the aisle he would do as president. Giuliani would be better but he is still too far left on some important social issues. His redeeming quality is that instead of looking for a way to reach across the aisle and finding a way to surrender to the opposition, he is more likely to look for a chance to stick a thumb in their eye. It’s almost enough to make me want to support him. Almost.
    That leaves Romney. I think he will keep the bargain and govern the way he’s running. At least I hope so…

  7. I think a Frank J presidency would be pretty darn fantastic, since we can’t have Thompson.
    Actually, a Thompson FrankJ ticket would be pretty irresistable.
    now that that cannot be.. sobs
    I think it important to point out to Anon Y and dearest Frank the words of the wise Michael Medved.
    now that you’ve read that I’ll continue with my own thoughts…
    I know ya’ll will probly hate me for it, but McCain truly is the next best choice.
    McCain Feingold was useless and is indefensible. But look at this blog. It’s pretty much the spirit of free political speech. That worthless legislation hasn’t changed anything. It’s intentions were good though, McCain isn’t a liberal for having a bad idea.
    He has an impeccable pro life voting record. So what Suckabee says about being the only remaining candidate 100% pro life is total bullcrap.
    and McCain is by far the strongest candidate on the most important issue: The War.
    anyone who doesn’t think this is the most important issue of the election is fooling themsleves (and probably with themselves).
    I could go on, but Michael said it all.
    I respect your different opinions of McCain, but he’s NOT a rino.

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