I’ll Bet You Can Do Better

So a couple of goofballs attend a rally for Hillary and heckle her with an “Iron my shirt” sign.
Naturally I find this amusing, since I’m a sexist pig who hates power-hungry socialists, but I still think they misfired on their one shot at legendarity.
I bet IMAO readers could’ve come up with better heckle signs.
I’ll put mine in the extended entry, you put yours in the comments.

  • Skip the tears, go back to the cackle!
  • Tax me hard!
  • Support the troops – win the war!
  • Slim-Fast – for thin cankles!
  • Hillary – like Obama, but better hung!
  • It’s 10:00 – do you know where Bill is?
  • Hillary for President! Job security for IMAO!
  • Cover your cleavage!
  • Bitter over her unstained dresses!
  • Hillary planted me!


  1. You do know that the “Iron my shirt” guys were Clinton plants, right?
    *Hillary Clinton 2008: She Makes Hitler Look Meek
    *Hillary Clinton 2008: She Makes Ron Paul Look Stable
    *John Edwards 2008: He makes that “Leave Britney Alone” Guy Look Butch.
    (Sorry… just had to add it)

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