It’s Time for IMAO to Help Romney

I liked my ideas earlier to make Mitt Romney look tougher, but more needs to be done. I like how he has a one syllable nickname, but he needs something better than “Mitt.” Maybe instead he could be called “Thor.” What do you think?
Everyone chip in and help. This is the best we have to work with, people.

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  1. Reagan was known as “The Great Communicator.” I don’t know if Romney fits that bill but there are some other possibilities:
    1. He doesn’t stutter (like many of the other candidates), and his voice is strong and confident, so how about “Godly Mouth” (Zeus) ?
    2. And he doesn’t bob his head when he talks (like Fred and Rudy), so how about “He Who’s Head Doesn’t Bob” (Hercules) ?
    3. And he’s an accomplished and energetic administrator, so how about, “Mr. President” ?

  2. He could try: “Mitt the Wit” (only then he’ll have to come up with witty sayings all the time.)
    Or, just a new slogan: “Mitt’s got grit and he won’t quit!” (Pretty vanilla, but that’s Mitt!)
    Or, he could announce that he’s already chosen a dream-team for his administration.
    Vice President: Fred Thompson
    Secretary of State: John Bolton
    Attorney General: Rudy Giuliani
    Secretary of Defense: Juan McCain (the one area where he remains Conservative)
    Homeland Security: Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo
    (The ONLY reason Fred is not at the top is because he is out of the race by his own choice.)
    Who wouldn’t want that administration??

  3. Scratch Juan McCain off your list, Devil_Dog, and that would be a good team. Move Hunter to Sec. Def. Let Rudy pick H.S. This all leaves Romney to deal with a Democrat Congress – something he will excell in.

  4. How about Xenu? That way if he wins, maybe some of those Hollywood actors that keep promising to move out of the country if a Republican wins will actually live up to it. Not because of the Republican win of course, but because they’re scared Mitt will throw their Thetans into a volcano. Or something like that. :o)

  5. Devil_Dog, with that dream team, they’re sure to take the White House, one way or another (Fred has the 2X4, he might as well use it). Then Romney appoints Hillary and Barack as ambassadors to the moon. And that…. is where Frank’s grand plan comes into play.

  6. I went for Romney this morning here in Florida, partly because he’s the the best we’ve got now that Fred has dropped out, and partly, well, mostly because I’m severely pissed at McCain over immigration and they were polling close. If McCain will do an Aztec style public human sacrifice of Luis Hernandez and vow to stop illegal immigration at all costs while holding his still beating heart overhead, I might even vote for him in the general election if he gets the nomination.
    I could get behind a Mitt-Fred ticket…

  7. Jimmy: I see your point, but I figure keeping old Juan McCain in the mix will allow all those brave “mavericks” and “straight-talking independents” to save face and give us their vote.
    Plus, he would probably be pretty good at it.
    Besides, Rudy would probably be good at DHS, but there is still some lingering doubt about his bona fides on illegals. That is definitely not the case with Hunter or Tancredo.

  8. How about “WonderBread”? It doesn’t really inspire fear in the hearts of our enemies but it’s a lot more accurate.
    If Mitt were to go full-on Fred and bring a terrorist on stage, rip his spine out, and beat him to death with it, he could go with “Mr. Spiney”. Then, whenever some wimp in Europe complains about America or Americans, we could threaten to “help them get a backbone heh heh heh”.

  9. If Mitt were to go full-on Fred
    Mitt wants to do what with Fred? Are you saying they are both gay or something? They could be in the closet. It’s possible? Fred seems more like it tho than Mitt because Fred has the young wife as a possible cover. Mitt’s been devoted to the same girl since college. He has a much truer heart and is a better man than Fred is in that department.
    Vote Ron Paul!

  10. Watch tons of RON PAUL VIDEOS!! Sweetness
    OH YEAH! I Love me some Ron Paul videos!! My fav ones are where he is blasting everyone at a Fed meeting about how the dollar is going to tank and they are all laughing at him. Years later it happened just like Ron Paul said it would. Ron Paul is psychic!!

  11. This assignment would be so much easier if Mitt actually gave us one single example of toughness that we could build on. Hopefully at the next debate he’ll grab Huck and FcCain behind their heads and clang their faces together like the cymbal-player-geek in your high school band. That would really help our creativity.

  12. Keep it simple and relevant:
    Appeals to hip, black voters and keeps his Mormon roots while appealing to the ladies as it will make them wonder about what the Mo’ is referring to. And those of us in Missouri might get confused which will yield a few more votes.

  13. Or, he could announce that he’s already chosen a dream-team for his administration.
    Vice President: Fred Thompson
    Secretary of State: John Bolton
    Attorney General: Rudy Giuliani
    Secretary of Defense: Juan McCain (the one area where he remains Conservative)
    Homeland Security: Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo
    (The ONLY reason Fred is not at the top is because he is out of the race by his own choice.)
    Who wouldn’t want that administration??
    #15 – Posted by: Devil_Dog on January 29, 2008 03:51 PM
    That what I’ve been saying about Rudy and Fred, dislike for McCain kept me for considering the position but it may work. Tancredo for DHS because Duncan back *uckabee

  14. You’re overlooking the fact that the name “Mitt” IS an improvement on his name. If your first name was Willard, you’d go by “Mitt” every chance you got too. Nobody whose name remotely sounds like Willard has ever been elected President. (Millard Filmore wasn’t elected.)
    “Mitt” sounds down-home and sportsy.

  15. I hereby strongly suggest [don’t piss me off on this, now] that you cease and desist calling other candidates by my name, or any facsimile thereof, when you know in your heart that y’all are deep doo doo with me out of the race.
    These other guys don’t have half the ‘nads it’s gonna take to steer the right course for our nation. Sure, McCain will kill some terrorists, but he loves the liberal limelight too much to do the right thing down the line.
    Huckabee – don’t get me started. And Romney, y’all want a one word name for him? Spit.

  16. I hereby strongly suggest [don’t piss me off on this, now] that you cease and desist calling other candidates by my name, or any facsimile thereof, when you know in your heart that y’all are deep doo doo with me out of the race.
    Yawn, you are fat wimp. Huckabee’s wife could kick your ass. That woman hunts bears. She would knock you down fast. It’s a fact. And you are fat and out of shape. You are also now a loser in politics.

  17. #49 – Posted by: PaulKnows on January 29, 2008 06:26 PM
    Huckabee’s wife might hunt bears, but Fred hunts Elder Things… with his bear hands… at night…
    Which gives me an idea, if Romney was to win the coveted Cthulhu endorsment, that would pretty much make him seem pretty tough…

  18. Which gives me an idea, if Romney was to win the coveted Cthulhu endorsment
    Cthulhu has not left the race and therefore endorses only Cthulhu.
    Cthulhu’08 For when you are tired of voting for the LESSER evil.

  19. compugor: do you realize that if you added an “e” that you’d be compuGORE! Yikes!
    I like ROM as read-only memory. At least ROM has a memory. Gosh, I wish he hadn’t betrayed Reagan’s policies the way he did. You poke the ROM and test it for faults… and there are a few. (Sigh)

  20. #54 – Posted by: Chthulhu on January 29, 2008 07:37 PM
    Come on, you haven’t even gotten 1% of the vote, and I haven’t seen a single campaign commercial from your campaign. We know your just gunning for the a position as the Secretary of Agriculture, get it over with and endorse Romney.

  21. Well, that is that. Mitt was no Fred anyway…
    We all need to get behind John now I guess.
    Time to learn some spanish, amigos.
    Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive
    He stood six-foot-six and weighed two-forty-five
    Kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip
    Everybody knew you didn’t give no lip to Big John
    Big John
    Big John
    Big Bad John
    Big John

  22. Does it really matter?
    As long as he has an R by his name, most here will vote for him.
    Lesser of two evils, blah blah blah.
    A Mass. liberal is the savior of the Republican party? Oh well, the previous 40 years of being out of power wasn’t so bad, was it?

  23. Nope, McCain is very stoppable. The media love affair will end in a week or two and he will fall from grace as well. To quote Johnny Rotten, “ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?”
    I did #66 too, now I’ll wait for one of McCain’s three AZ supporters to show up at my door and say F.U.

  24. #78 – Posted by: Alano, El Nuevo Duque de Albuquerque! on January 29, 2008 11:27 PM
    I assume you meant Reagan inhabiting Cthulhu’s body, I haven’t read over the Elder God family tree lately, but I’m pretty sure Reagan is far more powerful than Cthulhu… he better be, I’d hate to think I wasted all those sacrificial lambs on a lesser god.

  25. Spacemonkey, Cadet has you in orbit about to hand out cash through the outer atmosphere at 17,500 mph.
    In other news, it’s rumored that Guiliani will endorse McCain&Able. I leave it to BUKERBOY to call Rudy on the phone and talk him out if it!

  26. If McCain picks Huckabee, he’s a fool. The base WILL come out to vote against Hillary or Obama. But combining an old fart with a Bible-thumper who thinks Jesus rode a Brontosaurus into Jerusalem is just begging every Independent to vote Democratic.
    If he’s determined to pick a conservative, he may as well go with Hunter and try to sew up California…maybe they can even build another few yards of fence…

  27. Shamnesty-Schmuckabee ’08 Meet-up Hayride Fundraiser
    Big meet-up hayride this weekend. All the fried squirrel you can eat! Plus some tasty chocolate bear paw if Mrs. Huckabee can catch another bear! Undocumented workers welcome to attend!
    Warning: Don’t let Mrs. Huckabee see you throwing out any chicken skin. You eat that delicious skin or she’ll smack you silly.
    Music by Mike Huckabee’s band. Hope to see y’all there!

  28. #32 – Posted by: Storm on January 29, 2008 04:57 PM
    Ron Paul is psychotic. Fixed it for you.
    Really, the next version of the DSM-IV is going to have a whole subsection on Cognitive Disorders titled “Ron Paul Syndrome”

  29. Living as I do in Indiana, I can (assuming that Evan Bayh is not the Democrap VP) vote for the zombie Reagan, Cththulhu or even the Hilbomination with the firm knowledge that my electoral college votes will go for McCain.
    I guess it is too much to ask to get to vote FOR a president rather than against the opponent.
    Cthulhu’08 it is

  30. I’d prefer Mitt “Fred For VP and I’ll Resign In February” Romney but it’s a little wordy.
    It’s not actually “Mitt” that’s the problem. That sounds like the guy who coaches Little League and will lend you his lawnmower. It’s the “Romney” that’s the problem–sounds like a depressing English marsh, or a banker. Therefore, I propose: Mitt Bloodeagle!

  31. I blame IMAO for Fred Thompson’s failure to secure the nomination. I’m certain that Fred could not have failed in anything (look at his wife) had he TRIED therefore some other factor must have influenced him. IMAO is the only thing I can think of. I suggest you throw your support behind McCain…
    Oh yeah. I said it.

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