Just Something I Noted

They called Fred Thompson lazy, but, unlike certain New York mayors, he did try campaigning in more than one state before calling it quits.


  1. I voted for Fred yesterday. I wanted to vote for a conservative and since none were running yesterday I vote for the one the dropped out instead.
    Way to Go Derek! Fred’s not in the race but at least you voted for who you believed in not just who you thought could win.
    You can come to the fun McCain-Hillary-Obama party that has now begun and will last for the next several years.

  2. am Pwnage. I did’nt have parents. Because I was self-raise I do not have a job and spend my days trolling like the jackasss I am.
    #4 – Posted by: Pwnage on January 30, 2008 11:03 AM
    Well now that we have heard from a Ron Paul supporter does anyone else have anything to add?

  3. Because I was self-raise I do not have a job and spend my days trolling like the jackasss I am.
    I have a job. I’d like to keep the middle class unlike you Bush-loving right wingers in-the-closet mofos. Look at that dollar. Look at the deficit. Look what YOU idiots have let Bush do. We are voting you out. Even the GOP peeps are voting you out. I hope it is painful. I hope it makes you very, very sad. Because you had it coming.
    Bottom-line: You peeps got pwned and it rules! The interwebs are alit with delicious fun. It’s party time!

  4. I wish Fred had stayed in til super Tuesday.
    And, I wish Rudy would not support McCain.
    Still hoping we could have a convention and choose a true conservative, but the dream is fading.
    Guess it’s time to by stock in K-Y cuz we will all be needing it for this election.

  5. “Guess it’s time to by stock in K-Y cuz we will all be needing it for this election.”
    Sam’s Club has it in convenient 30-gallon drums. Stock-up ’cause if the election turns-out as feared, we’ll be needing it for AT LEAST 4 years after the election.

  6. Yeah pwnage, Because Ron Paul has made such a huge showing. Ron Paul would have spent less money and had more to show for it if he’d just stayed home and rubbed one out. Just like most Ron Paul supporters are wont to do. All the Internet buzz and fundraising and your guy is still making a worse showing than Chlamydia. The Ron Paul Revolution is uninformed, self-absorbed digital masturbation.

  7. If you want a conservative why not rally around Huckabee? He likes all that wacko bible stuff and hates gay marriage, etc. That’s what Bush acted like the GOP was all about. Guess that’s what destroyed the GOP. Bush’s tricky tricks. Whatever happened to the GOP it sure a wondrous and hilarious event. There are going to be some huge parties this weekend! w00t!

  8. Uh, Nate? Rudy is not nice people. Rudy is an asshole whom even his own kids hate.
    That must make Rudy really sad. I feel sorry for Rudy. At least he has a friend John and he will be to give his friend John a big endorsement. Maybe John will give Rudy a big hug. That would be nice to see on tv. Everyone needs to get along.

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