Not a Good Sign

Fred Thompson has already given notice he won’t be in the Florida debate Thursday (not true; see update below). Luckily, I have Metroid for the Wii so I can spend time on that I would have spent paying attention to the election. Anyone else have that game so we can trade friend vouchers?
I forgot: My Wii friend code is 0041 6949 1856 1310
If you have Metroid for Wii, post your friend code in the comments so we can trade friend vouchers. Things won’t seem so bad if I can get a bobble head for Samus Aran’s ship.
Awesome! spacemonkey posted a link that says Fred Thompson is still in the Florida debate. Another debate with Fred Thompson in it would sure cheer me up.

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  1. Well, guess it’s back to buying guns and ammo and preparing for the worst. I had hope, but the primary voters let me down.
    Disclaimer: I don’t blame any of the readers on here. You’re all informed individuals (except for the Ronulans, that is; go play in traffic, you goat lusting bastards).

  2. #7, First, I hope that you’re the one they send to take my guns. Second, thanks for showing us all how spineless your butt-flossin, hybrid-drivin, brainwashed, gore-lovin, carbon-credit tradin’ liberals continue to be. Next time show us some nuts and sign your attempt at a thought.

  3. Looks like Huck’s gonna take Georgia. It’s not over. The crazy Huckaloon threat remains. He’s way up in the polls of many Southern states. Mitt’s got the West. Huck’s got the South. And McCain has the Northeast??
    Huckaloon is like that creature from Cloverfield except he tells bad jokes. He just keeps coming back. Run for your lives! The Huckaloon doesn’t even need Florida to remain a threat because there are so many southern states with juicy delegates available for him to eat. The GOP created this monster by never learning how to win without the South. Now the Southern crazies are gonna elect us a Huckaloon.

  4. maybe we should write in Frank J or Harvey. I’d especially like to hear Harvey’s speeches. I’m sure they would be politically correct and very sensitive. FRANKJ FOR 08 “Hippie-punchin, SUV drivin’, cigar smokin clear conservative candidate”

  5. It would be something if Fred skipped the debate of the current field of politicians, yet stayed in, then addressed the media with the fact he has already answered the questions on where he stands -and if anyone is unsure they can check his website. Letting the public be aware that the man is not power hungry or pursuing the office solely of personal benefit.
    I also hope he stays in the run diminishing Huck’s chances. The rhetoric this ego driven guy was really something after S.C. when he thumbed Fred as taking away from ‘his’ voting block. The race is still fairly early and Hucka-b has taken right to calling the shots on when votes fall under his sovereign claim.
    Rudy 4 months ago in the same situation could have said “Go back to Arkansas, little man. You know nothing about governing anything with large populations, and your 3% is wasting 10% of debate time the that the camera doesn’t show my mug

  6. #15 – Posted by: doonuts on January 21, 2008 11:08 PM
    The other option. I believe Americans would respond well to the idea of punching mentally unstable hippies.
    FRANK J: Because everyone else sucks.

  7. I’m trying to imagine how absolutely betrayed by the “Republican Party” I and other Fred Thompson supports are going to feel after tomorrow. I guess the disillusionment has been a long time in the making. Remember George Wallace? “There ain’t a dimes worth of difference between the National Republicans and the National Democrats.”

  8. #6 – Posted by: on January 21, 2008 10:37 PM
    Eh, sure why not. Though I’d prefer a neo-libertarian party its not gonna happen, and the Conservative Party hasn’t outlined its positions to my knowledge, but probably fits pretty closely with my beliefs. As long as the platform something along the lines of “Guns, Security, Liberation, and Capitalism” I’m happy.
    I’ve never cared about the GOP, it was merely the ideologically closest choice to my politics. Though I’ll wait till I see who the GOP candidate is, I’m not particularly enthusiastic about anyone, Huckabee is a no-go for me, I’d have to seriously think about whether I’d support Mccain, I could support Giuliani or Romney but I just can’t get excited about them.

  9. Aww poor widdle conservatives. What are u gonna doo now????…
    Well we’re obviously going to rally around the one true conservative and . . . wait, you mean he’s not a conservative?
    You mean his side is diametrically opposed to ours?
    no way – get outta here!
    Ur going down! And were gonna take ur gunz and ur beloved war for oil.
    Dude, I already have your oil. Why do you think you pay $3+ a gallon for gas, you think we pay that shit? Hell no, we stole a ton of oil over the last five years and have been milking you suckers dry. Now quit goofing off and get back to your job or I’ll have Dick Cheney and the rest of the CFR wipe out your ass.

  10. Still waiting for the KOS kids to zoom out of the big picture to realize that the conservative base is slowly eliminating all viable conservative candidates only to leave Ron Paul as a likely nominee, which of course will defy all logic and reason. He will then likely be erased from the party ticket so President Bush can run for another term. Dick Cheney has crunched the numbers and has had the Defense Mainframe dry running it for the last 3 years.

  11. If Thompson does confine himself to his home state (for public saftey reasons) and pulls out of the race, then I think we have to go with the “Voltron Option”.
    I am personaly willing to do whatever i can to make sure that every other primary has a new and exciting (R) candidate. First we throw our support to Duncan Hunter, then maybe even Ron Paul, and then the next primary why not (R) Mias, a 310-pound orangutan at the Denver Zoo. ( Who, by the way, is a Huge supporter of Ron.. err.. Dr. Paul. Do I hear vp asperations?)
    By the time the broke-erd convention comes around, they will have no choice but to make Thompson the head.
    cuz hell, what do we have to lose….

  12. When did we start believing “campaign Carl Cameron” around here. He swallowed the Politico smear hook line and sinker.
    It’s not just Cameron’s column. Fred’s already got defectors. Read it and weep Fredhead slime.
    What’s the big deal? Fred was a liar lobbyist Washington insider anyway. He also took money to help some pro-abortion organization. Not a conservative. See ya Fred ya freaking loser! Guess he couldn’t take get crushed by Ron Paul in the debates anymore.
    Na na na na
    na na na na
    hey hey hey
    WHOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! F**K YA! FRED’S GONE!!!!

  13. #27 .. Ron Paul for change… is the parking lot in front of the liquor store a donation spot now? Cuz if so, i aint those drunks another dime!.. jeez, I thought I was giving them my change so they could buy Thunderbird… frikin Ronulans..

  14. oh. i take back what i say above about na na na na and whatnot. Apple P’s posted link says Fred’s gramma is not well. That’s sad.
    Not nice to razz and Zing if someone’s gramma is sick. Sorry 🙁
    C’Mon! Fred’s gramma get well! C’MON!!

  15. Face it; Paul is last week’s news. Hell, not even the MSM acknowledges him anymore… and they’ve always been the oil for the squeaky wheel! Listening to RP attempt to respond in a debate; he gets squeakier as time goes on. I’m pretty sure that by the time the last debate he was in ended, only dogs could hear him… that might explain some things.
    The next time any of you see “Dr. Paul”, tell him you want the value fries with your order.

  16. Signs that Thompson is Done

    On Thompson’s Web site, the little red pickup truck icon, which had been tracking the latest contributions to the campaign, has vanished, along with the campaign’s pleas for donors to help “fill the tank.”

    The site’s links to Thompson’s South Carolina campaign schedule have not switched to Florida, the next big Republican contest before Super Tuesday on Feb. 5.

    Thank God Fred lost. He would have been a terrible president. He would have been another Dubya. This country needs change not more of the same incompetence.

  17. Frank – Haven’t picked up Metroid Prime Corruption yet. I got the old game for the gamecube and the stuff to make the Wii play Gamecube games. It works fairly well. These are the prices at Gamestop by me, so I assume they are the same down there if you can’t get enough Metroid…
    Metroid Prime – Gamecube – $6
    Metroid Prime 2 – Gamecube – $20-30?
    Gamecube wireless controller for Wii – $20
    Gamecube memory card – $25?
    Sadly, you have to use the Gamecube accessories to play Gamecube games – you can’t use the Wiimote old-style controller accessory with it or the SD memory card. Having never owned a Gamecube, this is a bit sucky since I’m buying acessories for a system I never owned. Worth it, though, for the cheap and still good games.

  18. Hey Frank. Love the site. This is my first reply. I mostly lurk on the site. I couldn’t hold back from replying to the comment thread with your Wii code 🙂
    My Wii code is 3912 5436 5977 8035, and I’d be more than happy to exchange friend vouchers. Send me an email or something. Are you planning on getting Super Smash Brothers: Brawl?
    [Eventually! -Ed.]

  19. Normally candidates wait until later to choose a VP. What if Fred defied conventional approaches and named Duncan Hunter as VP now?
    It would breathe new life into the campaign.
    Campaigning is too much of a job for one man – but together, they could do it. Hunter’s military credentials and beliefs are a perfect match for Fred.
    It would be a daring move, and one that would garner endless press coverage.
    And, what is the harm? There is little downside for either, and the potential of still getting a real conservative in the race. We have nothing to lose and the Presidency to gain.
    Please run this idea around and see if it works for you folks. If you like it, please take the time to pass it on.

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