“Now Martin Is Scoring Off Me!” *UPDATED With Response from Colmes*

I’ve always kinda liked Alan Colmes even though I disagree with him on everything and he is basically the FOX News whipping-boy liberal. I guess he just seems more reasonable sitting next to the very yelly Sean Hannity. Anyway, after the President’s State of the Union Address Monday, FOX News had a text message poll on on whether the speech was good, fair, or poor. When they had the results, Colmes announced, “And the winner is… Ron Paul!”
Now here he is on his radio show handling a Ronulan trying to claim that Ron Paul won New Hampshire (hat tip Hot Air). You don’t see that personality too much on FOX News.
And did you hear how Giuliani made fun of Ron Paul in his concession speech? You’re never so down and out that you still can’t make fun of Ron Paul and his nutty supporters.
Got an e-mail from Alan Colmes:

Hi Frank,
Thanks for all the kind comments your commenters said about me. I’m going immediately for an AIDS test.
My blog is www.liberalland.com.

See what you idgits did? You made me look bad in front of the people at FOX News. Luckily Alan Colmes seems to have a sense of humor.
Anyway, let this be a reminder that anytime you write something bad about someone on the internet, he could be reading it. So be nice… unless you’re talking about Ron Paul.


  1. Listen to most Ronulan and you’ll here he’s done in the polls because of name recognition and more people need to hear his message. Thats crap. A LOT of people have heard his message and they don’t like it.
    Just like everyone not voting for Romney, they’ve heard the message, but forget RINO. They want someone who is a down right liberal. I want to strangle every last person that voted for McCain last. They have to be Dems that registered as reps when they found hellary would get no delegates. If I can’t blame it on that then this party and nation gets what they deserve. I just wish it wasn’t my country this was happening to.

  2. I share your reluctant fondness for Alan Colmes. I’ve spoken to him on the radio a couple times and he was always pretty reasonable. And I think the fact that he sits next to the incessantly repetitive Hannity earns him some points.
    I love the way he handled that caller. Like a bullfighter.

  3. Ron Paul and his kooky, whipping-boy supporters provide the kind of entertainment that can only be afforded to us by God himself.
    What other possible explanation is there?
    It’s beyond farce, parody, and satire.
    [It’s really, really a sooper-secret conspiracy, wink wink]

  4. I find it difficult to like Colmes because he makes me think of a grasshopper every time I look at him…a grasshopper with AIDS.
    That’s not nice Joseph. Just think if you had AIDS and you were about to die and there were fifteen creepy clowns in your hospital room constantly laughing at you. There are many people with AIDS in this country – some are skinny but many others are not. They are struggling with a terrible disease. It isn’t something to go around using as a punchline. People with a disease should not also be made to feel like they are a joke. Grow up.

  5. My apologies to all the good (or even not so good) people out there with AIDS; perhaps you would feel better if I said “wasting disease?”
    Or what if I said I had AIDS? It would be a lie, but hey man, who’d know the difference?
    I don’t think I’ll rescind my comment; to do so would be to willingly bow to the political correctness that I believe runs rampant in this country as is, and I would hate myself for that much more than I would hate myself for making a (potentially) controversial comment about a certain disease.

  6. You’re never so down and out that you still can’t make fun of Ron Paul and his nutty supporters.
    It’s true. A homeless guy stumbled up to me the other day & asked if I could spare some change. I told him “Away with you, wretched beast!”, and he responded by saying “Hey! At least I’m not Don Powell!!” but I that’s OK; I knew what he meant.
    So I bought him a sammich & a 40 of Mickeys. He deserved it.

  7. Alan Colmes had a great radio show in the early 90s — he was a moderate compared to the wackos doing liberal radio these days — he always had a segment called “why are you bitter” that was great

  8. Hey, sweetie, tell Alan (we’re on a first-name basis now, since he sent you an email and I was sitting next to you when you received it) that he should also be tested for celiac while he’s at it. That one wouldn’t surprise me.

  9. As a fervid Ron Paul supporter, thank you for giving me an excuse to extol the virtues of Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the only guy left on the ticket who’s actually voted consistently to cut spending and to cut taxes. And now that it’s obvious we’re not gonna get free oil out of this Iraq deal, is pulling out so bad? Just sayin’. Also: Ron Paul!

  10. I’m not believing that any conservative American could possibly like Alan Colmes (nicknamed “OneEyebrowWithAScowl Colmes”). He is a blithering idiot and I can’t stand to even look at the bastard. Do you Colmes likers even listening to what this idiot says? He is about as slimy and untruthful as the Associated Press. Ick Ick Ick.

  11. Probably the funniest thing I have ever seen on Fox News was when some idiot producer decidced to invite the new Black Panthers onto Hannity & Colmes and colmes was forced to defend Bush. It was during the Cynthia McKinney debacle.

  12. The people I talk to think Alan Colmes is a very intelligent man who knows a lot about the issues. He always comes off much friendlier and much smarter than Mr. Hannity. I have seen Mr. Hannity interviews with President George Bush and in them Hannity always looks longingly at Mr. Bush. Because of this I suspect that Mr. Hannity might want to have some secret alone time with our current president but I could be wrong.

  13. I kinda liked this one-
    Li’l Ronnie Paul: The Reich “man” for the Job
    Maybe, when this election -that he isn’t going to win… ever- is over, he can re-focus his gold standard nonsense somewhere else, a place that would better reflect his skills: The Golden Arches!
    Once he gets that whole “Y’all want fries with that?” thing down, he might see his career go somewhere for a change.
    Ron Paul in ’08… as in 0800 hours, when his McShift starts next month.
    Posted by: Not suffering from Cerebral Paulsy | January 31, 2008 at 03:18 PM
    Of couse, my bias for liking it is that I wrote it, but still… it looks like a flower in a vast field of dry weeds.

  14. Who woulda thunk the other 5 people who listened to Colmes Radio Graffiti would be commenting on this blog! It was the only radio call in show where you could get on the air 4 times in an hour. Ahhhh good times.

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