On to Montana

Fred Thompson is heading to Montana to make his stand:


  1. Also, if Fred were at the Little Bighorn National Monument, Gen. Custer would rise from his grave and donate $4400 to Fred’s campaign before being named Fred’s running mate. Only Fred is man enough to command a running mate who transcends time and death.

  2. Unless I’m missing something the law states that Custer would only be able to donate $2300, which sucks cause if he put some money in a savings account back then he’d probably be loaded now.

  3. actually, custer’s body was dug up and moved to West Point when he was still considered a hero as opposed to satan incarnate
    i’m surprised the liberals haven’t demanded that the bodies of the remaining soldiers be dug up and put on pikes a la Oliver Cromwell

  4. #9 – Posted by: bgrx on January 8, 2008 09:16 AM
    Actually, Custer invested the $2300 in gold bullion right before his death in 1876, when gold was $20.66 an ounce. That set up a fund that with today’s gold prices and the increasing dollar is currently worth $146,752,389.18.
    I’ve said before that Fred Thompson is always the smartest man in the room. Thanks to that (and his ability to transcend time), he is now also the richest.

  5. #14 – assuredly in montana. custer state park in sodak is not where the little bighorn battlefield is. the bighorns are in wyoming, the little bighorn is the river that flows near the battle site.

  6. I thought the Little Bighorn monument was different.
    It’s supposed to be a mural of Custer on a mountain top, standing next to a perforated turd, looking down into a valley where a large Native American orgy was taking place.
    It symbolizes Custer’s last words: “Holy Sht, look at all those Fcking Indians”

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