Rambo for McCain

So Sylvester Stallone endorsed John McCain. My question: How can anyone tell that from the guttural mumbling he uses as speech?

REPORTER: So what do you think of John McCain?
STALLONE: Ra rur ruh rur uh ruh.

Now everyone is asking who would win in a fight between Stallone and Chuck Norris. Obviously it’s Chuck Norris… especially if it’s an enunciation battle.


  1. I posted over at FoxNews. It was too long to repeat, but basically I said McVain is a Red Chinese puppet, Paul is a toon, and Romney knows economics and people. Romney/Thompson would be the ticket I could stand behind with minor reservation, Thompson/Romney would be without equation!

  2. Stallone’s got a movie coming out, wants to get the over 65 crowd to go see it.
    For you young kids, Stallone made a movie called Rambo. Rambo is a realy angry vet who blows things up and shoots every one dead. Just cause he is MAD.Oh, and crazy. yes, I know, that makes him sound like a Ron Paul supporter, but he is able to make a sign and put it up,which puts him a couple IQ points above the usual Paulite.

  3. This has nothing to do with Rambo or McCain, but so what.
    I was watching part of the Florida Republican debate (live or rerun, I don’t know) on MSNBC, everyone’s least favorite NBC. And the big question I came away with was, what the heck is up with Guliani’s eyebrows? He’s got like giant, bushy eyebrows, but they only go over half of each eye, then they just stop. I don’t think I can vote for a guy who only has half his eyebrows.
    Oh, and Ron Paul has to be the least charismatic presidential candidate ever. He just comes across as a crazy old man, which of course, he is.

  4. #10 – Posted by: on January 24, 2008 09:43
    Oh, and in regards to that, who would win now that Mr. Rogers is dead?
    For those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, maybe this will elucidate you. (and astound and amaze you!)

  5. It is ever true that here in the US we get the leaders we deserve. If the majority of people are self centered, egomanical, power hungry, control-freak, degenerate, liars, than Ms. Rodam-Clinton will be the winner. If on the other hand most people are incompetent, inexperienced, posers with delusions of relativism, than Mr. Osama-bama will win.
    On the other side of the aisle we have a man who is a competent business man with government experience in running a state that is somewhat diverse but who has the unfortunate situation of not being the right kind of “believer,” Unfortunately he is someone who takes his religion seriously enough to actually practice it and not try to undermine the beliefs of others by judging . And finally we have someone who has managed to undermine almost everything conservatives stand for, joining in bi-partisan support to hobble the military, encourage illegals, hog tie those who seek to hold government office and more. Look at the people he chooses to cooperate with Feingold, Kennedy, and the most conservative of his pals Lieberman. Joe Lieberman is more conservative than Mr. McCain. This man will say anything to get elected but he will do what Liberals want him to. Look at his record.
    We have met the enemy and he is us.

  6. Hey Yo, Norris is nothin. He aint from Texas. He wears a cowboy hat like its the 18 hundreds. The only thing to come out of Texas is stears and queers. I’m thinkin about bringing back the Roman war helmet. Hey yo, look at me I got a Roman war helmet Im cool. It wasnt senile Reagan who ended the cold war it was me. Remember Rocky V. Who beat Drago? I take em all on. Bring that Texas pussy who dont lift freeweights and works out with a crapy gym machine. Me and McCain have been in Nam but Im thinkin Hillarys gonna win. It don’t matter cuz I still get to bang young hot chicks. Yo you know. Yo I gotta go make Lock Up 2. Yo

  7. y’know, who gives a rat’s behind who Celebrities endorse. What I want to know is, who does Springfield Armory endorse? how about S&W? Wilson Combat? If the peeps from Thunder Ranch started endorsing someone it would carry a whole lot more weight with me than some dumbass from hollywood, “R” or not.

  8. #16
    aye-aye and hear-hear.
    we are royally flushed as well on the of abortion. i cannot cast my vote and meet my Maker with the blood of the unborn on my hands.
    Florida needs to GO FRED so we can drag him back in by what little hair he has left. …….sorry, i am feeling so desperate not only for my children’s future my own at this point as well.

  9. Just out of curiosity, I want to know who the people waiting endlessly in the unemployment lines are going to endorse while the Mexillegals collect free medical care, food stamps, & welfare, yet have jobs that don’t require them to pay real taxes, not just on sales tax.
    I remember when I would go to just about any restaurant & get somewhat annoyed at the teen-age kids who were working there, but at least they spoke the official language… sorta. Now I feel like I need a translator just to order a cheeseburger at a fast food joint from an ugly-ass & over-fed sedentary Mexican bitch who has the f**king nerve to get indignant with me just because I wanted precisely what I ordered.

  10. The brillient and beautiful Michelle Malkin has the following article about how sincere Qwai Chang McCains “I’;ll secure the border!” policy really is.
    I’ve seen this Mexi-clown on every TV network talking about how we have no right to stop Mexicans from reclaiming their historical lands and McCain has him on staff as an advisor!
    If McCain is the GOp candidate I may just vote Obama. He’s less Liberal.

  11. Now I feel like I need a translator just to order a cheeseburger at a fast food joint from an ugly-ass & over-fed sedentary Mexican bitch who has the f**king nerve to get indignant with me just because I wanted precisely what I ordered.

    Duque, that’s an awesome rant. Do you resemble Tom Arnold at all? ‘Cuz I’m totally seeing his True Lies character (“what kinda sick bitch…”) blasting out that line.

  12. While I always enjoy this site for its humor, readers here should be aware of the contempt Stallone holds for the Law of the Land:
    “It [2nd Amendment] has to be stopped, and someone really has to go on the line, a certain dauntless political figure, and say, ‘It’s ending, it’s over, all bets are off. It’s not 200 years ago, we don’t need this anymore, and the rest of the world doesn’t have it. Why should we?”Sylvester Stallone on Access Hollywood, June 8, 1998
    Of course, he sees it as perfectly legitimate that he should have a California concealed handgun permit, being all elite and such. His endorsement of McCain moves me further from support, not closer.

  13. Good link, Clint. I often wonder at the mindset of the Hollywood “activists” who have this idea that gun control, environmentalism, wealth redistribution and many other backwards ideas are the answer to everything, so long as it doesn’t apply to them directly.
    It’s like Sheryl Crow’s totally awesome idea of one square of toilet tissue per bathroom visit, maybe two or three if you are one of those pesky people who eat solids. I’d like her to keep a public log (no pun intended) of her usage per visit.
    Then there’s Rosie O, who is adamantly against guns… except where her security detail is concerned.
    It’s ironic to think of Sly Stallone being so against guns. His career success relies almost entirely on his portrayals of being a bad-ass with a gun. Can you imagine him being Rambo in First Blood with just that cool knife & a slingshot instead of any guns? How about being Judge Dread, but combating crime in a pair of boxing gloves instead of with a projectile weapon?
    Sure, the myriad Rocky movies are kinda inspirational & all, but life is usually not a boxing match; just like taking a knife to a gunfight would be considered poor foresight, so would defending your home in nothing but a pair of boxing shorts.

  14. Come on, Folks. We saw what Thompson was able to do, Squat! He was a total fraud.
    Who cares what actors like Norris, talk about a has been, and Stallone, I saw the new Rambo and it rocked, have to say? I get entertainment from them. Nothing else.
    You want info? Read the Congressional Record and see what a true Liberal Master Qwai Chang McCain is. I hear it broke Teddy K.’s Commie little heart to have to endorse Obama and not McCain as he really wanted to.

  15. I think Rocky beats Colt because, strong as the back kick is, Rocky can withstand it and land punches. The 5/+1 damage resist is too much.
    he is able to make a sign and put it up,which puts him a couple IQ points above the usual Paulite.
    You haven’t seen all the signs??? You must live in Sanesville, USA.

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