Ron Paul Loses Among the Anti-War?

McCain had a huge advantage among anti-war voters — even over Ron Paul — despite him being perhaps the most solid candidate on the war. I don’t know what to read from that other than apparently the fact that if someone is anti-war doesn’t mean he wants to lay down with neo-Nazis (and that maybe McCain would do better at picking up independents in the general election than Republicans).
Exit Question: At what point will Ronulans have to face reality that their candidate won’t win the nomination? Will it be sometime before the convention, at the convention, or will they continue their impotent scheming even after that?


  1. They’ll accept it after someone else is officially nominated… that is, if they ever do. The Paulistinians seem to be the type who will complain for YEARS about how Paul should have gotten the nomination, and how the actual nominee rigged the election.
    Wow, that sounds strangely familiar…… I wonder if they’ll scream about W stealing that election, too?

  2. O . . . kaaaaaaay. People can be freaking weird.
    Answer to your exit question: the Paulies will continue their faith until way after the President has been sworn into office. I’m sure his following will drastically fall in numbers since some are only there for a ride because they want to undermine the Republican party but don’t want to sacrifice their ability to vote Democrat.

  3. Come on, with all the dead people and identical octlets with the same name voting Democrat, it’s impossible for the Republicans to win without stealing it somehow. Therefore Republicans are cheaters and should be kicked out of the election.

  4. As I said in an earlier comment, I’m certain that the Ronulans will cry “conspiracy!” if the helium powered dwarf is not the nominee. Dear Lord, trolls, get over it: Ron Paul is less welcome in the highest office in the land than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at a B’nai B’rith meeting.

  5. At what point will Ronulans have to face reality

    The Ronulans have been able to evade reality up to this point. As the futility of his campaign and their support of him has become increasingly self-evident, they’ve still managed convince themselves that Fearless Leader will prevail.
    If Sisyphus and Pangloss could have children together they would be Ronulans.

  6. In the nut competition Ron Paul came in second. Which is funny, because McCain is a bigger nut. But doesn’t it make you feel good that two insane people get so much support in a Republican election?

  7. Ron Paul is being screwed over by cheaters!. Ron Paul is going to Super Tuesday. He will win it. Your dumb guy won’t make it past SC. Paul outlasts Fred and so you all suck massively. Bunch of losers you all are. Our campaign rules. Your campaign sucks. We rule. You suck.

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