The Debate

On now on CNN. It’s Romney’s last chance to energize conservatives. Hopefully he brought Krull.


  1. McCain just summed up the globull warming ethic” IF there is no globull warming and we take all these steps, the worst that will happen is that we have left our children with a cleaner planet”.
    Course he failed to mention unemployment, wasted funds, famine, pestilence and the other little things that would happen if the steps to end globull warming were actually taken.
    He did say he could favor “cap and trade”. SO I guess there is a McCain CO2 trading unit out there somewhere waiting to suck up all that nasty polluting money.

  2. I want to like Romney, but his supporters aren’t doing him any favors with this “last chance for conservatism” stuff. It reminds me of a certain other candidate whose squeaky little doctor self shall remain nameless.

  3. I watched the debate. Ron Paul clearly won the debate. Ronald Reagan campaigned for Ron Paul and helped him get elected. Ronald Reagan was also very, very insistent that we not get away from the gold standard. Now the Bush administration prints money like crazy and they despise gold and the let our dollar get worse and worse. Ronald Reagan would be very unhappy with the behavior of the current administration. It is obvious Ron Paul won the debate. The best moment was when he scolded Romney and McCain for bickering. I thought Romney and Huckabee also did well. I want to say kind, pleasant things about all the candidate but I just can’t about John McCain. He kept trying to get in jabs at Mitt Romney and it made him seem petty and mean. I don’t feel that it was very presidential (sorry McCain fans!). I think McCain might be a mean person.
    To summarize (out of immense consideration for individuals who are very busy and don’t have time to read my whole comment): Ron Paul won. Ronald Reagan loved Ron Paul. Huckabee and Romney are nice. McCain is mean.

  4. I miss teh Fred.
    Would Reagan endorse you? C’mon.
    Beyond the adsurdity of claiming to know the mind of the deceased, Reagan and Bush Sr were cut from the cloth of not wading into presidential politics after your term is over.
    Romney missed a prime chance to pimp slap McCain.
    “Where my delegates at, bitch? Where dey at? Don’t make me go Hanoi on you.”

  5. you may want to have a chat with your dealer. I think there’s more than just weed in them thar joints.
    That was mean. You sound just like Senator McCain during the debate. Generally, only weak minded people feel the need to lash out at others like that. Next time just try offering some analysis of your own instead of criticizing. It’s so much more fun when everyone contributes!

  6. you may want to have a chat with your dealer. I think there’s more than just weed in them thar joints.
    That was mean. You sound just like Senator McCain during the debate. Generally, only weak minded people feel the need to lash out at others like that. Next time just try offering some analysis of your own instead of criticizing. It’s so much more fun when everyone contributes!>you may want to have a chat with your dealer. I think there’s more than just weed in them thar joints.
    That was mean. You sound just like Senator McCain during the debate. Generally, only weak minded people feel the need to lash out at others like that. Next time just try offering some analysis of your own instead of criticizing. It’s so much more fun when everyone contributes!>you may want to have a chat with your dealer. I think there’s more than just weed in them thar joints.
    That was mean. You sound just like Senator McCain during the debate. Generally, only weak minded people feel the need to lash out at others like that. Next time just try offering some analysis of your own instead of criticizing. It’s so much more fun when everyone contributes!>you may want to have a chat with your dealer. I think there’s more than just weed in them thar joints.
    That was mean. You sound just like Senator McCain during the debate. Generally, only weak minded people feel the need to lash out at others like that. Next time just try offering some analysis of your own instead of criticizing. It’s so much more fun when everyone contributes!<
    Are you even aware of which website you’re posting on? If you can’t bring teh funny, that’s fine, but don’t expect the rest of us to tone it down just so you can keep up.

  7. Are you even aware of which website you’re posting on? If you can’t bring teh funny, that’s fine, but don’t expect the rest of us to tone it down just so you can keep up.
    Rick, I want to read teh funnies but all I see are mean comments about me. At least I was on subject trying to discuss the debate that I think Ron Paul won. All you have done is criticize. You are adding nothing to the conversation. I’d really like to see you try a little harder and make a comment about tonight’s debate.

  8. Ron Paul supporters tend to take one of three strategies on the internet: angry-insane, wacky-insane, and earnest-insane. The earnest-insane ones are the most boring.
    Ron Paul did NOT win this, or any other, debate. Ron Paul is only allowed on the debates for comic relief.
    Reagan may have supported Paul during his first campaign, but he also raised taxes as governor of California. Even the greatest of us can make mistakes.

  9. Alright, I am sorry for saying that, but majority of Americans are stupid. How can they seriously believe in and vote for this smirking obnoxious jerk who has had only one feat in his youth and is still selling it? Playing dirty politics, lying about Romney’s record, not knowing squat about economy, and repeating “I can lead, I can lead” – this is what McPain is about. I’ve always said that I would vote for any Rep nominee, but with McPain overstepping the levels of decency recently, and not just the boundaries of real conservatism, I am considering other options, like staying at home or writing in Fred in November.

  10. Mitt Romney shows even more toughness after shaving his head and growing a ‘tee. Largest carbon footprint from his motorcycle and Krulls gas from eating hippies that are loaded with fiber. A carbon footprint that can crush terrorists.
    Mitt tells John McKennedy to suck it, less he wants to deal with Krull since Krull takes care of Mitts light work.
    Oh, and Reagan didn’t like sissies. Stop whining.

  11. I’m guessing McCain is betting no one is watching these any more. He musta spent 15 minutes trying to prove Romney supported a timetable for withdrawing troops (he did before he didn’t). Not exactly what a nation nervous about the economy is tuning in for…

  12. From what I watched of it, I heard nothing but most of the same crap they have all said before. Romney didn’t show out like he really needed to, McCain has no plans for anything except Iraq, Huckabee is still confusing politics with his religion, and Paul still spouts nothing but crazy.
    So, I’ve decided not to move to Canada after this is over – too cold. Now I’m thinking Australia. I mean warmth, dingos, sexy accents, and nude beaches. Who’s with me?

  13. Hmmm… here’s a new campaign ad that Mitt can run, using video clips to do it in Juan McCain’s own words.
    Mean and sarcastic (any clip of him speaking anytime will do).
    Sh**-eating grin whenever another candidate is talking.
    The same basic answer to every question (“I’m the only one who can lead…”).
    Repeated disdain for capitalism (“I lead for patriotism, not for profit.”).
    Strong propensity to roll in the hay with the most egregious socialists in Congress (see various bills entitled “McCain-Insert Liberal Name Here”).
    Absolute and complete refusal to admit being wrong– even when proven so by every possible measure (Mitt supported a timetable for withdrawal of troops).

    It could go on and on and on… and this man is our front-runner??????????????????
    Mobilize, people!!

  14. One of my biggest worries is who would McCain’s supreme court appointees be? Do you think he would appoint a conservative that might review McCain-Feingold??? I think he would try to expand McCain-Feingold…probably use it to shut down IMAO. In fact…he’s probably fantasizing about the day he can “Spank Frank.”

  15. for patriotism, not for profit
    Just how did the guvmint get the money to build and rebuild the military?
    A small fraction of our nation serves or served in uniform. Slapping them with some form of moral high-horse rhetoric isn’t needed.
    I served. No one else in my family (seven folks) served. Serving doesn’t mean you’re better, just wired differently. A sports car and a duely work truck both have pwoerful motors but are used for far different reasons. My family just wasn’t wired for military service. I was.

  16. So, I’ve decided not to move to Canada after this is over – too cold. Now I’m thinking Australia. I mean warmth, dingos, sexy accents, and nude beaches. Who’s with me?
    That sounds like a fascinating move! In addition to the babes and the weather you could also enjoy the very liberal leadership that just over in that country.

  17. A Ron Paul Supporter who thinks he won the debate even though all evidence points to the contrary? Wow, that is so very much unlike them. Seriously.
    Do the rest of the Supporters know you’re behaving this way? They may be angry that you are misrepresenting the ENTIRETY of the Ron Paul folks.

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