The Future of Fred Thompson

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like Fred Thompson (other than trolls, whose opinions never count), and the reason I’ve seen Republican primary voters give for not voting for Fred Thompson is that he didn’t come to their state and do a silly little monkey dance to prove how much he wanted to be president. This makes these people to dumb to live.
Reportedly, Fred Thompson will have an announcement tomorrow about his further plans, and I think he should stay in the race. Otherwise, what’s our option? To throw our half-hearted support behind Romney? We might as well have one actual conservative in the race to at least remind people what a Republican primary should be about.
Also, it will give us more time to plan our riot.

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  1. Fred Thompson did do a monkey dance in South Carolina and spent more time there then any other candidate after New Hampshire. Yet those who consider themselves “very conservative” picked Huckabee(41%) over Thompson(22%) according to exit polls. How do you explain that?

  2. Romney!! Romney + Ron Paul in brokered convention.
    The 2 peeps that rool!!
    Romney Paul 08!
    –> Fred suks Romney!! Romney + Ron Paul in brokered convention.
    The 2 peeps that rool!!
    Romney Paul 08!
    –> Fred suks <–
    Fred can bite one cuzz he is a loser.
    oh yesssssssss

  3. im so happy that rite wingaz r sad
    the most conservative peep lose
    and im so glad
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done
    im so happy no peeps voting for fred
    it such a joyous thing
    so much joy in my head
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done
    u rite wingaz totally suck
    fred run the race
    but no one gave a phuck
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done

    1. Follow Fred Thompson as he wanders the countryside a la Braveheart seeking revenge against all his enemies.
    2. Bash Professor Science as much as possible.
    3. Sit around, see who the nominee is, and barring Professor Science and maybe Huckabee, support him. I’ve spent the last two weeks attacking Huckabee’s supporters for the “take-my-ball-and-go-home” mentality (if they don’t get everything they want) and I’m not going to do the same thing.
  4. Oh, and before that Ron Paul troll gets here:

    No, so sorreez 4 u. frank j has to be buzee blogging. if u were nah such loser u would know that frank has job alreadyz. he is a BLOGGA MAN. every morning when marcmancooso wakez up he puts on he loser pants. he wearz same loser pants each and every deh of week.

  5. Err… throw your whole-hearted support behind Romney, maybe? Just think of how much humor you could get out of his hair…
    Besides, McCain and Huck must be stopped, and it’s probably better for party unity that Rudy not be the one that stops them.

  6. BTW, I know I’m inviting the jinx gods by asking this, but what happened the old Frank J. who would dick around with trolls’ posts?
    That’s an easy way to get at them, just change them all to praise of Fred Thompson or confessions about their own sexual practices. (And if you do do that, feel free to delete this post)
    [There’s too many lately and there’s no content to play with. Maybe I’ll get back to it. -Ed.]

  7. Wow, Joy! (and sorry everyone else for feeding the troll). Two suggestions. There is a key at the side of your keyboard labeled “Shift”. And would be of great help to you.
    It is true that Fred has not been winning the “conservative” vote–but I’m not convinced that people know what that means. There are certainly So-Cons that think they are conservatives, while they are not.
    There has been more talk this year about “electability” than ever before. So self-professed conservatives are voting for non-conservatives who seem to be electable. This argument seems to be the primary consideration.
    Fred will do what he thinks is best. My desire is that he does not disappear from public life. He has been the only candidate talking about the philosophy of his positions–which is a conservative philosophy. It appears that we have a long way to go before we recapture the heart of the Republican party.

  8. I would vote for Fred Thompson if I could.
    Really I’m not kidding, he is my favorite and I do read a lot on USA politics.
    Before saying my opinion does not count because as a Canadian living in Canada I can not vote,
    Could someone please tell me what the consequences of me getting caught voting in a US election would be? ( jail time? fine? )
    Because I am an hour north of Vermont if ever one of you needs an extra voter!
    Well some Democrats are registered in more than one state so why can’t I help the Republicans my way?
    I’m just being a good neighbor.
    that is all.

  9. Since Ron Paul supporters never stay on topic and in the spirit of the holiday today, (another taxpayer-sponsored government do-nothing day, – seriously, what private companies actually offer today as a paid holiday?), I would like Ron Paul supporters to actually discuss a claim made by their candidate.
    I’m curious about all of the hype that Ron Paul and his lunatic-fringe army are spewing about the HUGE support they receive from black citizens. Where are these supporters? I’ve seen more than 20+ videos/clips of the Ron Paul mob, at caucuses, primaries, speeches, demonstrations, rallies, riots, etc, and yet, unless Ron Paul’s black/minority supporters are “dressed up in white face,” I don’t see them. Are they at the back of the mob?
    Is Ron Paul really ONLY a candidate for angry white punks on dope?
    Please discuss further. ( – those of you without brain damage…)

  10. Joke’s on you, JOY. Spell-check won’t spot to/too confusion.
    As for the post: I agree. In this day and age, people do not have an excuse for pretending that the TV is their only source of information. You have to try to avoid an internet feed.
    I really hope that Fred doesn’t believe the hype. The media is DESPERATE to call the Republican primary race over so that they can have Huckabee be the nominee, and then they can all have fun tearing into the crazy religious nutbag. (Really, they’d have preferred Ron Paul, but Ron’s own side shot him in the back before the media had a chance to shoot him in the face. Not that there’s a problem with that, I’d have shot Paul no matter which way he was facing.)
    Heck, there were people saying that the Republican race was a foregone conclusion back on FREAKIN’ JANUARY THIRD.

  11. I sure hope Thompson sticks with it but if not, yeah, I’ll vote for Mitt Romney. It took me MONTHS to decide to vote for Fred instead of Mitt in the first place (mainly because I didn’t start paying attention until like this past December–TOO MANY DAMN DEBATES), and now I just might have to give that up.
    Romney is just boring as crap; you ever listen to him tell stories about his family or upbringing? Oh my God, he could put a heroine addict on speed and crack to sleep in four minutes.
    Otherwise, I think he articulates Conservative positions well. If it ends up being MR, I would hope Giuliani would sign on as Veep and really make the Dems find some testicles for the ideological battle of a generation.

  12. Quote “Fred Thompson did do a monkey dance in South Carolina and spent more time there then any other candidate after New Hampshire. Yet those who consider themselves “very conservative” picked Huckabee(41%) over Thompson(22%) according to exit polls. How do you explain that?”
    As a North Carolinian, the answer to that question is obvious – South Carolinians are idiots.

  13. If Fred drops out, it will create such a black hole that all other candidates will get sucked into it…unable to escape the gravity. Only the anti-matter of liberalism with be able to defy all logic, reason, and Laws of the Universe. We will all hope for a quick and effectively painful end. If Fred drops out…all hope is lost. I wish it were not true but it may be one of the Horsemen arriving…

  14. So what are you all going to do if Thompson endorses McCain when he pulls out tomorrow?
    Probably the same ol’ thing we always do; Go to work, go to school, watch football (the real deal, not that sissy crap they watch in the UK), have sex (with a real person), raise our own kids… Y’know, all the stuff that seems like some distant dream to you & the other trolls.

  15. We seem to be back where we started at. The reason for the rise of Fred and Huckabee is because Mitt, McCain and Rudy were so unacceptable for various reasons. Now that Fred and Huck are pretty much at the end of their ropes, we are back to the same unpleasent choices we had to start with.
    Rudy I think will be a poor candidate for the following reason. His personal life makes a mockery of the family values we are supposed to stand for, he’s got a ton of skeletons plopping out of the closet, and he’s not a conservative on most issues. Not to mention the fact he’s really screwed up his campaign.
    Mitt, has two problems. First is his religion. Lots of people have reservations about Mormonism, and as it’s more exotic aspects get more attention due to his candidacy, that will just get worse. The second is that his conversion from moderate to conservative seems, well, insincere.
    That leaves John McCain. I supported McCain in 2000, and felt burned by a lot of the idiotic positions he’s taken since. (Although, to be fair, a few of them he got Bush to go along with.)I’m not as upset about the “amnesty” bill as most of you are, but he really doesn’t seem to understand the sincerity of people who disagreed with him on it.
    His strengths are that he appeals to independents, he has credibility as a war hero who has a son in the current war zone, and he’s the only one who polls well against any Democrat they might put up against us if you believe RCP.
    His downsides are his age, the fact he does whacky things on the campaign trail when he’s under pressure, and the fact that a lot of the base will not be enthusiastic unless he picks a really good running mate like Fred Thompson.
    I’ll probably be flipping a coin on Feb. 5th.

  16. MLK admirer,
    I volunteered at a RP office in Flint, Michigan, and we had a good number of black supporters stopping in for signs, lit, etc. Not as great a portion of our volunteers were black, compared to the white ones, but 1) many volunteers were from rural areas, which around here have MLK admirer,
    I volunteered at a RP office in Flint, Michigan, and we had a good number of black supporters stopping in for signs, lit, etc. Not as great a portion of our volunteers were black, compared to the white ones, but 1) many volunteers were from rural areas, which around here have <5% black population and 2) Republicans in general get little support from the black community.
    There’s my unscientific observations, take them for what they’re worth.

  17. To me, Fred’s canadacy has been about the soul of the Republican party. It seems the old school Reagan style conservatism is no longer in vogue. This is quite a sad statement for our party and our country.
    Sadly Republicans, even while expressing displeasure with President Bush, seem to want an even worse version of “compassionate conservatism”. McCain, Huckabee and even Romney all blow significantly left of conservative center. The only positive is if McCain, Romney or Huckabee wins the overall election, conservatives (and their principles) well get heard before being they are tossed under the bus.
    Fred needs to stay in as long as he can to at least get the Republican platform leaning a little right instead of where it will head if he drops out now.
    So what is a Fred head to do? Well we know the Marxism of Clinton will be terrible for the country. The populism of Obama/Huckabee has always made for bad laws and worse taxes, but has to be better then Clintonism. McCain and Romney are all that’s really left to support.
    Consequently if Fred stays, keep voting Fred. Hoepfully he will maintain enough of the vote to be a factor in the convention and on the platform. If he bows out, Romney then McCain even though I don’t think either is much different from the other.
    Keep voting and supporting Fred if he stays in. If he bows out take your pick of Romney and McCain until the convention.
    Regardless support the (R) that comes out of the convention.

  18. These Ron Paul supporters are getting kind of boring, if you ask me. And why exactly should I be taking advise on who to vote for from the kind of people who made Jonestown possible? Just drink your damn kool-aid and shut up! Make sure you get all the powder at the bottom of the cup, and thanks for playing.
    Personally, I’m kinda hoping for a McKinely-Roosevelt scenario, with Thompson as Roosevelt.

  19. Regardless support the (R) that comes out of the convention.
    No. I will write in Fred, if he does not win the convention. If Huckabee would bow out, like a honorable person (but he is not) Fred would win. Nevertheless, I would rather have a democrat that is obviously trying to destroy the nation, and whom I can oppose, than a cloaked liberal in republican colors sneaking socialism in on me in the name of conservatism.
    “We see how democracy dies. To thunderous applause…”

  20. Boy, I’m convinced! If Fred Thompson drops out I’ll sure vote for Ron Paul! Wait a minute! I’m not a homosexual! No I won’t vote for that idiot! I’d rather vote for the “Magic Negro” and I’m an ultra conservative!!!

  21. Can’t vote for Romney because he failed to pistol whip that punk AP reporter the other day.
    Can’t see Fred agreeing to be Romney’s VP because Romney failed to pistol whip that punk AP reporter the other day.
    If McCain promised to let Fred pistol whip the Guantanamo detainees, I might vote for him, but he’d have to let me pistol whip him once or twice over McCain Feingold.

  22. My state’s primary is in a couple months; unless Muckabee has a chance of winning then, I’ll vote or write in for whomever I well please in the PRIMARIES. I don’t care if the candidate has a snowball’s chance in Hell . . . almost all the (R) candidates are RINOs.
    KEYES for President!
    What conservatives need to do is NOT give hope about voting for a candidate that matches their ideals. Vote for the BEST, not second best.
    I guess . . . out of all the RINOs . . . AFTER the primaries . . . I’d vote for McCain. Though, seeing Romney’s nice, froofy hair turn white over the course of a few years would be fun to watch.

  23. I am already anticipating the deep depression I will feel if Fred quits tomorrow. After all the “thank you”s he delivered Saturday evening I won’t be shocked–just saddened.
    Probably like a lot of you, I’m pessimistic about the leadership any of the rest of the field could inspire.
    We’ve been in a crisis for years but for most it’s been like the frog in the pot. I think only Fred could succeed in turning the burner off.

  24. I heard on Hannity’s radio show that his mother has taken a turn for the worse. He is back in Tennesee spending time with her. I too hope he will not drop out, but if my mother was dying I know where I would be.
    The only comfort I can take if Fred drops out is sometimes it takes a Jimmy Carter to get a Ronald Reagan.

  25. Fred’s problem was he was old and tired looking and boring. Don’t matter what the message is these days. You have to put it in a nice package or nobody’s buying. Only old farts don’t understand this.

  26. Well… I figure if Fred! does drop out, I can live with any candidate but Huckabee.
    Though… I guess we could just overthrow a country and install Fred as Prez. I’m sure Canada or France would quickly surrender to a small group of Fred Thompson supporters wielding Katanas and Shotguns.

  27. The important thing here is that Fred ran an honest campaign, and there’s no way RP & his band of tiny-brained folk can say that.
    On the plus side, they never will. Their actions will be remembered for years to come, so there’s never going to come a time when RP gets elected as Commander in Chief. Ever.

  28. Say it ain’t so. I too will go into total despondency if Fred leaves the race. Across the Internet there is speculation that he will. It was just two days ago that I determined Fred is simply the only candidate that I can vote for.
    I don’t care what people say about holding your nose and getting behind the GOP candidate. If they don’t have a conservative to run, I won’t be voting for any of them. I simply will not vote for Mr. McAmnesty! I believe in representative government and McAmnesty has shown that he will do as he decides. So guess the GOP will continue on in name only, but without two votes from my household.

  29. Fred Thompsons’ failure was not in failing to do the mokey dance but in failing to effectively communicate his ideas and positions to the public. Why he sat silent for several weeks after he announced and why he waited all those weeks to announce in the first place were lethal to his campain. He does have the best odeas and positions on the GOP side but I think he never really wanted the job in the first place.
    PLEASE, GAWD! Do NOT let him endorse Qwai Chang McCain!

  30. I have a problem of full knowledge. I’ve studied this race for almost a full year now and I know the candidates better than they know themselves.
    There is no way I can nor will I vote for RINO’s or a quasi-libertarian who’ll screw this country up so bad we wouldn’t recognize it in four years.
    THAT’s what I think about the only conservative ( IF he ) leaving the race.

  31. It’s over….he’s out! Now then, back to reality. Rudy G. is packing ’em in down here in Florida. Look for him to surge the last three days leading to Jan. 29th. He and Mitt show a consistent 3-5 pt. lead on Hillary. McCain actually has a double-digit lead on Clinton. Doesn’t matter. When it’s all said and done, it will be either a McCain-Guiliani or Guiliani-McClain ticket. Either one will win by 8 points in November……

  32. As a “Fred Head” bemoaning that the only true conservative competing for the Republican nomination has lost in S.Carolina, I fear that conservatism itself is on its death bed. It was my hope that the American “silent majority” of conservatives still existed, and that they would unite behind Thompson to defeat whichever of the far-left-of-center Democrats. Instead, multifariousness of political viewpoint on the Republican side appears to have diluted the strength of core conservative values previously respected and held in common. Some even assert that Thompson is not conservative based upon his CFR membership or lobbying activity, a conclusion based on an unsound rationale.
    All of the Republican candidates still in the race are flip-floppers and/or not consistent conservatives by any measure. And so, divided the Republican party falls. Hillary may now just landslide to victory against McCain, Romney, Huckabee or Juliani, as an unenthusiastic base of conservative voters takes a “none of the above” stance in the general election. If memory serves, it was the Ross Perot dilution factor that propelled Bill Clinton to victory.
    So even though Fred Thompson may be just right to be POTUS from a principled, conservative point of view on every issue, his candidacy goes down & out because he doesn’t have enough money to cut through it all and provide a refresher course for the republican party primary voters whom are apparantly abandoning conservatism or at least forgetting to bring it with them to the voting booth.
    With the Clintons back in the White House, conservatism will no doubt require hospice. Perhaps that will lead to a cure, and conservatism will rise back up like a phoenix to reclaim the hearts and minds of Americans. What a price to pay for a return to righteousness.

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