Thought For The Day

“Loophole”- a tiny slice of freedom that the government accidentally missed taking away on the first try.


  1. im so happy that rite wingaz r sad
    the most conservative peep lose
    and im so glad
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done
    im so happy no peeps voting for fred
    it such a joyous thing
    so much joy in my head
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done
    u rite wingaz totally suck
    fred run the race
    fbut no one gave a phuck
    joy joy joy
    fred has lost
    joy joy joy
    fred is done

  2. Harvey! That’s the unadulterated truth! Seriously, there’s something wrong with the gov’t when you have to go into devious mode, looking for ways that the gov’t can’t screw your over – or, rather, it’s wrong that being screwed over is the normalcy, not the exception.
    retches Makes me sick.

  3. Don’t quote me you stupid troll.
    arncha glad your candidate’s not dumb like Fred?
    arncha glad your candidate’s not a loser like Fred?
    arncha glad your candidate doesnt suck like Fred?
    arncha? arncha?

  4. Accidentally implies that they actually care about the results. When you are in the government results don’t matter. It is simply change for the sake of change. Isn’t that the whole theme of the election?

  5. Don’t quote me you stupid troll.
    arncha glad you have a life unlike me?
    arncha glad you have a serious job unlike me?
    arncha glad you didn’t donate your life savings to a conspiracy nut unlike me?
    arncha? arncha?

  6. ‘Haliburton confirming “consentration” camps have already been built for us’
    ‘Now will you please take a second to take this candidate seriously.’
    I’ll start taking Ron Paul seriously when he musters a real foreign policy and his supporters learn how to use a dictionary.
    But since that isn’t going to happen anytime soon, I’m going to stock up on ammo before the Clinton dictatorship takes control.

  7. Haliburton concentration camps? The why are there no people in them? If Bush were really an evil dictator, wouldn’t it make more sense to have another 9/11, blame it domestic terrorists and start filling those camps up? And yet, what has he done?
    Seriously Paulians, just think for a few seconds what the world would look like if what you said was really true.

  8. Excellent, Harvey. I will be sure to give proper credit when I pass it on.
    As to Fred, he is the great disappoitment of 2008. He is a genuine, small “C” conservative and has the rightr ideas and positions but he just doesn’t have the fire to make the run.
    Ron Paul is an idiot and his followrs are deluded fools. He takes a few fundementally sound points and extrapolates them out to absurd positions.
    I’ve been loading magazines and stock piling supplies for months.
    Anyone seen any good prices on 7.62X39?
    I have given up on finding any more milsup 7.62 NATO for the M14.
    I have a pile of 30.06 reloading supplies that I’ll trade for M60/M1919 belt links.

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