Today We Watch the Polls and Pray that South Carolinians Aren’t Freaking Idiots

Fred Thompson needs to do well tonight in South Carolina. At least one poll shows evidence of a big surge for him. His campaign has a new goal of $1.5 million in donations by midnight tomorrow in prep for Super Tuesday. No one is going to be able to advertise in all of those markets (and the citizens can’t be a bunch of douches who will only vote for someone who visited them personally), so hopefully a few Republicans will be able to look up the candidates themselves like we all do (and if you’re local, you can help). It’s a novel concept, but it just might work.


    Irsh 🙁 The insane Huckaloon is clearly going to win SC – blatanly obvious that he is going to win SC – anyone who can’t see how obvious this is a total moron.
    There, he must be stopped in future states! Stop the Huckaloon.

  2. Fredheadz suk. ha ha ha. no winz for fred in sc. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. loserz! loserz! u r all loserz! u so out o touch u cant even figurz why no one wantz vote for Fred. hahaha hehehehe

  3. The Fox exit polls make it look like Fred will finish 4th. SC voters are complete morons. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. And no, I’m not a Ronulan. I would have voted for Fred had he made it to Super Tuesday, but he won’t.
    Looks like I’ll have to vote for Mitt. Huck, Rudy and McCain are basically warmed-over Democrats, Hunter will be out after today and Paul is a racist pig.
    Just once I’d like to vote for someone I really believed it. I guess I’ll have to wait until at least 2012, possibly longer.

  4. Anyone here know what a “Foxis” is?
    Oh well. If Fred doesn’t make it, that’s OK. After all, we’re haven’t glommed onto some candidate like he was the messiah; it’s not the end of the world for us.
    As for the Ronald McPaul supporters, well… maybe they can find a way to go on w/out a President Paul somehow. Or maybe they’ll commit mass suicide. Either way, I’m good.

  5. Despite the magic underwear, I hope Fred! supporters will shift over to Romney instead of McCain or Huckabee. I’ve been supporting Fred! since the July before he declared, due in large part to this blog and BMEWS. Lots of information made me love the candidacy. So don’t get me as a Romney supporter. There’s always the chance for a Thompson VP should the worst happen.

  6. Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line. So now, unless Rudy can pull off some miracle, we’re gonna have to line up behind McCain and pray that Hillary’s the one to beat.
    Why Hillary? Because she’s running on experience, and McCain smokes her in that department. And she can’t run as a Wahington outsider. She’s as inside as they come.
    However, if it’s the 46-year-old Magic Negro Agent of Change against the cantankerous 72-year-old Beltway Boy, everybody best start steppin’ up wit dey rappin’ skillz…
    P.S. Whoops! It’s official – Fred is dead. R.I.P. Fred – hope she signed a pre-nup.

  7. FrankJ:
    I know this must be a tough night for you, with your boy Fred looking like he will come either 3rd or 4th in S.C.
    When you are a Republican southerner, and you are struggling to beat a Mormon ex-governor of Massachusetts in S.C., and even Bill Bennett is giving you crap on CNN, I think it is safe to say your campaign is in trouble.
    Don’t get down! Remember that, given your ability to delude yourself into believing that reality corresponds to your fantasies (see George Bush/Iraq War/various Fred Thompson “surges”) I am sure that in a few days you will create yet another false alternative reality for yourself.
    So chin up! Do what makes you happy. Play with your guns! Watch a Chuck Norris movie (or maybe not, since that might remind you of Huckabee). Talk about hurting people (hippies, foreigners, etc) who are different from you! Write crappy science fiction! Soon, your will develop new delusions, and this whole nasty reality thing will just fade away.
    Monkey Faced Liberal
    P.S. Watching Fred on TV right now. Wow, this sounds like a concession speech. His supporters are going to come in to vote late in the day! What a funny guy!

  8. (;_;) I wish the P*ulbots would shut up . . . or that even the people pretending to be P*ulbots would stop posting. The more comments on “x” topic brings up ad of “x” topic. That means I get to look at a R*n P*ul ad to the right of me. R*n P*ul is creepy AS HELL! He look like the Willie Nelson’s half-brother from an incestuous relationship.
    I know P*ul won’t win, but that’s not gonna shut up the P*ulbots.

  9. FrankJ:
    I know this must be a tough night for you, what with me still lurking around here, but remember when I said I have no life? I meant it!
    Your ability to delude yourself into believing these fantasies like the “surge” in Iraq is working (it failed! I don’t care what the Brookings guys or Jack Murtha said, it fail… no you shut up, it failed! LALALALALA, I can’t HEAR YOU! IT FAILED! IT FAILED! IT FAILED!)….ahem, your failure to face up to reality is what got you here today.
    I hope you will be able to handle yourself with more dignity and composure than I’ve ever mustered on this website, that would be pathetic.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  10. Ron Paul got a silver medal today. Does Fred Lamo Thompson have one of those? Fk no! Cause he sucks.
    Does Fred stupido Thompson have a silver medla? F
    k no! He sucks too much to get one. Oh yeah! Fred sucks. But no one sucks more than Fredheads. They suck even worse than Fred. Ha ha ha Fred suckers! Your candidate is a joke and so are you.

  11. The Paulbots continue to overwhelm us with their well-reasoned and rational arguments.
    You have to admit we should be ashamed. Our candidate only got 4 times what Paul did in South Carolina, whereas McCain and Huckabee got 6 to 8 times his vote. Fred should be able to squish Paul like a cockroach – he shouldn’t have to resort to the methods usually reserved for larger rodents, and for that we’re sorry.

  12. Our candidate only got 4 times what Paul did in South Carolina, whereas McCain and Huckabee got 6 to 8 times his vote.
    Paul got silver in Nevada. Fred has no silvers. Fred sucks. Fred is lame and sucky and dumb. Fred = poo.

  13. Paul got silver in Nevada. Fred has no silvers.
    Nobody campaigned there, dumbass – Since Nevada moved up its primary in the big mess earlier this year, the Republican Party penalized them so that it’s vote isn’t binding on the ultimate delegate tally. Romney’s the only serious candidate that made an actual go of it since it has a big Mormon presence.
    This doesn’t change the fact you’re lambasting us because our candidate only beats yours and doesn’t absolutely destroy him.

  14. Hey Libertarians, isn’t there a better place for you to congregate? This isn’t a Libertarian blog, this is a Conservative blog. It makes no sense for you to be here. So shove off. You aren’t cute anymore. You are officially annoying.

  15. So shove off. You aren’t cute anymore. You are officially annoying.
    See, that’s why they’re here, though. They’re trying to take revenge for us making fun of Paul earlier.
    On the hand, it’s almost a compliment towards Frank that out of all the people who have been making fun of Paul, they single him out for revenge.
    Of course, they forget the fact that we still have jobs, lives, families and they don’t and, unlike them, we didn’t donate all our allowance money and define our entire self worth in life based on whether our candidate wins a state primary.

  16. Since Nevada moved up its primary in the big mess earlier this year, the Republican Party penalized them so that it’s vote isn’t binding on the ultimate delegate tally.
    Actually dumbass its the SC primary that moved up and the SC primary that is worth much less than before. This year SC is only worth 24 delegates and Nevada is worth 34. So take that information and totally suck on it you total Fredhead loser-face George Bush-loving scum!
    We got a silver. You got s**t. HA HA. In your face Fredhead losers.

  17. Actually dumbass its the SC primary that moved up and the SC primary that is worth much less than before.
    Dear god are you people retarded
    “The GOP contest, a straw poll with no official bearing on the allocation of nominating delegates, was overshadowed by the primary in South Carolina. Nevada has 31 Republican delegates and South Carolina 24.”,1,3645020.story?page=2&coll=la-headlines-nation
    That’s your “victory” you idiotic, pathetic, conspiratorial, racist-supporting moonbat.

  18. it’s official: the republican party does not, as a whole, desire a conservative president. we’ve caught the liberal disease…
    duh. no one wants a conservative president anymore because that’s what Bush claimed to be and he sucked. he ruined the idea of an ultra conservative for generations to come. it’s over. thats why fred’s sucking. he’s all like “i’m soooooooooooo old and conservative.” “i’m the most conservative ever” and all the voters are like well then f**k you – you old conservative loser bush-like freak – u aren’t getting my vote.

  19. Can everyone come to their senses and recognize that Fred is finished and unless he gets out and thinking Conservatives get behind somebody like Romney we will end up screwed with a closet Democrat like Kwai Chang McCain or Rudy, or we nominate Gomer Huckabee and hand Hitlary the White House on a siver plater.

  20. Fred’s been married how many times??
    He’s married to his second wife hand he remained on good terms with his first (and as far as I know there were no allegations of cheating or anything) – so, I’d rather a guy not get divorced but, if there’s a big deal there, I don’t see it.

  21. I’ll reiterate (for the Paulettes, that means “to say again; restate)-
    If Fred doesn’t make it, that’s OK! After all, we’re haven’t glommed onto some candidate like he was the messiah; it’s not the end of the world for us.
    As for the Ronald McPaul supporters, well… maybe they can find a way to go on w/out a President Paul somehow. Or maybe they’ll commit mass suicide. Either way, I’m good.

  22. im sorry, but yeah, my fellow south carolinians are freaking idiots. BUT HOLY CRAP! i couldnt believe it, i was going through town yesterday, and there was A BLIMP WITH RON PAUL ON THE SIDE. but again, i am sorry that we have failed. seppuku

  23. Who cares how many times FRED has been married? You looking for a date? Yes, he does have a hot young wife. Jealous?
    It appears that the voters in ONE small state have decided that it’s McCain’s “turn”, just like the Bob Dull campaign of 96. Maybe McCain will start babbling at the mike and people will realize he is a loose cannon.
    Oops, he already babbles at the mike and 33% of SC voted for him anyway. Oh well.
    And calling Romney a “conservative” is like labeling a turd on a stick ice cream. You might still call it that, but the taste ain’t the same.

  24. Oh come on people! It IS McCain’s turn! John McCain has worked his whole life for this nation. John McCain gives us our best shot at winning the white house. John McCain deserves to be president. Go Maverick!

  25. Hmm…McCain-Feingold? McCain-Kennedy? Amnesty? McCain’s policies tend to be..lacking. While he may have spent his life serving our nation, that doesnt make him a ready and capable candidate to hold the position of Commander and Chief. He’d make an awesome SecDef though.

  26. McCain #1?
    Huckabee #2?
    I’m not big on Diebold conspiracies, but unless I’m mistaken, I thought that South Carolina was a conservative state.
    Either that or it’s still full of the pompous statists that are still, to this day trying to vote against Lincoln(not to exclude Ron Paul), just another reason to condemn that state to the trash heap of history.

  27. Who cares how many times FRED has been married? You looking for a date? Yes, he does have a hot young wife. Jealous?
    Fred marries some girl young enough to be his grandbaby and you call that conservative?

  28. Fred marries some girl young enough to be his grandbaby and you call that conservative?
    Oops. 25 years apart. Young enough to be his daughter not his grandbaby. Yeah! Sure screwed that jab up didn’t I! Anyway, go Mitt! 😀

  29. Fred marries some girl young enough to be his grandbaby and you call that conservative?
    Dude, she’s 40. And, yes, as a guy who’s consistently voted Republican, I’d like to go on record as saying as saying I see nothing wrong with marrying smoking hot young chicks.

  30. I look at the last few primaries as proof of global idiocy. Its caused by blimps in the air, sucking out the brain cells of intelligent beings and transferring them to paulbots to bring up their i.q.’s to double digits.The unfortunate unintended consequences are Mccain and Huckabee supporters.

  31. #63 Fred marries some girl young enough to be his grandbaby and you call that conservative?
    The only freak that could have a grandbaby at the age of 24 would be someone similar to the two-thirds of south carolinians who have no brain. There is no one in the race more conservative than Fred.

  32. I really do hate to be a nitpicker here but these dorks blogging here for RP are not libertarians neither of the small l or capital L variety.
    I doubt they have any idea why they are backing the guy. I haven’t seen enough brain cells between them to make that kind of decision.
    Libertarianism is a philosophy that has to be reasoned. The Libertarian party is like any other, you pick, if you are lucky the, 80% of the platform that you can agree with. At the moment the best bet for truly libertarian leaning people is to work in the Republican party and try to move the Republicans back to their small government roots. If we lose Fred to this campaign, which appears likely, we will be that much further behind. We are surley going to the dogs.

  33. The fact that Fred married a younger, hot woman isn’t so much a Conservative/Liberal thing than it is a simple fact of human nature. Males of all species normally seek out younger, more fit mates to make species propagation more likely. Biology/Psychology 101.

  34. This is worth a read: People making fun of Fred Thompson.
    #72 – Posted by: StufftoRead on January 20, 2008 12:27 AM
    He should have spent more time making comments about anal sex and hooking for money on Capitol Hill – apparently then the Wonkette crowd would have supported him.

  35. Scrolling back up to an earlier argument over Nevada’s allocation of delegates, it’s called a caucus folks. It was just like Iowa. No delegates were officially selected there either. The delegate counts given by CNN and AP from caucuses are an estimate based on the results of the polling of people going into the caucuses, on the assumption that they’re voting for delegates to the county and state conventions based on who they support. That doesn’t make the win any less real. Five and a half states proceed that way (The Washington GOP splits their delegates between the caucus and a primary). In fact, if you swamp the caucuses well enough (as Mitt may have in NV), you can ultimately wind up with ALL the delegates from a state.

  36. Jeeze, MS! I never had the patience for reading their forums before, but WOW! I knew about the articles & Stormfront bulls*it, but after all the “Let’s blame it on Lew Rockwell… yeah, that’s the ticket” nonsense, they really are just a bunch of hate-filled lefties when it comes right down to it.

  37. So Thompson comes in fifth in Nevada and third in South Carolina. I guess he’s doing his job, siphoning off votes that would go to Romney or Huckabee for his buddy McCain.
    I guess when McCain becomes the nominee, all you guys are going to be having epileptic fits…

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