Weekend PaulBaiting

RonPaul buffering.jpg

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  1. hi rite wingaz. y u waan beht paul peepz if u nah heart paul peepz. u jus triz mehk lotz o googly $$$$ 4 mista j?
    or u wanz paul peepz to kahm herez so u can tri mehk them cri? :——(
    u thnk Paul kan has winz 2 mehbe 3 stehtz on supa tewsdeh??
    i iz nowly miss Fredz :——( he was funnee cuzz mehk huck the B sad.
    Huck the B gonna win several stehts on supa teusdeh. then he winz Tehas in Mrch. iz nah good. Do nah wantz azhol Huck the B 4 VP!! Tho prollee happenz.
    f118ing god damnn!t b1tch sh!t! huck the B 4 VP srsly piss i off! hrmph!!

  2. I agree WAL.
    I think it is FrankJ. He wasn’t happy with the quality of troll, so being an engineer, perhaps he automated one. Hence the name Wrrr.
    Besides, it sounds a lot like Evil Scary Monkey.

  3. John McCain’ 08
    Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton have talked about ending the War. Don’t let them do it!
    Vote John McCain. He is the only man besides George Bush who will keep the War going on no matter what.
    Raise your conservative voice
    Make the conservative choice
    John McCain ’08
    The Right Man to Lead Us

  4. “Huck the B gonna win several stehts on supa teusdeh. then he winz Tehas in Mrch. iz nah good. Do nah wantz azhol Huck the B 4 VP!! Tho prollee happenz.
    f118ing god damnn!t b1tch sh!t! huck the B 4 VP srsly piss i off! hrmph!!”
    English, Mother******! DO YOU SPEAK IT?!?!
    Harvey, you shouldn’t have let the Gimp out of its trunk.

  5. “I think it is FrankJ. He wasn’t happy with the quality of troll, so being an engineer, perhaps he automated one. Hence the name Wrrr.”
    That could explain the Jar Jar Binks similarity. What we’re witnessing aren’t actual posts, but CGI is being used to insert him into the comments.

  6. i iz nah mista j or a munkee. i iz reel peep usn i txt talx. many peepz typ dis weh nowz. iz fast weh to typ w less vwlz
    i do preciat mista j and he so fine site full o rite wingaz. i hope he makez lotsa googly $$$ bux.
    To WALflowerz
    i iz jus figmnt o u imagnatoon….
    ur travln thru anotha dimesn – a dimesn nah onlee of site n soun but of mindz. a jurnee in2 a wndrous land whuz boundriez r that of imagnatoon. iz sgnpst aheadz – ur nxt stop – d twilght zone.

  7. vwlz iz VOWELS a, e, i o, u and sometimes y
    As much as I enjoy reading beautiful prose I can think of very little reason to engage in such a time consuming process on an online forum. Perhaps I am simply not capable of producing such exquisite material and so I use texting as a cover for my weakness. Or, maybe I was just mocking you by trying to sound as stupid and ignorant as you assume everyone on the left is. Or, maybe I am just a bored troll.
    Or, maybe I am …..
    Sarcasm Man
    LOLz (gotcha – at least sum of u anyweh)

  8. Fred’s last Twitter message from four days ago in case you guys missed it:
    “Sadly, it’s official. Fred says: “Today I have withdrawn my candidacy for President of the United States.” Thanks for all of your support.”
    Still waiting for IMAO to join Twitter 🙂
    If Fred was still around I bet Huck the B wouldn’t be taking the South next week. Huck the B sucks.

  9. #26 – Posted by: Sarcasm Man on January 26, 2008 10:29 PM
    Someone needs to get one of those on Ron Paul Stat! I’m sure we can get the International Jewish Conspiracy, the Freemasons, the New World Order and the Bilderbergers to chip in.

  10. Dude, Wrrrr, you gotta consider posting a translation for the leet-speak impaired. I realize all the really cool 11th graders can type without vowels, but some of us graduated high school or college back when people used to type out all their words AND know how to spell them as well, even when we only had a 300 baud modem.

  11. For some reason the phrase “Weekend Paulbaiting” puts a vision in my head of Harvey sitting in a boat out a lake fishing for really retarded fish.
    The best thing is, he doesn’t even need to use a fishing rod, he just yells over the side, “Ron Paul is a delusional weenie!” and the fish just jump right in the boat.
    Also, they come pre-wrapped in tinfoil which make for easier baking (or grilling or steaming if you prefer). :o)

  12. Son o’ Bob-
    I wouldn’t. I could encourage them to finally achieve the one thing that they could do to finally be a part of the solution…
    OK, that wasn’t very nice of me to say. But on the plus side, not very many of RP’s supporters would be quick to call right anyhow, as he is apparently perfect & probably immortal in their eyes.
    Now if Doc Paul died today, then the suicide hotline would surely have their hands full for months.

  13. “For some reason the phrase “Weekend Paulbaiting” puts a vision in my head of Harvey sitting in a boat out a lake fishing for really retarded fish.
    The best thing is, he doesn’t even need to use a fishing rod, he just yells over the side, “Ron Paul is a delusional weenie!” and the fish just jump right in the boat.”
    That just made my day. I could imagine a fish knocking his drink over and him punching the fish in the face. Or maybe that would be me.

  14. We got a live-ish one here folks. acroso, thinking back to the south carolina republican debate where Paul basically said that the only reason he has R behind his name is so he could get on the debates and then the fact tha the tubby taxer and McCain are serious candidates thus suggesting the new direction of the GOP; you’re referring to thompson as a RINO is both amusing and accurately ironic. As for him taking up votes, if the polls have any kind of accuracy Paul’s single digits stayed steady (as they all ways have had) despite thompson entry and exit of the race.

  15. I’ll put Wrrrr to rest and type some thoughts out here in regular English until Frank zaps this IP number now that I have admitted being Sarcasm Man.
    Here’s what’s going to happen….
    The Democratic part is easy to predict.
    Hillary Clinton will blow the Obama gnat away on Super Tuesday. Obama isn’t polling well in any other state besides Illinois and maybe Georgia. He’s also been effectively painted into a corner as the black candidate by Bill. Hillary will open up a wide lead and probably have enough delegates by the end of February if not March for the win. For a running mate Clinton either picks Barack Obama, Wesley Clark or someone else. Clark could be the Sec of State or Defense choice if Hillary is worried she needs Obama to get out the black and youth vote.
    Ron Paul’s still in the race which is more than you can say for Fred Thompson – but not much more.
    Fred Thompson’s bid for a nomination was destroyed by two things: his late entrance and Huckabee. Huckabee used the church network established by Karl Rove for Bush in the 2004 election to rocket ahead in states where evangelicals live. Huckabee is a crazy mother f***er!
    McCain and Romney are going to battle it out for delegates but neither will probably be able to get enough. If 9iu11iani doesn’t win Florida he is done. If 9iu11iani wins Florida then there will definitely be a brokered convention. Some people voted early in Florida and that’s Rudy’s only chance.
    If McCain wins Florida he might have a shot at getting enough delegates to avoid a brokered convention. If Romney wins Florida there is probably still no way anyone will get enough delegates to avoid a brokered convention. My bet is a brokered convention because Huckabee is still scooping up enough votes to grab several states in the south.
    The real wild card in this factor is Huckabee. He can’t win the nomination but he is almost the guaranteed Vice President. With Huckabee the GOP candidate could pick up all the Evangelicals who are tied to him like super glue. It’s probably almost irresistible to the nominee.
    McCain-Huckabee would be a scary ticket – they could nab both Indepedents and Evangelicals. The one downside to this ticket is that is that it would probably scare away some of the non-Evangelical conservatives.
    Technically you guys aren’t conservatives. Staying in Iraq and helping out the Iraqis is a liberal concept. The Al Qaeda people who came there after we invaded have been killed and/or left and the WMDs are all gone. We already completed our mission. We won. Mission accomplished on that part.
    All that’s left is nation building which is a liberal concept to its core. Like many liberal ideas it is a very expensive one and the next president will have to decide how long to continue it.
    I’m now sort of indifferent to how long we stay in Iraq. I’d like to see an Iraq that is a US ally (who wouldn’t?) and I’m impressed that we have converted many Sunnis to our cause but I’m very worried it isn’t really helping with the battle against Al Qaeda overall. So I don’t really care whether we go, stay or mostly leave but keep bases or whatever. While we are busy babysitting Sunnis/Shias/Kurds in Iraq Al-Qaeda is probably secretly plotting a new attack from a secret base in England or South America or wherever.

  16. Now, that’s better, Sarc. Also, your best post ever. How long can you keep this up?
    One little bitsy detail: If staying in Iraq is a liberal concept, then where are all the “liberal” Democrats?

  17. One little bitsy detail: If staying in Iraq is a liberal concept, then where are all the “liberal” Democrats?
    The far left peeps are still furious that Bush went into Iraq in the first place.

  18. I would be furious too, were I a Dem-dem. Look at how unfair we’ve been to them; In the 80’s, Reagan destroyed their dreams of socialism almost beyond recognition. Now this current Republican, while he’s no Reagan, he did crush their aspirations of seeing America cowed by radical Islam, which won’t ever happen now.
    I mean, what’s there left to surrender to now, Buddhism? TV?

  19. If Senator John McCain was looking at you right now would he see someone who is ready to vote for John McCain?
    If yes, then you are about to make the right decision.
    If not, then you should try to get to know McCain a little bit more.
    John McCain is strong, mighty, handsome, fierce, brave and unimaginably smart.
    John McCain ’08
    The Right Man to Lead Us

  20. Sarcasm Man is right, historically nationbuilding is a liberal policy, as is (get this) warmongering. It is only within the recent few decades that conservatives have left the more isolationist area and entered into a more agressive foreign policy stance. For the record liberals still do favor forcible interventions to stop what they conside to be atrocities like Darfur, and the US economy.

  21. Historically, yes, as in pre-WWII. But WWII onward is a different equation, warlord. And failure to understand it is the reason so many “conservatives” can’t stomach Ron Paul, despite agreeing with him on almost everything else. The “clock” simply can’t be turned – except by neglect.

  22. Sarcasm Man is right, historically nationbuilding is a liberal policy, as is (get this) warmongering. It is only within the recent few decades that conservatives have left the more isolationist area and entered into a more agressive foreign policy stance. For the record liberals still do favor forcible interventions to stop what they conside to be atrocities like Darfur, and the US economy.
    Well, liberal insofar as the classical definition of the term vice the modern one. To wit: American conservatives are, by definition, liberals in the rest of the world. (Except for Canada and possibly Australia) If we were, for example, in China, we’d be pro-democracy radicals.

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