Where’s the Thompson campaign?

I’ll give you some hints: Its not in Iowa, New Hampshire, Michigan or apparently anywhere else delegates are being chosen


  1. You know, if he could just eke out a win in South Carolina, this race could then officially be classified a clusterf–k – allowing Rudy to jump back in it in Florida, right before Super Tuesday.
    Sadly though, I’m betting Fred bows out after a disappointing distant third-place showing in South Carolina – which means one more week of Huckabee, and then Mitt and McCain to the finish. Hooray…

  2. Hey Dave-
    Who do you want to vote for?

    Thanks for asking. I want to see four or five Republican candidates get all the way to May and us still not know who the GOP candidate will be. I’d also like to see a few dozen more debates along the way.

  3. You know, if he could just eke out a win in South Carolina, this race could then officially be classified a clusterf–k – allowing Rudy to jump back in it in Florida, right before Super Tuesday.
    Sadly though, I’m betting Fred bows out after a disappointing distant third-place showing in South Carolina – which means one more week of Huckabee, and then Mitt and McCain to the finish. Hooray…

    I was thinking Romney’s win could dampen enthusiasm for McCain in SC giving Huck or maybe even Fred an opportunity to win SC. Don’t see why G-man couldn’t still win Florida no matter what happens in SC. If Fred can win SC and Giuliani wins Florida then we could have five people with wins. Amazing!

  4. Delegates you say? From Hugh Hewitt:

    Race At A Glance
    Romney McCain Huckabee Giuliani Thompson
    30     10   21    1         6

    Those are the numbers before Michigan, which won’t help Thompson. But!!! South Carolina is just 4 days out – Saturday – with 45 delegates up for grabs. Me thinks Fred is about to get found. 🙂

  5. Those are the numbers before Michigan, which won’t help Thompson. But!!! South Carolina is just 4 days out – Saturday – with 45 delegates up for grabs. Me thinks Fred is about to get found. 🙂
    South Carolina only has a measly 24 delegates total to give. The GOP penalized them for moving up the primary.

  6. The results I saw for yesterdays vote had Thompson at 4%. 4%! That’s half of the fruitcake Ron Pauls’ numbers
    When he started talking tough in the debate last week I started to buy back into the myth, but this guy is NOT the character he plays on screen.
    The idea that he is in as a favor to McCain, his old Senate buddy, to split the true Republican vote and defeat Romney and help Qwai Chang McCain become the first Democrat nominated by the GOP is looking more real than ever.
    Romnet won with real Republican support. McCain needed the Dems and Indepentents to cross over and they stayed home.
    We caught a break there.

  7. I know the man is going to be busy canvassing the state the next few days. When going to look for – -whoever, height matters. Whoever stocks his warerobe this bad would definitely find themselves under the gaze of Fred Thompson. Rubber never runs, but warerobe designers run when they have Fred coming after them.

  8. Oh yea of little faith! It’s all part of Mr. Fred Thompson’s Master Plan to capture the White House in a miraculous campaign that the “experts” said was impossible. Sit back and watch as Fred now destroys the rest of the field…Muwhahahahah!!!!

  9. It’s gonna be unfortunate if Fred doesn’t win, because he is the most trustworthy republican we have running. It is one of the only times I can listen to a candidate and actually believe what the man says. It’ll be a shame if one of the other candidates wins and shows his style of “conservatisms”. Us Fredheads will be there, though, to say “I told you so.”

  10. To those who still believe in Fred Thompson, repeat after me and then you can be brainwashed just like everyone else:
    What a bunch of noobs. Wait until SC, if he doesn’t do well then you can all run your stupid monkey mouths.

  11. BLC posted: “The results I saw for yesterdays vote had Thompson at 4%. 4%! That’s half of the fruitcake Ron Pauls’ numbers…”
    BLC, you should understand a bit more about the race in Michigan before getting too uptight about Fred’s showing here (I ‘live’ in Michigan, unfortunately).
    1. Ron Paul campaigned extensively in Michigan. There were commercials and posters everywhere with Ron Paul’s name. His results are probably the same as what Ralph Nader would have gotten with similar advertising. To what end? No delegates, spent campaign funds.
    2. Fred got 4% with NO advertising. There were no posters, no ads, nada. Those of us who voted for him here were informed, active researchers for a true conservative.
    3. The top three candidates most likely could attribute their successes to three sources:
    a. Michigan, being a blue state, has a greater than average left leaning ‘moderate’ Republican population who vote for like candidates
    b. Only one Democrat candidate of note was on the ticket. Many Democrats held their noses (rather than vote for Hillary) and voted for the least offensive Republican
    c. In Romney’s case, he at least can claim that he was from Michigan

  12. Sorry, guys, Fred’s showing is sad. 4%? Ron Whakado Paul got 6%, Rudy got 2% and didn’t even show up. Uncommitted got 2%.
    And with Romney’s win, he’ll now be a factor in South Carolina and Nevada, which Means Fred will come in fourth in SC and fifth in NV, which pretty much means it’s over for him after Saturday.
    Watch today, Rush Limbaugh will suddenly discover a new love for Romney and his magic underwear.

  13. BLC,
    When he started talking tough in the debate last week I started to buy back into the myth, but this guy is NOT the character he plays on screen.
    Actually he only plays characters who are essentially Fred. He is not a great actor who can play any part. His parts are pretty much all the same. His first part, after all, was to that of Fred Thompson (that would be himself)in a movie.
    I think we see pretty much what we would be getting if he were elected. His perceived lack of “fire in the belly” for the office is one of his more desirable traits. I get the impression from most of the candidates that they just really want to be president. With Fred, I think he feels compelled to serve.

  14. Hey Jimmy (#10) – My fondness for Giuliani hasn’t changed, but I’m not crazy about the campaign he’s run (you know the feeling, Fredophiles).
    His nomination was always problematic; even if they could accept his social positions, would middle America pull a lever for some DAY-go outta New York?
    This might not be the time yet for an ethnic president. However, if you look at the line of ethnicities, i.e. Dutch, German, Irish, and the order of their arrivals here in America, they’ve all had their presidents. In keeping with that line, it IS the Italians’ turn.
    Unless, God forbid, it’s Homey’s turn…

  15. “Homey”?
    I think the problem is that Rudy could actually do damage to the coalition. He’s the one candidate who could trigger a migration of evangelicals/religious conservatives to a third party. Even with Huckabee, economic “please, sir, may I have another” conservatives will realize he’s less of a worry than Hillary or Obama.
    Huckabee will need to win SC to stay afloat, otherwise people will doubt him. Romney could survive a second place showing, or even a third, because McCain and Huck are pretty close to almost out of money. Fred is dead after SC.
    Rudy needs to win Florida, and then score well on Super Tuesday.
    I’m still betting on McCain as the “Bob Dole” consensus candidate (and we all know how well that worked out.)

  16. At some point is someone in the Republican party going to ask the question, “Why are our opening primaries all held in somewhat (or completely) liberal states? It’s like asking the people of San Francisco who they want to be the Republican candidate.

  17. Anonymous bitch from yesterday’s monkey-robot post has a small point- We’re all a bunch of mean ol’ poopy-heads.
    It’s a sad state for anon that, in a fit of impotent rage, he still can’t find the balls to spell out a swear word.
    But he’s right; you’re all still a bunch o’ bigoted crackas.

  18. Oh dear. Trolls. Aren’t they just the cutest things? Keep it up dickweeds, you’ll piss off enough people to actually get the one TRUE conservative, FRED!, into the White House and a Congress worth a damn. These communist slime you want are nought but that, income redistributional rectal socialists. Get off your ass, work, save, and make a life for yourself. As opposed to the government giving you a piece of someone elses.

  19. Jimmy,
    It is obvious he is hopped up on He11, a compound made of 11 Helium atoms. A terrible gas.
    But it is obvious he is too scared to even make up a user name. I guess he is afraid us bigots will find him.

  20. Here you, go anon:
    I hope that helps calm your tiny fists of rage. But don’t get the wrong idea; your lifestyle choices are your own. As for me, I like females (of all races!).
    Just to be clear, I am afraid of XenU. And I kinda like XenA… y’know, the Warrior Princess.

  21. “Yo bigoted xenophobes! You suck! Your canidates suck! Rethuglicans!”
    Holy crap! Yesterday you trolled and stole my name for one post. Today you ran out of steam, troll. You do need a hug. Poor name-stealing troll.

  22. Cadet Happy also likes to jump nekkid into pit of ravenous wolves, with raw meat attached to himself.
    Wanna play a fun game of Russian Roulette? I, uh, gotta go grad dinner. I’ll be riiiiight back. Yeah.

  23. I think a few trolls (anonymous or not) aren’t really leftist and/or democrats/liberals. It’s not that he/she sounds stupid but that he/she sounds like he’s being stupid on purpose.
    This “we’re-gonna-w1n-an-u-suckas-r-not-gunna”-kind of rhetoric doesn’t sound inspired, exactly.

  24. Michael R. (#47):
    Thanks for the analysis. I’m thinking He11 is actually a brand-new isotope of Helium, He-11. It’s so strange that it might have super-fluid properties – you know – the kind that allows it to climb the walls of its container.

  25. So Jimmy, you were watching that PBS special too, yeah? That was a cool show (no pun intended). I think the low end of the Kelvin temperature scale could be useful in describing Hillary’s sexual prowess…
    See, PBS isn’t always totally useless. Just most of the time.

  26. Hi Alan – indeed, I was. And it reminded me of all the science I’ve forgotten!
    Hillary is quite possibly a Bose-Einstein condensate, a strange state of matter where particles lose their identity and are neither here nor there. In other words, brain dead, but dangerous.

  27. if Fred loses S.C. it’s not because of him,it’s the medias fault. They have sucessfully painted him as a lazy Southern hick. They have not allowed him on the shows. The Huckster and McCain have me sooo mad!!! I am telling you right now if Huckster wins I will not vote. And MCCAIN??? it’s Bob Dole vs. Clinton all over again…Bob Dole was a buffoon….I only wish the 527s and all the McCain Feingold Moveon.orgs turn on McCain and just watch the monster McCain created turn on the creator!!!! The best I can hope at this time is Romney makes Fred his VP.

  28. I made a few trips up to NH during their primary. I can do that because I, unfortunately, live in the “People’s Democratic Socialist Republic of Massachusetts” under the rule of Swimmer Ted and Company. I was really excited about Fred before he got in because i am familiar with his legal and legislative back ground and thought he would be a worthy successor to the Conservative crown.
    I made it to three Fred events and actually shook his hand at one. At none of these did he light any fires under the crowd. His statements were among the most intelligent and best preapred I heard up there, but he came across as tired and old.
    Fred has limited his direct spending and advertising, but he has had excellent push from the internet and talk radio where he has generated a lot of grassroots interest.
    I would have loved to see him be a viable candidate but I can’t see it happening at this point.

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