Gun Free Zone Rename

I thought I’d start a separate thread for possible other names for a “gun free” zone.
My ideas:
“Possible Shooting Spree Zone”
“Easy Target Zone”
“Self-Defense Free Zone” (well, I stole that one from a commenter)
“Sheep Zone”
Put your ideas in the comments, and if they’re really good, I might read them.

On Mass Shootings

I’ve gotten so used to conceal carry that the idea that one man can walk into a room with a couple of guns and have unlimited power is quite foreign. I can see that happening hundreds of years ago when settlers with “thunder sticks” came upon primitive tribes, but it’s quite out of place for an advanced civilization.
So why the “gun free” zones? I can see those making sense to someone if you only thought about it for one second.

“If we make this a gun free zone, we won’t have to worry about violence!”
(one second passes)
“Oh… but criminals don’t follow laws. All that will mean is honest citizens will be defenseless. D’oh! I’m so stupid!” (slaps forhead)

No more “gun free” zones (the scare quotes is because they obviously aren’t always gun free) people. We should pass a law saying so, or at least pass a law requiring “gun free” zones to post a notice warning people of possible shooting sprees within the premise.