Colder than Hillary Clinton’s t$t . . .

It’s freakin’ cold up here — 13 below when I got up. But, at least some sun dogs formed to take the edge off.

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  1. Cold enough to freeze Hillary’s thighs, eh? (That eh comes from Canada with the cold air.)
    Since we’re reduced to comparing temperatures, it’s 45F here. At least it’s not raining Democrats at the moment. But the frickin humidity is 10,000%, so it feels like -50F.

  2. BTW, Cadet Happy, I don’t think “t$t” is on the list of forbidden words requring dollarification. Although, it would be good if IMAO published the list of words they’d rather not see here. But then, they’d have to dollarfy (or asteriskify or dashify) them just to publish them, wouldn’t they? D$mn.

  3. Goerge Bush SLAMS Limbaugh and RIGHT WING LOSERS. Bush Says McCain is a True Conservative!! Take that you loser freaks!! You aren’t true conservatives at all. You are just losers!!

  4. AlanABQ, they might have meant “POOFLICK” which might just be slang for “poo flicker” – or – maybe it’s a misspelling for a “Winnie The Pooh” flick. But to be politically correct, they should have said “P$$FL$CK.” On the other hand, it could be shorthand for “JoeB131.”

  5. YEAH! WHAT HE SAID! So take that you … you… people that dont agree with me! And since you dont agree with me, Im gonna call you obscure internet acronym names! Because I cant make a logical argument for my position….
    Ah… the fine art of modern communication at its best.

  6. “Bill’s morals” – a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron, Dohtimes. Where’s that commenter that used to hang around here named “Clinton’s Are White Trash” ? I’m feelin’ like more Clinton bashing.

  7. I grew up in upstate NY, never that cold, I didn’t mind the weather. Now I live in San Jose, CA. 60+, I went out in shorts & T to ride my bike. the neighbors came out (seriously!) in winter coats. wtf?

  8. Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be right wingers
    Don’t let ’em be stupid and drive gas gusslin trucks
    Make ’em be liberals and truth tellers and such
    Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be right wingers
    They’ll never tell the truth and they’ll always suck

  9. Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be liberals
    They’ll soon cloud the air with their arrogant drivel.
    Make sure they know the Constitution and such…
    So when socialism masquerades as “change” and power-hungry liars try to dupe the masses after eight years of media villification (not entirely undeserved) of the president,
    They’ll know how to discern between what’s popular and what’s just.
    Sorry my rhyme scheme fell apart… i’m not as talented as Peace Ninja… who should know that most extended periods of peace in world history have come after the most brutal and protracted conflicts. Go read a book, troll.

  10. Gotta say that my thermostat is permanently on 68 degrees. The heat hasn’t come on in over a week, and I even sat out on my porch yesterday in a tank top. I like snow, but not enough to deal with cold.
    Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be lefties.
    Don’t let ’em vote for a fascist or Hillary.
    They don’t use their brain too often you see.
    Mommas don’t let your babies grow up to be lefties.
    They’ll call socialism “freedom” and ban our gun rights, and spend our tax money on weed.
    (By the way, PeaceNinja, if you actually knew the song you would have realized that you needed another line.)
    I got your back RedWhiteAndTrue.

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