Eternal Salvation < Socialism

I think this pretty much sums up the depths of liberals’ fascism: Jimmy Carter thinks it would have been great for Jesus to accept Satan’s offer to rule the world so He could then enact a bunch of socialist programs.
So if you’re wondering what means liberals think are okay to achieve their goals, the line is apparently drawn somewhere beyond deals with Satan.

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  1. This does not come as a surprise to most Christians. One cannot act as if the Ten Commandments are the Ten Suggestions, one cannot act as if it was their personal job to single handedly MAKE everyone do what they think is right, and one can’t believe in God and be willing to make deals with the Devil, especially if it means rejecting God, and be a real Christian (follower of Jesus Christ).
    One third of the host of heaven were cast out for rebellion. Satan wanted to be the one to bring everyone back (there’d be no choice) as long as he got the glory. Obviously 2/3 of the host and The Father went with a different option (which gave everyone a choice and the free will to take advantage of it)
    So when you go to vote remember those two issues (choice vs. compulsion) and vote accordingly. At least you’ll know whose side you’re on.

  2. Check the link at the bottom of the article. Apparently someone was a little too quick to demonize (no pun intended) Carter without looking at the whole piece Carter had written.
    I think Carter is a flake, myself (and even had an inkling of it when he was in office, for as politically ignorant as I was as a 9-year-old), but I’m fairly certain he is not THAT clueless (say, as Al Gore) on matters of faith.

  3. Ya, this one didn’t pass the smell test. Good to see an update on the original NRO link already, amazing how fast the ‘bloggers in their pjs’ correct things vs the MSM.
    But isn’t it amazing how the MSM media has been quoting Democrats totally out of context lately? ABC got caught doing it to the Clintons last week. Guess this is their way of trying to be fair and balanced, misquote and defame everyone equally? Totally obsolete and and too stupid to even realize it.

  4. So if you’re wondering what means liberals think are okay to achieve their goals, the line is apparently drawn somewhere beyond deals with Satan.
    In the future please clarify whether you mean GOP liberals or DEM liberals when you use the word liberal. It’s hard to tell these days with both parties being so liberal.

  5. The thing is..this puts into perspective where socialism lies. Squarely in the realm of Satan.
    As for Carter, taken out of context or no, he is nothing but an embittered irrational loser who I blame for setting this country on the slippery slope to you-know-where that it is on today. His administration was a shame and a disaster.

  6. But Bert, we can actually rationally prove Carter’s was a thousand of times more disastrous. The best liberals can come up with are bumper sticker slogans like ‘Bush lied people died!’
    Of course, once a liberal starts to become rational, he finds himself becoming less and less of one.

  7. Hey Bert, I guess most americans are total slime, because we elected him president twice. This administration has its faults, but the war on terror is not one of them. Not one Democrat ( or republican for that matter) president has had the balls to step up and confront Islamo-Facism. Carter and Clinton had thier chances, but were to chicken-shit to do the right thing.

  8. Hey Bert, I guess most americans are total slime, because we elected him president twice.
    I meant anyone who still supports the Bush administration is total slime. People who voted for him in ’04 can be forgiven. Bush has very little support now in our country and his failure as president is the reason people will be electing a Democrat – possible even a far left one like Ted Kennedy’s pal Obama.

  9. Maybe in your tiny little world, Bert, but most Americans do not feel the same way about the current administration. Repeating the same lie over and over does not make it so! President Bush has made some decisions that conservatives find disappointing, but I still thank God he our president and not either of the two miscreants who lost to him! Bush’s backbone is still firmly in place while neither Algore or J effin K have one!

  10. Don’t come to me with all your facts! Facts are nothing but a Right Wing Conspiracy! I learned everything I know from the Tooth Fairy herself while I was smoking a dooby, so everything I write is 200% trufax.

  11. Maybe in your tiny little world, Bert, but most Americans do not feel the same way about the current administration.
    Wow. Not sure where you are getting that. Bush is extremely disliked by the public. The War is out of favor with most of the public. You need to get out more.
    Bush is not up for reelection but hatred of him is driving a lot of people away from the GOP.
    This isn’t some tooth fairy fantasy of mine. It is a fact that Bush is a very unpopular president.

  12. The tooth fairy doesn’t want to be called that anymore. He’s the molanator and don’t you forget it.
    Trolls, trolls good for your heart,
    the more they talk,
    they sound like Bart,
    The more like Bart,
    the more you see what’s real
    your freedom and liberty is what they’ll steal.

  13. Sounds like Bert gets his news from Katie the perky one and the Kos Kids. Who are you listening to? Please don’t tell me you believe the polls?! If you do, you’ve probably also heard the congressional approval ratings are sitting at about 13% right now….quickly approaching single digits….the President’s are at least still in the thirties! (exactly where slick Willy’s were at various points in his illustrious administration)

  14. Poor Bert. His malignant narcissism makes him confuse facts and reality with stuff he just says. I think the one who needs to get out more is the one who seems to have the least clue.
    His name starts with a “b” and ends with an “ert”.

  15. The quote may be taken out of context but that doesn’t change the fact that Jimmy Carter was the worst president in the history of this country and that’s saying a lot.
    He allowed American citizens to be abducted and held prisoner for over 300 days.
    He allowed the country to be abused, strangled, and spat upon.
    He caused the countries moral to be lower than it ever has.
    He continues to bad mouth the country, it’s citizens, and it’s ideals.
    He was a joke to other international leaders and made the US a joke as well.
    He is very good at photo ops, and pretending to do something.
    He was a mediocre military member and a mediocre businessman. ( peanut subsidies)
    In any other century he would have been tried and convicted as a traitor. In the 21st century they gave him a Noble Peace Prize. For what, trashing his own country, spitting on it’s principles and slandering it’s people?
    Hopefully in the next life he will understand the ideas of loyalty, morality and Christianity.

  16. But yeah, we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq to crack down on al-Qaeda so that they wouldn’t do this any more. Since we can’t stop ALL the bad things, we have to quit!!! We should never have invaded!!!! NO BLOOD FOR OOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLL!!! BUSHITLERTONNNNNN!!! slobber drool spit spittle

  17. Well, selling his soul to Satan apparently worked out pretty well for Jimmy Carter. So far so good, anyway. I think that Jimmy’s afterlife burning in Hell for all eternity thing is gonna hurt, though. Maybe Christ thought the whole “deal with the Devil” thing through a little further than Carter…..

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