Gun Free Zone Rename

I thought I’d start a separate thread for possible other names for a “gun free” zone.
My ideas:
“Possible Shooting Spree Zone”
“Easy Target Zone”
“Self-Defense Free Zone” (well, I stole that one from a commenter)
“Sheep Zone”
Put your ideas in the comments, and if they’re really good, I might read them.

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  1. “What do you mean criminals aren’t paying attention to the law???” zone
    “Excess ammunition dumping zone”
    “Involuntary blood donor zone”
    “Warning: Area may be unsafe due to Democrats meddling with your Second Amendment rights”

  2. “Endangered Human Preserve”
    “Rifle Testing Grounds – Unmedicated and Hormonal Welcome”
    “In the case of suspicious or criminal activity, please dial campus police. We will do our best to not get there in time to do anything about it.”

  3. If these zones are going to exist, we might as well use them to our advantage. That in mind, here are a few suggestions:
    Senators who refuse to fund the troops zone
    Michael moore private parking space zone
    Seminar on how to bring down the infidels of the west zone
    NAMBLA National Headquarters zone

  4. #13 MJ’s “In the case of suspicious or criminal activity, please dial campus police. We will do our best to not get there in time to do anything about it.”
    …modify that to read:
    “We will do our best to get there with body bags and media cameras. Thanks.”

  5. “Target Rich Environment Zone”
    “Target Rich Zone” for short
    “Gun Free (Body Bag) Zone”
    “Gun-Free” College Campuses: Making sure you have time to bleed. (Apologies to Jesse Ventura)
    Remember the good old days, when lock-downs happened in prisons and insane asylums*, not college campuses and high schools?
    *oops, should have said psychiatric hospitals, calling people who blow away other people insane is not PC. My bad. 🙂
    Why can’t these crazy people who always shoot themselves last be taught to shoot themselves first?
    We could switch the schools from “Gun-Free Zones” to “Shoot Yourself First” zones. Bet it would work just as well, and keep students just as safe.

  6. Red Shirt Zone
    Lead Catching Zone
    Maybe next to the condom dispensers and the toilet seat protection in the bathrooms they can start installing body bag dispensers to save campus police some time.

  7. In the Campus Security Guide:
    “Do Your Part! Numbnuts University encourages the use of e-mail, texting, cell-phones and other forms of communication to help stop acts of violence on campus. And remember: Be Safe! Don’t take the law into your own hands.”

  8. “Spineless-Cowards-Afraid-of-Personal-Responsibility Zone”
    “Egotistical-Self-Important-Academic-Narcissistic-Know-It-All-Hippie Zone”
    Either way, let the punches fly… one way or another, sooner or later, they’ll learn the savage nature of reality… aren’t they all survival of the fittest/evolutionists anyway?

  9. No doubt Frank. The students should be suing these moron schools back to the stone age for disarming them, then not providing protection.
    I remember a picture of the VA Tech incident where swat guys were hiding behind freakin trees….
    I guess it’s possible these young people still think banning guns is a good idea though.
    This stuff hurts the brain.

  10. Like several suggestions. But instead of just venting, how about doing something. The t-shirt idea does spread the message a bit but I’m having more evil thoughts.
    How about sticker sets, made to be durable and damned hard to remove from a sign. Several vivid blood splatters and one from a rotating set of captions on each sheet. So those of a more direct action bent could make ‘gun free zone’ signs more accurate.
    Make em hard enough to remove so that after a try or two they just give up, they ARE pussies afterall.

  11. “Europe”.
    #76 – Posted by: Francesco poli on February 16, 2008 09:25 AM
    Exactly. Well said. And how many Univeristy shooting have taken place in ‘Europe’ this week?
    Why was that?
    This ones a thinker. Hmmmmmmm…..

  12. In the University Bylaws:
    The laws of the City Of _____ and the State of _____ have no jurisdiction on campus. The University will not be held liable for injuries to students caused by acts of God, riots, insurrections, mass shootings or other felonious crimes.

  13. In the student newspaper:
    Attention Students!! The Partnership For A Gun Free America will hold a memorial for the deceased students killed in last weeks shooting in the I.M. Coward Memorial Hall audititorium at 3:30 p.m. on Saturday. NRA members not welcome.

  14. WARNING:
    You are entering a gun-free school zone and you’re gonna frigging die.
    But rest assured, when it happens and you lie there bleeding out, brains on the floor, your soul can achieve eternal bliss knowing that our Stalinist principles are worth so much more than your dead ass.

  15. In the Faculty Manual:
    Neither the faculty nor the students can be trusted with guns on Campus. The very idea of replying-in-kind with immediate retribution against violent crimes is repulsive to real Americans.

  16. Important Notice:
    To improve safey and help prevent violent gun crimes, Uranaus State University has recently installed a campus-wide camera system. All classrooms, meeting rooms, hallways, sidewalks and open areas are now under 24-hour surveillance. Costing over 12 million dollars and paid for by a grant from Homeland Security, the system’s 327 high-resolution camera views are available for public viewing at

  17. that’s an emoticon of a sad dying peep with two bullet wounds in his/her chest above in case you were curious
    #21 – Posted by: Nate on February 15, 2008 03:40 PM
    Hey Nate you’re an (!)
    i.e. an ass

  18. Shooter-Safe Zone
    Shooter-Friendly Zone
    Only Illegal Carry Allowed
    Safe Target Area
    Student/Faculty Season: OPEN
    Violence Free Zone! All Violators Will Be Subjected to Mandatory Counseling!
    No Guns For Safety!
    Making Targets, Not Threats
    Make Headlines, Not Hate
    Campus Security: Making You Feel Safe!*
    *(NOTE: This guarantee is applicable only to feelings of safety, and does not hold campus administrative officers or Campus Security responsible for any failures to provide safety on campus. Since the Campus Security personnel on this campus are not armed, it is not within their area of responsibility to respond to reports of armed attacks; that is the job of the City Police and SWAT agencies, whose reaction time may vary. In case of non-safe occurrences, please take cover until effective aid arrives. FURTHER: This disclaimer will not form a satisfactory reason for allowing the carrying of guns on campus, licensed or unlicensed. In case of concern over safety, please contact ABC Insurance’s representative on campus to discuss policies covering accidents or violent deaths. Thank you!)
    (In case anyone asks, no, this is not a real statement of any college or university that I know of; it’s just a representation of what I consider the standard college/university policy concerning guns on campus. Any claims that the above text is unfair because no college or university uses it as their official policy will be taken as evidence that the claimant has not read the full text of this post.)

  19. “Shooting Spree Free Since [Feb 17, 2008]”
    “Homicidal Maniacs Must Report to Administration Hall Before Going Postal”
    “Seat Belts Are Mandatory, Concealed Carry is Forbidden – You Figure It Out”
    “Feeling Down? Want to Shoot Someone, Anyone? Please Call 1-800-UPYOURS”
    “We Will Protect You If We Can
    Now Hiring”
    “Not Responsible For Situations Of Aggravated Armed Assault”

  20. the references to school shootings seem in pretty bad taste no?
    i’m a pretty insensitive person but alot of these comments are crossing the line…..especially for those of us who knew one of the victims.

  21. Hey Northern Illinois Republican… we aren’t talking about the victims. Pretty sure if you read through the whole thing you would catch that we’re outraged at students NOT being able to protect themselves… via the school.

  22. Chainsaws are good in close quarters if you can get them started in time, trust me.
    There is room to disagree with arming law abiding citizens, that room is called the morgue.
    Sorry to be brutal with that. What would this clown have going for him if just one person in that room with a level head caring about his or hers classmates and prof’s (not to mention their own life) would have unloaded a small .38 into him thus disabling him from further carnage?
    Answer that one lefty gun hating hippies. Can any gun hating hippy actually say they wished if it could be a do over that at the first shot another person pulled out a gun and dropped the shooter???? Gaurantee they are hiding behind the bushes too.

  23. “The State of Illinois”
    School zone, or not, you aren’t allowed to carry a gun in Illinois.
    The 48 states that allow people to protect themselves have it all wrong. Illinois politicians know what’s best for us and will protect us from ourselves. I can’t wait until Obama is president, so he can protect the entire clountry from itself.

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