It’s Pretty Black or White (No Racism Intended)

In Wisconsin, they’re running radio spots for Obama where some hippie gushes that they’re voting for Obama because “he’ll stop the war in Iraq”.
Not “win” or “lose”… “stop”.
Friends, there’s only two ways to “stop” a war – like Truman stopped Japan, or like Nixon stopped Vietnam.
On this issue, I vote for the Democrat.


  1. How about the way Cortez stopped the Aztecs? Even better than Truman and his two pansy little bombs, we can end the war by completely destroying the conditions that started the war in the first place.

  2. Harvey, I will go easy on you since as an atheist you don’t get the whole concept here.
    I AM THE OBAMESSIAH, your puny laws of physics do no apply to me.
    If you elect me, the power of change will set everything right, history will be changed to reflect that the war NEVER happened.

  3. yeah, the ‘gushing hippie’ has about as much understanding of war as obama… well, obama has about as much understanding as a gushing hippie of democracy and how to run a nation.
    obama basically states he is grounded in nothing. his closest stability in life is the muslim religion – wahabbi to include:The Wahhabi ulama reject reinterpretation of Quran and sunna in regard to issues clearly settled by the early jurists. By rejecting the validity of reinterpretation, Wahhabi doctrine is at odds with the Muslim reformation movement of the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This movement seeks to reinterpret parts of the Quran and sunna to conform with standards set by the West, most notably standards relating to gender relations, family law, and participatory democracy.
    , of which he denies any attachment to……and that non-attachment is as trustworthy as – whether the lie is pschologically believed by the person telling it at the time or not – as any lie from the beginning of time.
    when obama states he has no attachment to any belief he is saying ‘everything is a free for all’. if he gets in office he will then see that it is absolutely not a free for all.
    and what will he have to fall back on…..the thing he knows best….and i’ll wager that that ‘best’ gives ear and emotion to the wahabism muslim sect which has nothing to do with democracy.
    so clueless….. he’ll be nice about it. he will ‘stop’ the war and just let ’em walk in and take over; with televised statements of be-nice-american’s-these-are-our-brothers.

  4. Stop the war in Iraq? Not! He may END our participation in a war FOR Iraq, but he wont wont stop it. Our departure would just result in the return of open hostilities between Iraninan backed Shia (Al Sadr) & Sunni. Then of course theres the question of the Kurds. STOP a war in Iraq? Ridiculous. Assist a war into escalating? Real posibility. He is a policy nightmare. His naivete makes him more dangerous than that psuedo-women he’s running against.
    But he has “charisma” right? I sincerely hope that SOMEONE starts asking this guy some very pointed questions SOON. But (and I have been saying this all along) his staff will turn anything negative said (regardless of its constructs) into a racially motivated attack. This is going to get very very ugly (as if it werent disheartening enough). And the MSM will gladly, happily, magnify anything for the sake of ratings and “non-biased” reporting.

  5. Would they even get a chance to resign? Or would they be RIF’d like the last time we “downsized” the military? Which come to think of it was right after the last socialist president took office…Of course to be fair he’ll downsize other “non-essential” government entities like DHS, NSA, CIA, after all its not like a large motivated group of extremists want to KILL US ALL or anything…..

  6. This is an age-old war with mortal enemies, declared on western civilization by islamic jihadists. It cannot be “stopped” or “ended”.
    Iraq is the perfect front to focus on, as we annihilate the vermin over there and keep them on defense. With Iran looming as a nuclear threat, this couldn’t be a worse time to “end” our operations in Iraq. We are at a disadvantage because while we are concerned about collateral damage they won’t hesitate to nuke us.
    The wretched traitors Pelosi & Ried combined with a new sociocrat President supported by brainwashed hippie minions will surely take us to Hell in a handbasket.
    Pray the peacenik fools wake up before its too late. Those slimey bastards want to convert/subjugate or kill us all. How soon they forget 911, Daniel Perl, etc., etc., etc.

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