On Mass Shootings

I’ve gotten so used to conceal carry that the idea that one man can walk into a room with a couple of guns and have unlimited power is quite foreign. I can see that happening hundreds of years ago when settlers with “thunder sticks” came upon primitive tribes, but it’s quite out of place for an advanced civilization.
So why the “gun free” zones? I can see those making sense to someone if you only thought about it for one second.

“If we make this a gun free zone, we won’t have to worry about violence!”
(one second passes)
“Oh… but criminals don’t follow laws. All that will mean is honest citizens will be defenseless. D’oh! I’m so stupid!” (slaps forhead)

No more “gun free” zones (the scare quotes is because they obviously aren’t always gun free) people. We should pass a law saying so, or at least pass a law requiring “gun free” zones to post a notice warning people of possible shooting sprees within the premise.


  1. Okay Frank, stop clouding the issue with facts.
    You’re idea about the sign is fantastic! Perhaps IMAO should sponsor a contest and let the artists among us, of which I am not one, showcase their talent.

  2. “Gun Free” Zones are, well, not very smart, in my opinion. I have my conceal and carry liscense for a reason, and I would like to be able to carry wherever I please. The recent spate of school shootings has me worried enough to where I’ve been seriously considering bucking the law and carrying on campus anyway. I figure the only way anybody would know about my Kel-Tec friend is if I had to use it, and if that situation arises, I can’t see the higher ups at my wonderful institute of higher learning complaining about me saving a few lives.

  3. My friend’s sister had to crawl through a puddle of blood to escape the gunman… she’s pretty shook up. I don’t know if conceal/carry would have deterred this psycho in the first place, but it sure would have ended the situation sooner. Maybe someday…
    [On deterrence, is there an instance of a shooting spree in a non-gun free zone? The shooter may be crazy, but these people always seem to want a group that’s unarmed. -Ed.]

  4. If he had been a conservative, that point would have been headlined.
    As it turns out, he appears to be a hardcore psycho Leftie:
    Sociology grad student and “In a paper he helped write two years ago, he described his interests as social justice, corrections, political violence and peace.”
    How stereotypical Leftie can you get? Those peace marchers are dangerous and shouldn’t even have pointy scissors!

  5. Illinois does not allow concealed carry. Of course, the gunman in this case violated Illinois law when he concealed his guns and of course he violated NIU’s “gun-free zone” rules. We know the rest.
    Did you ever notice that when some nutjob wants to go out in a blaze of glory, they never try to shoot up a police station or a military base or a gun shop? They always go after schools and shopping malls because they know no one else will have a gun.
    My best friend’s nephew goes to NIU. He was nowhere near Cole Hall when the shooting took place. He’s OK, thank God.

  6. #6 – Posted by: Carl the Half-Elven Commie Slayer

    Amen and amen, Frank. Man, I wonder how long it’s gonna take the Demonkats to start stumping gun control as a major campaign issue now. 🙁 Geez.

    Well Carl, since the libtards have file cabinets/hard drives full of emotional, knee-jerk reactions ready for any occasion, tonight may not be too soon.
    Note to America: We are about to elect one of two hardcore socialists or a RINO. You might want to buy all of the guns and ammo that you can, while you still can. Don’t procrastinate.
    I still marvel that even machine gun ownership wasn’t much of an issue before Al Capone shot up Chicago in the early 1930s. Can you imagine walking into a hardware store and buying a Thompson with no hassle? Jayne Cobb would approve.

  7. My kid graduated from VA Tech last May. He was in the Corps of Cadets (ROTC). They all have guns (gotta love Virginia!). I couldn’t help but notice the lunatic that shop up that campus didn’t do it near their dorms!

  8. #12 fosterdad

    They always go after schools and shopping malls because they know no one else will have a gun.

    Yes, they’re wannabe wolves in the sheep, or sheeple, fold.
    They’re like some terrorists which stay as far away from armed Israelis as possible.

  9. One really nice thing about Utah is that I can carry concealed in public schools. This applies all the way from the University of Utah (although they are trying to change that) down to my kid’s elementary school.

  10. If I had a kid in college and could trust him I would arm him/her if they wished. They would need to be trained and understand the high import of discretion but, if needed, they would not be a victim…EVER and neither would I! Nobody is going to be responsible for your protection except yourself! It’s time that Americans figured this out. The hell with the politicians!

  11. No kidding. I take MBA classes at a university that’s located in a not-so-great-area in a not-so-great town. I always hate that I can’t carry my gun. Of course that doesn’t stop me from carrying pepper spray, but that’s hardly a defense in these kind of situations…

  12. Oh, CraigO, that’s not nice.
    Actually, I’ve been sitting here his morning wondering why the wrong people always get shot. Washington State is currently full of violence. None of it is ever from anyone on the “Right.”
    If those Code Pinko a$$holes at Berkeley or Olympia had bit some bullets, I’d a broken out the good stuff and celebrated.

  13. …and somehow the same generation that brought us the brave young people that are willingly risking their lives overseas has brought us Liberal University students who yell “He’s reloading, run!” and trample each other while scrambling for the door rather than beating the crap out of this loser while he’s out of bullets.

  14. ussjimmycarter, after having watched Fox News reports on the shooting for most of the day, the reading your comment, I have come to a conclusion: this white boy ain’t gonna be no victim. I won’t be leaving my house without my concealed “buddy” anymore, and by God I won’t be a victim.

  15. Yeah, Son of Bob, I know what you mean. The contrast in courage in this country is very startling. I don’t know how to account for it, what to make of it, how to deal with it, what to do about it… I know I’m not alone in thinking this. My sons see it also – and they now have more weapons than I do.

  16. #19 ussjimmycarter

    Nobody is going to be responsible for your protection except yourself!

    #20 MJ

    Of course that doesn’t stop me from carrying pepper spray, but that’s hardly a defense in these kind of situations…

    You’re both so right.
    I’ll never forget the time my college roommate walked in one Sunday evening and pulled my .380 Walther PPK/S out of his coat pocket and laid it down. “I went to Jack in the Box.”
    I just gave him a knowing smile. He drove an MG convertible and felt a little more vulnerable that other motorists.
    Here’s a cartoon to accompany this post.

  17. I dont personaly recognize gun free zones. My right of self defense in inalienable, meaning no one is going to deny me my right. The whole concept of concealed carry is the concealed portion of the program. If you do that properly the issue is moot. I avoid those places that want to screen me. Im not real fond of the idea of dying, but Im less fond of the idea of dying “stupid”. GUN FREE ZONES MY ASS. I will gladly accept the legal ramifications for my behavior if apprehended, as it will probably be associated with my survival of a shooting event due to a sucessful intervention facilitated by my firearm. In this case the old “better to be tryed by twelve than carried by six” adage applies.

  18. Hey cptn, is it true that you can carry concealed in 37 states with that utah permit, and is it hard to get? It’s probably different for out-of-staters, but I would appreciate any info. you could give me.

  19. Juggernaut, I can answer that question: yes, you can carry in a lot (can’t remember the number) of states with a Utah concealed carry license (if you don’t live in Utah, you get a non-resident permit, still works in almost all the states, except Florida). I’ve got one, and no, they’re not hard to get at all. You just have to send in specific info (passport type photo, fingerprints, some other things, can’t really remember right now), pay your money ($59 last time I checked) and in a little while, voila, you’re legal. Check out http://www.packing.org, or do a google search on concealed and carry. That’ll probably help you in much more than my limited info.

  20. Hey Troy-
    Similar story / philosophy. I worked for a company with a strict rule against carrying. As part of my responsibilities I was required to go about once a month into the notorious 5th ward in Houston. Always packed a 1911.
    My immediate supervisor-who I trusted implicitly- was aware and didn’t dissuade me due to the iron-clad logic with which I defended the practice-and which you imparted above.

  21. Yeah, Son of Bob, I know what you mean. The contrast in courage in this country is very startling. I don’t know how to account for it, what to make of it, how to deal with it, what to do about it… I know I’m not alone in thinking this. My sons see it also – and they now have more weapons than I do.
    #25 – Posted by: Jimmy on February 15, 2008 02:36 PM
    No doubt. I’m not too shocked to find that no one fought the baddie with the gun. I’m endlessly surprised to find people almost bragging to reporters that the little old man held back the bad guy while I jumped out the window. You would think they’d be embarrassed.

  22. Yeah, only criminals would have guns if they were made illegal the way things are RIGHT now, with courts and petty fines. BUT, what if you follow up the thinking of making guns illegal and back it up with REAL GOOD enforecment. Like any person, ever found even holding a gun, except for law enforcment, will be executed ON THE SPOT. Why would you be against something like this?
    Plus, you could call in someone you say holding a gun, and you would get a 20,000 dollar reward, plus get to execute the guy himself if you so wished.

  23. Ok Jimbo, lets go with you premise. Then what are you going to do about all the murders committed with edged weapons? (the worldwide choice of weapon). Do you kill everyone that has a knife? Then they use blunt instruments. Do you kill those too. Why should the majority of people be denied the right of self defense due to a minority of social deviants with no self control?
    The simple fact is that mankinds deviants will use whatever device is at hand (including there own two little hands) to kill others. How long has murder been around? How long have guns been in existence? Historically speaking what device has killed more humans?
    When was the last time you were mugged in the presence of a cop?

  24. #34 from Jimbo:
    “…making guns illegal and back it up with REAL GOOD enforecment.”
    Test Question:
    1. How often would you like the police to check your pockets, briefcase, automobile and home for guns?
    (circle only one)
    (a) Every hour. We can’t be too safe.
    (b) Once per day is plenty.
    (c) Every week should be enough.
    (d) Once a month should catch them all.
    (e) Any time they want. They can yank on my penis too if they want.
    Your correct answer is (e). Up against the wall!

  25. Jimbo obviously doesn’t understand that police more often investigate murders than prevent them. We would make more progress toward stopping violent crime by having compulsory carry laws than laws to prevent people from having guns.
    Vote No on Jimbo in November!
    Semper Fi

  26. It seems to me there’s a simple, obvious solution. Instead of posting signs that say “No guns allowed”, post a sign that says “No shooting sprees allowed”. If the first sign works to stop criminals, surely the second will work just as well, but it won’t prevent law-abiding people from exercising their right to bear arms. Of course once the criminals see the “No shooting sprees allowed” sign, they will say, “Oh, nuts, I’ll have to try somewhere else” and leave.
    I understand Virginia Tech expelled a student for carrying a gun on campus. So apparently they’re reasoning is that the threat of life imprisonment isn’t enough to deter someone from murder, but the fear of being expelled from school will. Apparently they believe that the one thing that really terrifies mass murderers is the thought that they won’t be able to take college extension classes while in prison.

  27. Jimbo: Let’s be realistic and agree that you’re not really going to manage to impose an instant death penalty without trial for possessing a gun. But suppose that, after a fair trial, you could be sentenced to decades in prison. And let me suggest, while civil libertarians would stop us from jailing people without trial, maybe we could slip through that if a gun is found in your car, the police can confiscate your car without trial, and if a gun is found in your house they can confiscate your house. The police would routinely search people for guns. Of course manufacturing guns would be illegal, and the Border Patrol and the Coast Guard would do everything in their power to keep foreign-made guns out of the country. THEN even the most extreme criminals wouldn’t be able to get their hands on guns, right?
    Now go through the above paragraph and everywhere it says “guns” cross it out and write in “cocaine”. I imagine anti-gun laws like that would be just about as effective as the ani-cocaine laws have been.

  28. HA HA yes. “Why don’t petards throw red paint on leather clad outlaw bikers?”
    More plagarism from this post like the left candidates. “Because these shooters never go nuts at a shooting range.”
    Best bumper sticker ever for this topic: ” Criminals Love Unarmed Victims” I guess that is plagarism too. Am I on the ballot too?
    Being a plagarist is a qualification to be a Democrat candidate according to what I have heard on the radio today. Vote for Greg, full of hope, full of others public domain sayings. Trust that Greg will not send a terminator Greg to call you to vote for him. Since more plagarism ” Vote for me if you want to live”.

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